Night 52: West Wing, South Hall 1-A

Oct 12, 2010 07:30

[From here]

"Ah...!" This wasn't the right hallway yet, but he could tell it was close from the fresh smell of patients off in the distance. He continued to jog briskly down the hallway, making sure to control his breathing so he didn't get winded so easily. There would be a lot of running (he hoped, at least) this night and it would be good for him to return to his basics in order to ration his stamina. Unfortunately, honing his stamina did nothing for his irregularly terrible night vision. Out of nowhere, he bumped into the wall beside him, squawking like a bird at the sudden impact.

"Jeez..." At least he only got hit on his forehead, that was the thickest part of him really. Keeping one small hand on the side of the hallway for safety, he continued forward, grumbling softly.

kirk, s.t., kenshin, jo, the doctor, gren, sora, sam winchester, prussia, indiana jones, goku (dragonball), dean winchester, mello, xemnas, roxas, tim drake, masaomi, stefan, peter petrelli, depth charge, soma, kanda, yuffie, kiba, castiel, neku, the scarecrow, matt, trickster, zevran, ishida, battler, locke, zack, spock, mccoy, haseo

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