Plotting and Scheming

Jan 10, 2021 22:04

Yesterday I was using the exercise bike and was exhausted after five minutes. I was disgusted with myself. Then I noticed the resistance dial, and it was way up at the maximum. I dialed it down a little, and it was much easier.

I've been spending more time on the Better app, which is where I've been finding accountability partners and such. It's a supportive community. I'm planning to join a weight loss group on there when I get serious.

A motivation audiobook that I'm listening to was discussing the importance of finding your "why". I want to keep my mobility as I get older. My mom and my aunt both have some mobility issues, although my mom is doing better than my aunt.

Someone in a Better forum asked me if my rebel nature was rebelling against my language goals. Probably. The best way to get me to study Italian would be to plan a trip, but it's not feasible right now. I'm trying to figure out how to simulate that. Sheesh, flights to Europe are expensive right now. Okay, I think that I found something motivating--the ability to read Airbnb listings in Italian!

Holy cow. A guy went on a shooting spree in the Chicago area and ended up in Evanston, my home town. Yikes.

I was looking at dumbbells to get some weight training in at home and yikes. Expensive. I think that I can get some cheaper at Walmart. I bought a copy of Strength Training Over 40, and I'll see what they recommend. I found a good pair of dumbbells that aren't expensive, but I'd have to drive to Decatur to get them. Sigh. Maybe next weekend, which is a long weekend, if they still have them. Hmm. Kettlebells are cheaper. I gave up and bought resistance bands. They should hold me for a while.

I was pondering what I could eat for lunch while I'm dieting, and black-bean-and-sweet-potato burritos occurred to me. If I freeze them, they're easy to heat up. And they're fairly healthy. They're a lot of work to make though.

I found some printable habit trackers that I will print out. I work better with visual aids rather than apps.

Ugh. I'm feeling tired, but I need to take the garbage out and exercise. Well, sitting here is not going to get things done. Also started a load of laundry.
x-posted from Dreamwidth

food, motivation, exercise, goal setting

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