Bullet points are the new black

Aug 31, 2006 13:27

A very happy birthday to sdwolfpup, one of the first people I met on LJ, and one of my favorite. Shine on, you crazy diamond.*

And belated happy birthday wishes to sweet_ali and pukajen.

In no particular order:

* I'm leaving for Dragon*Con, and then a visit with my parents, tomorrow. I have to get up at 4:30am tomorrow to make my plane flight. D. is the bestest ( Read more... )

lj people are awesome, my stargate is pastede on yay, farscape, fic, work, recs, family

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Comments 17

katie_m August 31 2006, 20:58:00 UTC
the inexplicable moment where you go from "Objectively, this show isn't actually very good" to "MY TEAM!" without quite knowing what happened. Or maybe that was just me.

No, in my experience this is the standard conversion narrative for SG-1. Bonus points for a "well, it's not that I'm fannish about it, it's just on all the time and, you know, it's stupid fun" stage.



danceswithwords August 31 2006, 21:43:40 UTC
Oh yes, I remember that stage well.


zandra_x August 31 2006, 21:59:00 UTC
I am currently obsessed with this yarn.

Hahahahahahaha! When I read that I honest-to-god thought you were linking to some exciting story, maybe told by an old sea salt. English, she is so funny.

You're going to Dragon Con. I know it's not your priority but if you do get to see Nick Brendon, well...well, take a picture or tell him the fangirls say hello or tell him to take his play to San Francisco.


danceswithwords August 31 2006, 23:25:30 UTC
Heh. No, in my case, I am obsessed with actual yarn.

I think Nick Brendon and the Firefly cast are scheduled for the same time, but we're hoping for a schedule change that makes it workable to see both.


sdwolfpup August 31 2006, 21:59:04 UTC
For some reason, I find your Stargate fannishness really adorable. I had to break the cancellation news to my mother, who had been watching for several years. She, too, was very upset.

Thanks for the birthday wishes! And, yeah, the only good thing about not going to DC (besides not having to fly with a cold) is not having to get up at 4:30. Good luck. Heh.

Of course they don't need to share such vital information with the technical writer

Silly technical writer, the software is for engineers!


danceswithwords August 31 2006, 23:40:57 UTC
Aw. Your mom watches Stargate!

If it's one thing I've learned from my years in the field, it's that the only way you truly know what's going on is by monitoring the actual changes they make to the code. They're certainly not going to tell you about it.


thassalia August 31 2006, 22:03:46 UTC
Hee - I've been actively fangirling Jacob this week, and that description totally, totally nailed it for me because OMG yes! Making out with Han Solo, and she's a girl!! And she really is that frickin' cool:) Hee.

Have a great time at DragonCon.


danceswithwords August 31 2006, 23:43:16 UTC
I just love that scene to pieces, not the least because of the absolutely gobsmacked look John has on his face by the end of it. Gilina who?

And thank you! I hope to have a good time, lack of sleep notwithstanding. I hear there are stormtroopers!


brynnmck August 31 2006, 22:18:38 UTC
Have I mentioned my extreme sadness at missing you this weekend? Fortunately, I trust you to hold the fort in the 'shipper wars. (Sekkrit plan to distract Asta in case things get dire: "Hey! Is that Jamie standing over there naked?!")

And thank you so much for the rec. *blush*

BTW, talking in a public place about the Thing you are writing is akin to naming the puppy--you're committed now! (And I mean that in a strictly non-crazy-asylum kind of way.)

Have a safe trip!!!


danceswithwords August 31 2006, 23:45:49 UTC
I am very sad to be missing you too. Which is all the more reason why you should be planning a trip to San Francisco HINT HINT HINT.

Oh, I am writing the thing. It seems that I can't not write it. I have a story to tell. A story that SUCKS.


asta77 September 1 2006, 00:20:05 UTC
I'm thinking the BSG and SG1 finales will not be on the same night, but, if they are, I say we shoot for March. Or is the whether craptacular?

You can write. You may not be the best writer and you may go 'OMG I suck compared to them!', but then you remind yourself there are some really, really bad writers and you are much better than them. Works for me. ;)


danceswithwords September 1 2006, 03:30:35 UTC
Alas, Stargate isn't going to START airing until March. I think SciFi decided that it needed to destroy any shred of ratings momentum the show gained going into the half-season cliffhanger. As for weather in March, if it's rainy it's lousy but if it's clear it can be nice, though cool.

I figure the writing is at least practice.


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