Bed Detente

Jan 30, 2021 23:43

I didn't set an alarm, so I woke up at the time that I need to get up for work. Bah. And Zara, who usually doesn't sleep in the bedroom because Mimi's in there, was on my shoulder! Good to have her snuggling with me. I went back to sleep.

It just occurred to me that I need a kitchen scale to measure out portions.

It's nice when it's the weekend, and I can linger over breakfast. But Zara wants to be fed RIGHT NOW!

Nap time. Zara decided that she wanted to snuggle with me during my nap, but Mimi was already on the bed. Rude kitty noises were exchanged. Mimi went away (in the bathroom?)

Hmm. I found a salon in the Champaign-Urbana area that's supposed to be great. Maybe I should go there when I get my new hairstyle, although it's more expensive.

I didn't cancel Freshly in time, so I got meals today. But they're a ridiculous amount of carbs, so I won't be getting them again. I might look into Factor. No, Factor has even more carbs. Yikes. Need to look into low-carb food that I can prep on the weekends. I bought a Keto slow cooker cookbook. That will help.

Hmm. My ex-husband and his wife are considering retirement. I'm happy for them.

I'm trying to convince myself to throw myself together and go to the store. It's supposed to snow tomorrow, and I'd rather drive in rain than snow. No, the rain is coming down hard, so I'll wait until tomorrow. Or I could do a pickup on Monday. It'll be dry then. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. Economy of motion. And I still have carb food to finish.

I was looking at ketosis test strips, but how do you know that they're accurate? I see reviews saying, "Oh, they're so accurate." Based on what?

I bought the cheesecake pan on Amazon. I'm supposed to get it on Monday, and like it better than Walmart's set of pans because I need only one pan, thank you. And a kitchen scale that measures in both grams and ounces.

Entered and submitted my grocery list and paid some bills. The rain is still coming down in buckets. It sounds kind of cozy.

Zara wasn't on my lap when I was on the computer, which is unusual. I found her in my, er, their bed. Zara and Mimi have reached an uneasy bed detente.

Talked to Mom. She sounded good. My aunt's hip surgery will be at the beginning of March, so Mom will have to go to Chicago the week before then. Mom is looking into getting the COVID shot, but having to go to Chicago for three weeks or so is making scheduling difficult.

Studied Italian. I need to get up earlier than normal on a weekend for the Italian class tomorrow, but I'll nap afterward.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

diet, cooking, erik, italian, mimi, zara, errands, mom, food, weight loss, auntie a, hair

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