Vid: Perfect Drug (XMFC)

Jul 18, 2011 10:52

Title: Perfect Drug
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Song: Nine Inch Nails
Length: 2:32
Summary: My fear is warm to get inside of you. Erik/Charles, Erik/Shaw
Contains torture and concentration camp imagery

Comments are nuzzled.
Download at Mediafire (41 mb .avi)

Also posted to AO3. I think.
Notes )

fassy, xmfc, erik lehnsherr is ruining my life, vid

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Comments 74

winterevanesce July 18 2011, 15:48:29 UTC
Awesome video! Wow, and loved that ending with "falls apart".
Fantastic job! :)


danegen July 18 2011, 20:23:24 UTC
Thanks, I'm so glad you liked it!


giandujakiss July 18 2011, 15:54:29 UTC
This is fabulous! Really gorgeous visually and I just love the narrative and the way it works with the music.


danegen July 18 2011, 20:25:12 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad it worked for you visually. I've never done some of that *makes flappy gesture* stuff before.


sol_se July 18 2011, 16:14:38 UTC
HOLY SHIT. OH MY GOD, THIS VIDEO. It finished and I didn't even realize I'd been holding my breath the entire time. This is seriously everything I've been wanting to see in an XMFC vid. I'm gonna be watching this about a zillion more times.


sol_se July 18 2011, 16:32:30 UTC
*rewatching for 4th time*

Ok, a few specific things I have to flail at you about. Without detailing every section of your vid back to you, some details that I absolutely LOVED:

- NUMBERS. Opening with the tattoo over the Cerebro coordinates and then the Shaw file numbers.

- FINGERS. Shaw's fingers slowly running across the desk to Charles lifting his to his temple. Also, the use of hands throughout the whole thing is awesome.

- 0:16 child!Erik's face on "good" breaks my heart.

- 1:56 Erik's head tilt with that sound is AMAZING. It gives me chills.

- 2:00 Flashing between Charles putting the gun to his head & Shaw's finger on his head. HOLY CRAP.

- 2:13-2:20 FALLING. Everything falling! The movement in this sequence gives me goosebumps.

- Ending with the coin & bullet in his hand. OH ERIK. *cries*



danegen July 18 2011, 20:30:20 UTC
Eeeee, thank you! I will flail happily in this comment all day.

Shaw's fingers slowly running across the desk to Charles lifting his to his temple

Yay, I'm so happy you noticed that!

1:56 Erik's head tilt with that sound is AMAZING

Heh, that was a total accident. I grabbed that bit and randomly stuck it on the timeline for future use, and when I played it, it was right over that weird noise. I was like, ooooooooh, that's staying right there.

I'm so glad you liked it! And thanks for the rec!


fajrdrako July 18 2011, 19:07:07 UTC
Oooh, excellent! Put a shiver up my back. Beautifully conceived.


danegen July 18 2011, 20:30:46 UTC
Thanks, I'm so glad it made you shiver!


daria234 July 18 2011, 19:41:52 UTC
amazing job


danegen July 18 2011, 20:30:57 UTC
Thank you!


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