Night 52: M11-M20 Hallway

Oct 13, 2010 20:37

The mines tonight. Indy dressed quickly in his usual clothes and picked up his flashlight, machete and whip. He added his journal and a pen to one jacket pocket, so he could map the area as they went. Thinking of the minotaur from the other night, he was half-tempted to bring a ball of string, but of course he didn't have one. The journal would ( Read more... )

trickster, klavier, kenshin, yue, germany, locke, edgar, xemnas, haseo, indiana jones

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Comments 26

M11 winged_moon October 14 2010, 01:35:26 UTC
[Assuming roommate has already left....]

It was night. Again.

The last thing Yue could remember was standing in the hallway and talking to Touya -- they hadn't even left their room block yet -- and then he'd found himself lifted as his wings reappeared and then unceremoniously dropped into an undignified feathered heap on the floor before he could wake up enough to react. Fortunately it didn't seem that he had an audience, else the guardian would have been even more annoyed by the situation, but at the moment he was suffering from a distinctly painful bruised ego.

Cutting through his annoyance, however, was the realization that others would likely have noticed his absence during the day and worried. After all, if rumor was right then he was currently in danger of being released soon, even if he had no intention of allowing such a thing to happen. For the moment he needed to reassure the others of that fact -- Sakura was, he noticed, still apparently in her room, and Touya should be waiting. Or on his way ( ... )


affictitious October 14 2010, 03:52:09 UTC
That? That. That was exactly why he was not, by nature, a helpful person. (Well, after all those God-sanctioned angel activities. At least Mary hadn't punched him in the face.) So maybe he had been totally rubbing it in the mini-moose's face. He deserved that. It was the luxury of being an angel - you got to remind people of how much they screwed up. And hey, he'd only been talking about the recent things that involved him. If he wanted to go over every little thing the kid had screwed up on, he'd have a whole series of shitty novels (zing.)

Taking a vacation from Disneyland in the sky hadn't cut him off from his innate judging nature. It kind of amplified it, really. Besides, the pagans were all about the judging and the rubbing it in your face. He'd had to amp it up to fit in.

Either way. So much for that profound bond of mutual understanding and family issues. The kid thought just because he was stuck in a mental asylum with nothing to do that he had the edge. Oh, no, no, no. That was not the way it was going down. Again. There ( ... )


itneverwas October 14 2010, 18:12:40 UTC
[Timeskip, see above. Xemnas left before Yue etc.]

It was truly unfortunate that his roommate had been unavailable for questioning, but Xemnas didn't wish to wait until the other would awaken from his slumber. With all the information there was to grasp in his hand, the nature of the other patient was but a small question of the mystery that defined this facility. With its importance questionable, it could wait until a future dinner.

He had already finished his preparations by the institute's daytime facade would break down and reveal its true nature, allowing him the opportunity to leave immediately. Without so much as a second glance towards the sleeping form on the other side of the room, he stepped into the dark hallway, retracing familiar steps leading to his destination for the night.


itneverwas October 14 2010, 18:22:04 UTC
[To here]


itneverwas October 20 2010, 22:28:41 UTC
[From here]

The curious one known as Yue had already left by the time the Superior returned to his room, but for now he would only consider this a convenience. As much as a convenience as the time he had been given; to travel and return to his room in the same night with even more to spare, how remarkable...

After hiding his newly acquired supplies within the closet, obscuring it with the objects already present, he briefly paused. Under the assumption that time would be short, he hadn't made any further plans.

Perhaps further investigation of this facility was in order.


itneverwas October 23 2010, 22:21:55 UTC
[To here]


M16 girlsandgadgets October 15 2010, 05:26:05 UTC
[ Continued.]

"I'll say," Edgar agreed, pondering over Landel's words as he resumed his work on modifying the stringed trimmer. Whatever Landel had in the works, it couldn't be good. At least it didn't sound like he had anyone in his clutches on the other side of the intercom... not yet, anyway. The night was still young, but Edgar had a feeling the mad doctor would be too busy toying with his collection of prisoners to be torturing anyone else during the evening.

"Be careful out there, Gren," he said, knowing the man wouldn't do otherwise.


Re: M16 for_a_song October 15 2010, 06:46:39 UTC
Gren picked up the ring from his desk, sliding it on a finger before double-checking the knots in the sling he'd made out of the sheet and picking up his flashlight.

"Take care," he replied as he walked to the door. He was sure Edgar would manage just fine, especially with a friend along, but a little extra well wishing never hurt anyone.


Re: M16 for_a_song October 15 2010, 06:52:35 UTC
girlsandgadgets October 15 2010, 07:25:53 UTC
With Gren gone, the room fell into a thick silence, disturbed only by the occasional sound of metal clinking against metal as Edgar worked on his contraption. He paused briefly, rotating his shoulder. Putting a hand under the neck of his shirt, he ran his fingers along the stitches in his shoulder- the area was still tender, but there was definitely some improvement over the past two days. He hoped the healer could at least help him be rid of the sling- it was more of an annoyance than an aid at times, especially when working.

Edgar moved his tools around his desk, making more room for the trimmer as he attempted to install the blades. A string wouldn't do much against the thick hides of Landel's creatures; however, the blades would be sure to cause some damage to anything that dared attack him.



spandexorgtfo October 15 2010, 22:31:03 UTC
His roommate had already left, and Kratos took that as his cue to head out as well. Tonight would be another night of introductions and sorting through team mechanics: he'd never heard of this "Ishida" character, but apparently he was strong by Sora's standards. Granted, he didn't know much of Sora's standards, but Kratos was willing to have a little faith in the teenager's judgment.

He tugged on his boots and managed to strap on one of his belts before retrieving his sword from its place in the closet. His hand lingered briefly over his flashlight; would Ishida bring his? Chances were likely that he would. But on the other hand, he didn't want to risk both of them sitting there in the dark...

In the end, practicality won out. His right hand was still mostly incapacitated; if he wanted to be quick, it wouldn't do to have to worry about getting his flashlight out of the way. He would rest his hopes on Ishida.

Thus prepared, Kratos stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind him.


spandexorgtfo October 15 2010, 22:37:33 UTC
[to here]


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