Nightshift 50 - M1-M10 Hallway

Jul 10, 2010 01:40

Like Dean was supposed to believe the whole beaming down crap was supposed to be all for their benefit. You wanted to help someone, you didn't kidnap them from their homes - or friggen time machines like the Doctor - and then offer them great food and a pat on the head like that made it a-okay.

Whatever it was, this wasn't from the goodness of the ( Read more... )

goku (dragonball), suzaku, japan, nightcrawler, peter petrelli, hanatarou, dean winchester, sora, haseo, sam winchester

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M7 mitase July 10 2010, 22:09:45 UTC
The intercom announcement had been unusual and puzzling enough to distract Hanatarou in the process of getting ready for the evening, but even though he rummaged quite thoroughly through his desk drawers he found no sign of anything out of the ordinary. Nothing that had a "jewel" on it, that was for certain. Maybe one of the others in his group had it, then? He'd have to ask Senna or Tsukasa the next time he saw them, though he was pretty sure none of them would want to return to the last place they'd been the night before ( ... )


Re: M7 scintillatingly July 12 2010, 05:17:51 UTC
At first, the intercom announcement that came on had just confused Sora, but the moment he'd heard the words "desk drawer" he'd moved away from the closet where he'd been changing and started to search through every inch of his drawer. It didn't even take that much effort, though, as the ring was nestled rather obviously in there, and he grabbed it up and stared at the red stone with a perplexed look ( ... )


Re: M7 scintillatingly July 12 2010, 05:28:18 UTC
[To here.]


Re: M7 human_sponge July 13 2010, 09:34:48 UTC
[From here.]

As expected, he made it to the boy's room with no delay. Peter tucked Sam's gun around to the side of the band on his sweatpants for good measure, since he didn't need it staring Hanatarou in the face when he opened the door.

Other than that, there wasn't much to worry about. Though it was right as Peter was knocking that he realized he should have grabbed a pillowcase when he was back in his room. If they were going to be looting large amounts of medicine and bandages tonight, that would be a help. Still, hopefully Hanatarou would have one to spare.

Having given two sound knocks on the door, Peter took a half-step back and waited, shovel in one hand and flashlight in the other.


Re: M7 mitase July 14 2010, 01:22:20 UTC
Time always seemed to go by slower after Sora left and took the light with him. Hanatarou sat in the chair and tried not to feel like the darkness was closing in as he stared down at the useless light he held-- no matter how much he shook the thing or hit it, he still only got the barest hints of light when he pushed the switch. Maybe while they were looking for supplies they could find more of the battery things that made it work? He certainly hoped so, because sitting in the dark was getting old.

Even though he was expecting a knock on the door it still startled him when it came, and he dropped the light again with a muffled squeak. As it clattered to the floor he was caught between reaching to try to grab it again or answer the door, and after a second pushed halfway to his feet and turned toward the door. "Ah, c-come in!" he called, feeling about with one sandaled foot in search of the light as he did.


Re: M7 human_sponge July 14 2010, 09:21:17 UTC
The sound of something falling was heard even through the door, causing Peter to wince. He hadn't thought his knock had been particularly firm or startling, but maybe Hanatarou was just a jumpy kid. Once he heard the order to come in, he shuffled his items around, cramming his flashlight under his arm for a second so that he could turn the knob and step in.

The room was pitch black, which seemed a little weird. Had Hanatarou lost his flashlight? Luckily, Peter had his, and it was equipped with a fresh set of batteries after Dean's generosity the night before. Sam and his brother were good guys. Sam had lent him his gun, Dean had given him some batteries -- those probably weren't normal ways that people used to judge character, but it seemed to work well enough in this place.

Grabbing back onto his flashlight, he used it to get a better look at Hanatarou and then take a glance around the room. He quickly spotted a whole pile of pill bottles laid out on the bed. "Wow," he said with a raised eyebrow. "You weren't kidding."


Re: M7 mitase July 14 2010, 21:51:57 UTC
Oh, good. Peter didn't ask any awkward questions or express concern, which was a definite relief. Hanatarou just offered a hesitant smile, trying not to squint at even the dim light the man had brought with him, and unobtrusively nudged his own nonfunctional light under the desk with one foot. The less said about that, the better, he thought.

"No, I... well, I didn't know what was useful," he replied, with a small shrug. "So I took a little of whatever I could find. Then, ah, I could see what was useful?" It had sounded like a good idea at the time, at least, and that way he'd been able to make an inventory of what he had. Which, presumably, was all or most of what the pharmacy held.


