Musical Interlude

Mar 15, 2021 01:14

We're keeping the same time for Italian, so it'll be at 1 PM for me. That's good because I had a tough time getting moving today.

I had real problems with Italian tripping over words. Also, my headphones weren't working.

I watched a webinar about a new piano method for rock and blues piano. It's kind of what I want to learn (it includes how to ( Read more... )

piano, organizing, guitar, italian, zara, chores, decluttering, habits, money

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Comments 5

papoose March 15 2021, 16:37:03 UTC
How does it work, the online lessons? I'd like to find a classical guitar teacher, but I have no idea how to go about finding one to match my needs. And not being able to do it in person seems daunting.


days_unfolding March 16 2021, 03:13:43 UTC
To me, the jury is still out on online lessons. I would think that there are some things that the teacher would miss. But on the other hand, I was wondering how my voice lesson was going to go online, and my teacher tweaked what I was doing to get a nice, ringing sound.

The lessons in Lessonface are on Zoom, but I think that other teachers use Skype. I found it surprisingly easy to get a conversation going about what my goals were even though we were remote. I don't know how accompanying me will work over Zoom though :)

If you go the online lesson route, I'd invest in a Web cam on a tripod that tilts so that you can focus on your hands, etc.

The teacher on Lessonface who is a classical guitarist is Karla Garcia: And here is her Web site: Another site to try is


papoose March 16 2021, 16:52:22 UTC
Thanks! That teacher looks awesome. I'll have to shop for a webcam.


days_unfolding March 16 2021, 03:27:19 UTC
Oh, one advantage of online lessons is being able to study with a teacher who is better than you probably could in person. My new voice teacher is an opera singer!


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