Mar 30, 2023 06:00
- Thu, 05:47: 7 tampons per cycle? That's hilarious. I often go through about 7-12 tampons PER DAY for at least three or four days out of my week long periods. Plus pads for inevitable leaks because the "leak-free braid" on the tampon string is a fuckin' lie. https://t.co/WlKMjwmHT7
Jan 26, 2023 06:00
- Thu, 07:17: The guy, arrested for setting the PP in Peoria on fire, his last name is Massengill. I laughed when I heard that. Massengill is also the name of a discontinued douche product. So that douche and the literal douche are both very bad for women's reproductive health. #FuckThatGuy