Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Jan 16, 2021 23:18

Woke up after an intense weird dream about my friend Lance being diabetic. He isn't as far as I know. Which reminds me, I want to send him an email because I never sent him a card with everything going on around Christmas.

It's snowing big fat flakes, but it's supposed to stop in a couple of hours.

I've got the hair appointment. Yay.

I was ( Read more... )

book, zara, lance, mom, weather, hair

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Comments 6

meathiel January 17 2021, 15:18:13 UTC
Oh - hope your mum is okay and it's nothing serious.


days_unfolding January 17 2021, 17:05:30 UTC

I'm trying not to worry about it until we know what's going on.


fauxklore January 17 2021, 20:28:44 UTC
I keep coupons for local and on-line businesses in one file folder. (I also have folders for things like take-out menus and for schedules of events and so on, all of which sit in one file box.)


days_unfolding January 18 2021, 03:14:54 UTC

That's a good idea. I have an accordion file for bills. I could designated a pocket for coupons.


sleepybadger January 18 2021, 03:06:36 UTC
Lol Zara is definitely telling you that she doesn't care if you don't like how she utilizes you.

I am yearning for a trip to the hairdresser.

Are you going to share pictures of your action collage(s)?


days_unfolding January 18 2021, 03:16:45 UTC

I get no respect :)

I'll post a picture of the collage when I finish it


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