Vid: Perfect Drug (XMFC)

Jul 18, 2011 10:52

Title: Perfect Drug
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Song: Nine Inch Nails
Length: 2:32
Summary: My fear is warm to get inside of you. Erik/Charles, Erik/Shaw
Contains torture and concentration camp imagery

Comments are nuzzled.
Download at Mediafire (41 mb .avi)

Also posted to AO3. I think.

*beams at new fandom*
I made this so fast. I'll probably regret that later.

Okay, so this really isn't Erik/Shaw so much as Erik/Revenge*, but that looked really precious when I tried it in the summary.

Also, I vidded Kevin Bacon! Does that count when playing the Six Degrees game?

*Actual revenge, not a mutant named Revenge, which is what that kinda looks like. Is there a mutant named Revenge? Because there totally should be.

Password is "neveranoption"

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Perfect Drug from danegen on Vimeo.

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fassy, xmfc, erik lehnsherr is ruining my life, vid

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