Love Your Gut

Jan 23, 2022 23:15

I just saw a folding rowing machine that is like the one that I had in California. Hmm. Reasonable price for a rowing machine.

I had an impulse to cancel Italian, but I had no reason to do so. It went okay. My teacher is now out of COVID quarantine and is meeting his friends. He's sending good wishes for my mom.

An article in the Washington Post ( Read more... )

ican, writing, instagram, italian, zara, book, exercise, medium

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Comments 12

dadi January 24 2022, 08:27:58 UTC
I can't wait to read the new article! I am always unsure if to talk about the mental health diagnosis at work... in particular now, that it is adhd, which commonly here in Germany still is seen as something that makes you completely unable to work efficiently!


days_unfolding January 25 2022, 03:53:18 UTC
Here's the link: However, thanks for commenting because it made me realize that I was approaching it from a US-centric point of view. I wanted to at least acknowledge it.


dadi January 25 2022, 04:46:57 UTC
Thank you! This is how I see it too. We have legislation to protect people with physical and mental disabilities too, at work. But it is very difficult to get a disability certification, a simple diagnosis is not sufficient. And, just as you write, if they don't like you, they'll find a way to boot you.


kaishinmystik January 24 2022, 12:42:28 UTC
I love my Soda Stream. I just drink plain bubble water that way but now I wish they had flavor packets for Diet Pepsi! Probably not though. Enjoy the A&W!

I hope your mom does ok with the treatment and the tragic feeling of hair loss. Maybe she can get a temporary wig, a synthetic one. I am sure it is an awful feeling to loose hair.

Have a great Monday!


days_unfolding January 25 2022, 03:54:46 UTC
Thanks! They have flavor packets for Diet Coke, but whatever they put in it makes me sick. I hope that the A&W goes well.


kaishinmystik January 25 2022, 13:12:48 UTC
Oh! Good to know. I hope the A&W is better. Please keep us posted. :)


sleepybadger January 24 2022, 14:35:32 UTC
How does the sodastream compare to the 'real' sodas flavorwise? I thought it was an interesting concept, though to be fair, we don't drink a lot of soda.


days_unfolding January 25 2022, 03:56:54 UTC
Whatever they put into the "official" flavors from Sodastream makes me sick, and I got rid of my original Sodastream. But I drink flavored water, so I decided that I wanted another Sodastream to make it bubbly. I hope that the A&W sticks work well.


kensmind January 24 2022, 15:22:42 UTC
How do you like your sodastream? Would you recommend them to others?


days_unfolding January 25 2022, 03:57:05 UTC
Whatever they put into the "official" flavors from Sodastream makes me sick, and I got rid of my original Sodastream. But I drink flavored water, so I decided that I wanted another Sodastream to make it bubbly. I hope that the A&W sticks work well.


wpadmirer January 25 2022, 01:41:18 UTC
Between Zara and Mimi, you are like a professional cat toy/bed/tree.


days_unfolding January 25 2022, 03:57:18 UTC


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