Bed Detente

Jan 30, 2021 23:43

I didn't set an alarm, so I woke up at the time that I need to get up for work. Bah. And Zara, who usually doesn't sleep in the bedroom because Mimi's in there, was on my shoulder! Good to have her snuggling with me. I went back to sleep.

It just occurred to me that I need a kitchen scale to measure out portions.

It's nice when it's the weekend, ( Read more... )

diet, cooking, erik, italian, mimi, zara, errands, mom, food, weight loss, auntie a, hair

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Comments 8

sleepybadger January 31 2021, 12:02:24 UTC
So sweet that Zara wants to snuggle with you!

Factor's meals aren't keto? I swear they keep getting advertised to me as keto-friendly. Weird.

And yes, I read at some point that the keto strips are kind of a waste because you don't REALLY know how accurate they are.


days_unfolding February 1 2021, 01:53:09 UTC
It depends on your definition of keto. I'm trying to eat only 20 g net carbs, but some of their meals are that much or more net carbs. I found another company that has 10 g net carbs.

Both my cats are sweeties. Except when they're not :)


kensmind January 31 2021, 17:21:06 UTC
I'm surprised that those food plans don't over a more healthy low-carb option. Good luck with the slow cooker. I've been promising myself to adapt to a healthier eating plan this year, but so far that hasn't been going so well.


days_unfolding February 1 2021, 01:54:02 UTC
Yeah, so many people are interested in low carb options that you'd think that there would be more of them.

Changing eating habits is hard.


blue_eye January 31 2021, 17:41:57 UTC
I needed to throw a bit of carbs back into my diet. I loved keto, but it really messed up my stomach and clogged me up, so to speak.


days_unfolding February 1 2021, 01:54:18 UTC
We'll see how it goes....


cerezamarrero February 1 2021, 21:40:13 UTC
A couple of, if you ever want an Italian study buddy, I'm here! I'm still actively studying Italian because I feel our trip to Malta will be a mix of English, Maltese and Italian...and also because I love the language. ;) Secondly, I might have mentioned that my very best friend lives in Chambana so I'm out that way a fair amount. If you are up for a safe meet-up this spring, I'm totally game and if Jenn is available, I'd for sure want to introduce you to her so you can know someone outside of your work. She lives in Ivesdale and spends more time in Monticello than Champaign or Urbana, but she's amazing. She's a Head Start (pre-school) teacher, so you might have some things in common.


days_unfolding February 6 2021, 04:19:41 UTC
Whoops, I missed this! Maybe we could do a Zoom sometime and practice Italian? And yeah, I'd like to meet up in Chambana sometime. Thanks!


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