Bullet points are the new black

Aug 31, 2006 13:27

A very happy birthday to sdwolfpup, one of the first people I met on LJ, and one of my favorite. Shine on, you crazy diamond.*

And belated happy birthday wishes to sweet_ali and pukajen.

In no particular order:

* I'm leaving for Dragon*Con, and then a visit with my parents, tomorrow. I have to get up at 4:30am tomorrow to make my plane flight. D. is the bestest friend ever because he is driving me to the airport; the trains don't start running early enough for me to get there myself. To anybody who meets me tomorrow afternoon: I am going to be an absolute mess, though I won't pretend the incoherency isn't pretty much par for the course even when I'm well-rested.

* I am nowhere near packed, and my house is a mess. Ack!

* I'm excited about continuing my vicious ship war with asta77 (going strong since January 2005!) in person, as well as meeting up with other folks.

* D. hadn't heard about the SG-1 cancellation until I told him, and he was crushed. I felt bad for being the bearer of bad news. He also expressed doubt about whether he'd continue to watch SGA after SG-1 went off the air, which I thought was an interesting thing to hear from someone who's not in fandom at all, because my own anecdotal experience in fandom is that both shows get quite a bit of audience piggyback from each other-most people seem to be more invested in one, but watch the other because they're shown in a block and set in the same 'verse. I know I do. I guess that's why they're discussing moving characters over. I wonder if it will work; I have a hard time imagining them wedging more characters into a show that already has a difficult time balancing its ensemble.

* Speaking of SG-1, I think asta77 might be nearing the magical conversion point, the inexplicable moment where you go from "Objectively, this show isn't actually very good" to "MY TEAM!" without quite knowing what happened. Or maybe that was just me.

* I have been writing a thing. And the reason I don't usually write things is that it becomes apparent to me with every additional word that I can't write fiction, although plotting it out in my head during meetings is undoubtedly entertaining. I have high standards, and I do not meet them, and it's very fucking depressing. Bleah. This is not, by the way, a request for reassurance. It is at least an interesting experience. Kind of like poking yourself in the eye repeatedly is interesting. I probably shouldn't even be talking about it. Moving along…

* But many of you can write, and I am always in awe of you. brynnmck just posted Following Seas, a fabulous look at the Colonial Fleet's drift toward settlement on New Caprica over that year through the eyes of Bill Adama.

* I am going to watch so much Farscape when I'm home! And hopefully write about it. And show my dad more Firefly, because although he certainly would not put it that way, he is a big old Whedon fanboy.

* I already shared this with brynnmck, but I am going to repost it here because it captures exactly what is excellent about the scene and fills me with glee. From Jacob's recap of "PK Tech Girl":

John invites him to come a little closer, and then Aeryn (a) slides down a chain from out of the sky, (b) with her gun pointing at the thing, (c) sticks a solid landing, (d) blows the shit out of the froggy's head, (e) stands in the middle of a flaming rain of frog parts looking gorgeous, (f) doesn't even spare a look at John or Gilina as she (g) says with a huge, cocky grin, "Sorry about the mess," and then (h) slaps another chain out of her way and takes off with just a monumental amount of spring in her step, which kills John on several levels, firstly (i) because it was fucking awesome, and secondly (j) because like all boys of his generation, he secretly kinda wants to make out with Han Solo a little bit, which I personally never understood until just this second, but (k) now he can. And he will!

* I am currently obsessed with this yarn. I just thought I'd share that.

* Dear beloved co-workers, it should be understood that when I said I'd check in the help files before I left so that you could look at the new changes, that promise was contingent on you getting your shit together and deciding whether or not Feature X-the feature one of you removed, and the removal of which I only found out about through monitoring checkin notes (heaven forbid you actually communicate this kind of information to the technical writer!**), and that the rest of you aren't so sure should be removed-is really going to stay removed sometime before 5pm on my last day before vacation. Let's get on that, shall we?

* Pink Floyd? What Pink Floyd?

** Ha ha! I'm just kidding. Of course they don't need to share such vital information with the technical writer. It's much better when I just run across it randomly in the UI.

lj people are awesome, my stargate is pastede on yay, farscape, fic, work, recs, family

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