Aug 21, 2006 03:16

RP at Renji's house to be finished in comments.

Finally, a Renji/Eiji log.

Saturday, August 19th. Disneyworld Tokyo. Fireworks show. )

renji/eiji, log

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nekonyahoi August 21 2006, 15:34:08 UTC
Eiji was comforted somewhat by the fact that Renji had held his hand lightly all the way to his house. Renji didn't really ask Eiji to come over; he just brought him back home with him and led him up to his room. Eiji stood and looked around Renji's tidy room, taking in the details. There was a television area with a Playstation and DVD player in the console beneath it, an exceptionally neat desk, and a small area near the bed that looked like a good place to sit and watch movies. Eiji plopped down and leaned against the wall watching Renji take things out of his closet. They hadn't said anything since leaving Disneyworld. Eiji had to say something. "Thanks for, um, having me over, Renji-kun."


nekonyahoi August 22 2006, 06:49:30 UTC
Eiji believed Renji. Maybe things would be okay between them now. He kept looking at Renji, trying to gauge how the other boy felt about the "unexpected" kiss.

"I hope you did have fun because I'd like to do it again," Eiji said, not knowing whether he meant the entire day or the kiss. He left his leg leaning up against Renji's and turned to the television. It was something he did without thinking. Renji's face calmed him enough to not be overly conscious about his actions as he had been the past couple of hours. Eiji relaxed and sat back.


datapwns August 22 2006, 07:23:53 UTC
"...Me too," Renji replied, long after Eiji relaxed next to him.

Renji didn't move his leg away, liking that it wasn't awkward, but rather comfortable. They stayed like so, watching the movie, with Eiji occasionally making a remark here or there. Renji would only smile in response, thinking that sitting here with Eiji was really nice.


nekonyahoi August 23 2006, 03:12:35 UTC
Eiji was glad Renji kept his leg where it was, like he was trying to comfort Eiji after all that happened. He was doing a good job of keeping things normal, making small comments here and there on the quest of Frodo and the rest of the Fellowship. His thoughts, however, kept straying Renji, or, more precisely, Renji's mouth.

He'd glance over after he spoke to see Renji smiling, eyes either on the screen or glancing over briefly before returning to the movie. Eiji wondered why, after all that happened, all he wanted to do was kiss Renji again.


datapwns August 23 2006, 04:03:01 UTC
Renji wondered what they must look like, if anyone had been watching them, glancing at each other every so often. Although, he thought that Eiji looked like he wanted to say something to him, and wondered why he stayed silent.

"Kikumaru-kun," he said, leg pushing against Eiji's lightly. "Is there something the matter?"


nekonyahoi August 23 2006, 05:46:12 UTC
The movement of Renji's leg surprised him, as did Renji's question. They had been sitting there for a long time, limbs touching, elbows sometimes knocking as they shifted and settled. Their shoulders were just barely touching and Eiji had long since stopped focusing on the movie. He wanted to kiss Renji again. It was all he could think about and he just wanted to do it. Renji, however, might think differently. Eiji didn't think he wanted to be kissed again, but all of his actions since they started watching the movie had been more affectionate. Maybe, just maybe, if Eiji kissed him again, really kissed him, Renji might kiss him back.

"Nya, Renji," he began in a quiet voice, lips turned up slightly. "There was something on my mind, yes." He glanced over quickly at Renji, closing his fingers on his own shirt in his lap.


datapwns August 23 2006, 06:11:11 UTC
Renji watched Eiji curiously as he began to play with the edge of his shirt. He thought that things were alright between them again, but was Eiji still bothered by what had happened at the fireworks show? Though Eiji was always good about thinking positive and keeping a smile on, Renji was worried that he had said the wrong things and had hurt his feelings too much. Even so, Eiji seemed to be fairly relaxed next to him, so really, Renji had no idea what Eiji was thinking.