Re: M7 human_sponge July 15 2010, 00:46:28 UTC
Peter was more or less oblivious as to what the boy was fidgeting about, but he figured that asking would just make things worse. They had a job to do here, and so he was going to focus on that instead. When it came to helping people and possible paramedic work, Peter could get pretty serious, and so he didn't hesitate to draw toward the bed ( ... )


Re: M7 mitase July 15 2010, 20:38:08 UTC
Hanatarou quickly moved over at the gesture, feeling pleased that not only did Peter know what he was looking at, some of it was actually useful. A lot of it wasn't, apparently, but he'd done something right (for once) and picked up some good things. He stared at the indicated bottles, trying to memorize the labels on them (why did humans have to give such strange names to their medicines?) so he could remember which ones to point out to Sakura later. She needed to know this, too.

"Okay," he agreed, bobbing a small nod. Alleviating pain would be a good thing, and medicine to calm upset people would also be helpful. It wasn't quite shinten, but he didn't have that anyway. "So we want more of those and not the rest?"


Re: M7 human_sponge July 15 2010, 23:12:30 UTC
When Peter caught wind of the way Hanatarou was studying the labels on the pill bottles, he realized that it would probably be a lot for someone who didn't even know about modern medicine to remember. "Maybe I should write these down in your journal for you," he suggested, hoping that he wouldn't be offending the boy by offering to help. "The names are kind of tricky, and you might as well have a reference just in case." Peter was planning to always be around to answer any questions, but there was always a chance that something would come up.

"But yeah, the rest is for if you've got a cold or a stomach ache or something like that. I don't think that happens too often here, so we don't really need to worry about it." With how good the food was here, it wasn't as if they needed to be concerned about food poisoning, for instance. And he just didn't hear people coughing and sniffling all that often. If some epidemic did spring up somehow, at least he now knew what medicine was available to them. They could deal with it then.


Re: M7 mitase July 17 2010, 00:43:51 UTC
"Oh! That would be... helpful. Thank you." Hanatarou wouldn't have even thought to be offended by the suggestion, and was thrilled to have someone who actually knew help him out. He bobbed a nod and retrieved his journal from the desk drawer, flipping through the pages until he got to an empty one before offering it to Peter with a shy, hopeful-looking smile.

"I was working with, ah, Sakura-san about the medicines, and I think she'd like the information too. Er. I don't know... if you know her. But I think... the more people who know, the better?" He hoped, at least. He and Sakura didn't know these medicines, and he hadn't asked Kibitoshin or Tsukasa. "And... if those are the only ones we need, it'll be easier to gather."


Re: M7 human_sponge July 17 2010, 00:57:30 UTC
When the journal was offered, Peter went ahead and leaned over to open the drawer and pull out a pen as well. He probably should have thought to carry his own around, but it wasn't like Hanatarou had a shortage of them. That was the one thing the institute seemed to offer them in excess, other than food.

Flipping out to an empty page, he started to copy down the names of the medicines, making one column for pain medicine and one for anxiety, doing his best to rank the names from heavy-duty to mild. He realized he'd also have to explain dosages at some point, but that could probably wait for another time. They only had so much time tonight.

"That name doesn't ring a bell, no," he remarked when a Sakura was brought up. But if someone else wanted this information, then he figured he might as well write out two lists while he was at it, and so he continued to scribble. "If we can stock up on all of this stuff, we should be in good shape. Or better shape, at least. We're still going to need some more bandages."


Re: M7 mitase July 17 2010, 02:49:13 UTC
Hopefully Sakura would be pleased about being saved however much time it would have taken to look up medications in the library upstairs, though... Hanatarou still planned to check that place out, too, as soon as he could. There had to be all kinds of interesting information in there, though spending a night trying to read by flashlight couldn't be fun. Assuming that he had a working light, which he didn't, so he'd probably have to just grab some books and read them in his room during dinner or something ( ... )


Re: M7 human_sponge July 17 2010, 07:47:42 UTC
Once the lists were written out, Peter yanked the paper out of Hanatarou's journal and then tore it in half, so that there was one for him and one for his friend. "Here you go," he said, handing both pieces to the boy and then setting both journal and pen back down on the desk. With that taken care of, it looked like they were pretty much ready to go ( ... )


Re: M7 mitase July 17 2010, 08:43:22 UTC
Hanatarou offered Peter a smile that was the closest thing to 'cheerful' he could manage. In just a few minutes the man had given him more valuable information than he'd found in one time since arriving at this place, and hadn't tried to make himself sound superior because he knew it and Hanatarou didn't. Maybe Peter was getting something out of it, since the shinigami would be showing him where supplies could be found, but still? It was very nice indeed ( ... )


Re: M7 human_sponge July 17 2010, 09:40:58 UTC
Ripped sheets probably worked in a pinch, but so did a ripped piece of shirt or pant leg. It would definitely be better if they could get more of the real deal, but he could understand the kid's point nonetheless. "I guess we'll see what we can find," he remarked, hoping that they would get lucky even though he knew that was hardly ever the case here ( ... )


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