Jul 07, 2022 06:00
- Thu, 06:38: When there are shark attacks reported on the news it's like well maybe you should quit going into the ocean uninvited? Sharks don't come barging into your house and fucking your shit up.
Jun 25, 2022 06:00
- Sat, 08:31: Any woman who is celebrating the overturning of Roe v Wade I hope every one of them has an ectopic pregnancy then we'll see how anti-abortion they truly are. Fucking idiots.
May 26, 2022 06:00
- Wed, 15:04: RT @ AOC: Why even be in Congress if you don’t believe in doing your job? Just quit and let someone who actually gives a damn do it instead…
May 19, 2022 06:00
- Thu, 05:49: I've become a whole $30 richer this week. Well on my way to becoming a millionaire obviously.
- Thu, 05:51: No health, vision or dental insurance since Nov. 2019? No problem! This is America, FUCK YEAH! #FML
- Thu, 06:02: I haven't had a haircut in two years and eight months because of my laziness and the plague and all I can afford
( Read more... )
Apr 25, 2022 06:00
- Mon, 09:04: Today an 8-year-old tried to debate me about the continued existence of Covid, no-doubt parroting the opinions of one or both of his willfully ignorant parents. Can't get the little twit to wash his damn hands after using the bathroom either.
Mar 21, 2022 06:00
- Mon, 08:39: If I had one wish right now it would be for Putin to be compelled to punch himself in his stupid evil face every ninety seconds for the rest of his stupid evil life. If I had two wishes it would be for the same thing to happen to tRump and any of the idiots who voted for him.