Midwinter Prompt #8: Pyre (Captain America)

Jan 23, 2012 15:41

Title: Pyre
Author: perletwo
Prompt: Midwinter #8, fireplace
Fandom: Captain America: The First Avenger
Characters & Pairings: Steve, Peggy
Rating & Warnings: G, spoiler for the movie
Word Count: 100
Summary: There's not a lot of time to mourn in war.

Steve Rogers sat at the bar’s fireplace and stared into the flames, a glass of whiskey in each hand.

“We’ll be done with this and toastin’ our tootsies at Pierre’s fire in no time,” Bucky had said, giving him the devil-may-care grin Steve so envied as a boy.

Now he sat by the fire alone, a shard of ice in his heart where Bucky used to be. He tossed one of the drinks onto the flames, watched them leap and dance. Heels tapped across the floor behind him.

“Did that help?” Peggy asked, a hand on his shoulder.

“Nothing helps.”

author: perletwo, midwinter: prompt 8, fandom: captain america

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