Food Coma

Nov 29, 2019 00:00

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the US! I woke up at 8:30 AM, decided that was too early to get up on a holiday, and then woke up around 11. Spent some time with Mimi on my lap.

I have an ethical dilemma. I'm out of bread, and Walmart is open, but I don't like that Walmart is making their employees work today. They aren't even getting holiday pay! ( Read more... )

zara, food, tv, weather, thanksgiving, cooking, mimi

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Comments 3

sunshine_two November 29 2019, 23:14:29 UTC
make some soda bread. Easy to make. Have it with some soup.


days_unfolding November 30 2019, 05:07:26 UTC

I got some bread tonight. I looked up soda bread and found an interesting recipe. It calls for buttermilk though.


sunshine_two November 30 2019, 05:13:25 UTC
you can put vinegar in some milk to get buttermilk as an alternative. Google it.


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