Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Jan 16, 2021 23:18

Woke up after an intense weird dream about my friend Lance being diabetic. He isn't as far as I know. Which reminds me, I want to send him an email because I never sent him a card with everything going on around Christmas.

It's snowing big fat flakes, but it's supposed to stop in a couple of hours.

I've got the hair appointment. Yay.

I was talking to Zara about how she has no respect for my person. She walks all over me as if if I was a combination jungle gym and speed bump. Now she's in my face. Zara: "So?"

I was ready 15 minutes early and went to scrape snow off my stairs, only to find that it rained and melted the snow. Works for me. So I went to work on the kitchen table but set an alarm.

Organized people: what do you do with stuff like a 15% off coupon from Chewy? I'm not planning to order from them right now, but might in the future. Also, catalogs?

Back from the hairdresser looking much better. I talked to her about getting my hair professionally colored (as a reward for losing weight), and she said that it would be easy to change the tone. Highlights might require a test because of the old color. I really would like two-tone tortoiseshell hair, but that's a long-term goal.

There is a method to my madness. Because I probably won't be able to move to Champaign until next year, I want to really get into shape and look good before I move.

And now I'm home. I'm tired, and my eyes are watering due to eye strain, so I'm staying home today, although my orders are ready for pickup. Tomorrow, the forecasters are saying snow showers, but it shouldn't be so bad for driving. Or I could go on Monday.

Got my used colorblock sweater. I'm looking for stuff that I can throw on and look decent. It'll work. (It's black, gray, and a berry color.)

Hmm. Someone in my Rebels list uses a "magic light" as a dawn simulator, and it helps her get up. Now that I'm getting up earlier that might work. However, I've been getting up without it. Something to think about. I don't think that I need it now while I' m working from home, but when I have to commute, yeah, I'll need it.
I (mostly) cleaned off the table. Go me. I have my planning books out and found the Outer Order Inner Calm book. Gretchen Rubin (the author) discovered the Four Tendencies when people kept on asking her how she got organized. She was like, "I decided to get organized and worked at it." Then she discovered that it isn't as simple for most people.

I'm loving the colored pencils that I bought to use with the workbooks. I also want to make an "action" (my word of the year) collage and put it in the kitchen. I kind of want to run out and get poster board and glue sticks, but I will be at a Walmart when I pick up my stuff.

I ran out for poster board. I found pieces of poster board at Dollar Tree, but Walmart had pieces of mini poster board, which is really what I want. And tons of glue sticks. And a pen cup for the kitchen table. (I was going to keep office supplies on the counter where Zara's dishes are. So much for that.)

Mother Nature is being indecisive. It's snowing! No, it's raining! No, I'm going to drop enough snow for you to have to brush off your car! Whatever.

Mom sounds a lot better. She's gotten some energy back. She's having a biopsy done in a growth in her bladder on Wednesday and said that she'll call me when she feels up to it. She said that there was a lot of good energy going on with me.

Got up and wow. Dizzy. Of course, I started thinking COVID, but I'm probably just tired.

x-posted from Dreamwidth

book, zara, lance, mom, weather, hair

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