Night 52: M11-M20 Hallway

Oct 13, 2010 20:37

The mines tonight. Indy dressed quickly in his usual clothes and picked up his flashlight, machete and whip. He added his journal and a pen to one jacket pocket, so he could map the area as they went. Thinking of the minotaur from the other night, he was half-tempted to bring a ball of string, but of course he didn't have one. The journal would ( Read more... )

trickster, klavier, kenshin, yue, germany, locke, edgar, xemnas, haseo, indiana jones

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M16 girlsandgadgets October 15 2010, 05:26:05 UTC
[ Continued.]

"I'll say," Edgar agreed, pondering over Landel's words as he resumed his work on modifying the stringed trimmer. Whatever Landel had in the works, it couldn't be good. At least it didn't sound like he had anyone in his clutches on the other side of the intercom... not yet, anyway. The night was still young, but Edgar had a feeling the mad doctor would be too busy toying with his collection of prisoners to be torturing anyone else during the evening.

"Be careful out there, Gren," he said, knowing the man wouldn't do otherwise.


Re: M16 for_a_song October 15 2010, 06:46:39 UTC
Gren picked up the ring from his desk, sliding it on a finger before double-checking the knots in the sling he'd made out of the sheet and picking up his flashlight.

"Take care," he replied as he walked to the door. He was sure Edgar would manage just fine, especially with a friend along, but a little extra well wishing never hurt anyone.


Re: M16 for_a_song October 15 2010, 06:52:35 UTC
girlsandgadgets October 15 2010, 07:25:53 UTC
With Gren gone, the room fell into a thick silence, disturbed only by the occasional sound of metal clinking against metal as Edgar worked on his contraption. He paused briefly, rotating his shoulder. Putting a hand under the neck of his shirt, he ran his fingers along the stitches in his shoulder- the area was still tender, but there was definitely some improvement over the past two days. He hoped the healer could at least help him be rid of the sling- it was more of an annoyance than an aid at times, especially when working.

Edgar moved his tools around his desk, making more room for the trimmer as he attempted to install the blades. A string wouldn't do much against the thick hides of Landel's creatures; however, the blades would be sure to cause some damage to anything that dared attack him.



notstealing October 17 2010, 07:18:12 UTC
[From here.]Well. That was easy ( ... )


girlsandgadgets October 17 2010, 23:01:25 UTC
Edgar had just finished scribbling a few notes about the announcement as the door opened, the following whistle announcing the identity of the visitor. "Once I have this finished, I'll be decorating my room with the hides of Landel's beasts," he remarked without turning, switching off his flashlight for now. The tone of Landel's surprise broadcast had been enough to catch Edgar's undivided attention; the fact that Landel had someone in the room with him- Jill was one of the rebels, if his memory served him well- and that she was likely being tortured made the king's blood boil ( ... )


notstealing October 18 2010, 01:34:33 UTC
He listened quietly, eyes closed at the sound of the whimpering woman (and he wished he could do something about the things that went on here, wished he was as resourceful and knowledgeable back home), allowing Edgar to finish. "Great," he said, pushing himself off the wall. Pausing momentarily, he watched Edgar's movements as he moved (and he'd never admit it, but even with his injuries there was a fluidity that he could never pin on anyone else other than the King), Locke once again opened the door, taking note of the flickering lights ( ... )


girlsandgadgets October 18 2010, 19:10:36 UTC
"F18. Shouldn't be too far," Edgar said as he put the last of his tools into the closet. He tucked his radio into his pocket, the flashlight and his journal going into the sling. At least it was good for something. "Let's hope Landel's threat is empty and that we make it there in one piece. I'd hate for our healer to have even more work on her plate."

With one more look to make sure everything was hidden, he entered the hallway.

[To here.]


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