
Jan 23, 2012 15:19

Title: Resolutions
Author: tifaching
Prompt: #3 resolution
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters & Pairings: Dean Winchester
Rating & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dean doesn't wait for the new year to make his resolutions.

It’s the same every year; January rolls around and the world starts making resolutions.  Dean thinks that’s the most idiotic tradition in history.  When something needs to be done; decide to do it, is his feeling on the matter.  Then keep on doing it; don’t stop, then wait until next year to decide to do it again.

Dean’s resolutions become mantras.  He wakes every morning to watch out for Sammy; goes to sleep thinking do better tomorrow for Dad.

Then Sam goes to Stanford; Dad disappears.  It’s only October, but Dean makes a new resolution.  Put my family back together.

author: tifaching, fandom: supernatural, midwinter: prompt 3

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