Night 52: Main Hallway, 1-West

Oct 12, 2010 07:49

[To here]

"Made it..." She whispered triumphantly as she walked quietly into the dark and quiet hallway first. It was hard to decide where the best place would be to stand since once others began to flood in, Asuka could easily be overshadowed by the taller adults. "Hmmm..." The best she could guess was to hug the opposite wall by the doorway and hope she would pick out the two members once they entered.

Remember, Asuka, you aren't the veteran here.

This wasn't NERV anymore. She had no one under her to display her impressive and extensive training to. The redhead was a newbie like the ones she was going to be working with, though perhaps a bit more intelligent. This first mission was important for popularity's sake. She needed to play nice for now, gauge their strengths and weaknesses until she knew who she could topple the easiest.

[Waiting on Agatha and Zevran]

kirk, s.t., naruto, anise, the doctor, england, uhura, claire bennet, kurogane, lunge, xemnas, roxas, masaomi, minako, stefan, peter petrelli, soma, mele, yuffie, kanda, kiba, erika, edgar, neku, tifa, sync, the scarecrow, maya, ishida, battler, spock, zack, kratos, l, carter, kenshin, asuka, jo, bella, scott pilgrim, gumshoe, austria, sora, gren, prussia, mihai, guybrush, von karma, shizuo, kairi, venom, gaara, depth charge, nigredo, ilia, rita, lightning, castiel, chise, trickster, riku, yomi, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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