"Oh." Renji shifted so he was facing more towards Eiji, but not completely. "What is it?"


nekonyahoi August 23 2006, 08:12:31 UTC
Eiji stared at his fingers for a moment, actuely aware of Renji's movement. He could feel the change in the air when Renji turned towards him. His action made it much easier for Eiji to kiss him now, if he decided to go through with it. Goosebumps covered his arms while he thought of this, of Renji's leg on his own, of Renji so close to him, of Renji's breath on his cheek, of Renji's mouth on his neck ( ... )


datapwns August 23 2006, 22:14:48 UTC
Renji wondered what Eiji wanted to say as the other boy leaned forward, but then he stopped wondering because he couldn't, because all of a sudden it was about Eiji's lips, and his hand, and oh -- Eiji's tongue and no, all Renji could do was feel and what he felt was good, so good, and how did Eiji manage to feel this good ( ... )


nekonyahoi August 23 2006, 23:20:26 UTC
Eiji was starting to think that kissing Renji was as bad as his brain was telling him it would be. Renji still hadn't responded, not even when Eiji had slowly licked his tongue across Renji's lower lip. Of course, he hadn't backed away either so that was encouraging ( ... )


datapwns August 24 2006, 00:14:26 UTC
Eiji just kept going and Renji finally realised that what he wrapped his fingers around was Eiji's wrist and he was touching Eiji while Eiji was touching his face and Eiji's lips still moving against his slightly open mouth, and tongue still there - but even so, even so it wasn't enough contact ( ... )


nekonyahoi August 24 2006, 19:25:02 UTC
Eiji couldn't help touching Renji's face. He wanted to let him know, any way he could, without the complication of words and thoughts, that he really wanted this. Even though it might get a little complicated, he didn't think it had to. They could figure that out when they got to it, if they got to it. This could work out, right? Whatever happened, happened.

Eiji didn't want to think about just how much he was starting to like Renji, how much he just was realising this after seeing him again after weeks of being in America. It hadn't even crossed his mind before then, but oddly, he'd missed Renji while he was gone. He hadn't told anyone that. Instead, he ignored it, but it was beginning to be harder to do so since he was here, in Renji's room, trying everything he could to get Renji to just kiss him back. Why was he trying so hard? He hoped he'd find out and that it was worth it ( ... )


datapwns August 24 2006, 21:36:51 UTC
This is what Renji had been wanting, he realised, as Eiji's tongue slid over his, and had been wanting for a while but never wanted to admit it. The kiss Eiji gave him earlier was spontaneous and short-lived and Renji was able to resist that but not this, not a kiss like this that made his heart beat faster and his breath come more quickly. Because Eiji's mouth felt better than anything else he could think of and Renji didn't have that much willpower, mostly because he didn't have the will to want to say no ( ... )


nekonyahoi August 24 2006, 22:41:41 UTC
Oh, Eiji thought. OH! There wasn't much more going through his mind when he felt Renji's grip tighten on his wrist. And then, at almost the same time, Renji's head tilted and he started to kiss Eiji back. Eiji's heart was pounding because this was even better than he imagined it would be. He almost felt his wrist and elbow give way, but then Renji's hand was in his hair and Eiji's elbow did buckle. He held on to Renji's neck until he could catch his balance.

Eiji gave in and let Renji control the kiss now, amazed that he was kissing him back and just how happy that made him.


datapwns August 25 2006, 08:19:10 UTC
There was a small voice in the back of Renji's head asking him what he was doing - do you have any idea? - and Renji was almost tempted to listen and stop and think about what was going on. He pulled away for a second, to catch his breath and he almost thought about it, but then he looked at Eiji's lips and Eiji's face and there was a small smile there and Renji could see how happy he was, and the only thing he wanted to do was to kiss him more.

So he gave Eiji small, light kisses, pulling back each time to see the smile on Eiji's face. What he liked most about Eiji being such a naturally happy person, he thought, was that his smile was addictive, and Renji wanted to see it as much as possible. If kissing him could keep that smile there, then Renji didn't want to disappoint.


nekonyahoi August 25 2006, 23:08:08 UTC
Eiji's eyes were still closed when Renji pulled slightly away. He opened one eye to peek at what Renji was doing and saw Renji just staring at him with this indecipherable look on his face. He was smiling at Eiji who couldn't stop smiling. Especially when Renji started leaning in for the softest kisses, over and over, as though he wanted to see what kind of reaction Eiji would have to those.

"Renji..." Eiji said, beginning to lean over towards Renji to kiss him back. Eiji laughed, meeting Renji in the middle of their space on the floor. He could see Renji's cheeks were red and his eyes were open a little. He looked happy, like Eiji was. Eiji used a hand to still Renji and then leaned his forehead against Renji's, moving in slightly to touch their noses together.

"You kissed me..." Eiji smiled widely.


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