Nightshift 50 - M1-M10 Hallway

Jul 10, 2010 01:40

Like Dean was supposed to believe the whole beaming down crap was supposed to be all for their benefit. You wanted to help someone, you didn't kidnap them from their homes - or friggen time machines like the Doctor - and then offer them great food and a pat on the head like that made it a-okay.

Whatever it was, this wasn't from the goodness of the ( Read more... )

goku (dragonball), suzaku, japan, nightcrawler, peter petrelli, hanatarou, dean winchester, sora, haseo, sam winchester

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Re: M7 mitase July 17 2010, 02:49:13 UTC
Hopefully Sakura would be pleased about being saved however much time it would have taken to look up medications in the library upstairs, though... Hanatarou still planned to check that place out, too, as soon as he could. There had to be all kinds of interesting information in there, though spending a night trying to read by flashlight couldn't be fun. Assuming that he had a working light, which he didn't, so he'd probably have to just grab some books and read them in his room during dinner or something.

"I have some bandages," he replied, thoughtfully tugging at the strap of his healer's bag. A large amount of the bandages that he had were in there, after all, but he had extra for restocking-- should he need to, though he hadn't yet. "But we should probably get as much as we can, to share with everyone else." And Peter hadn't brought a bag or pillowcase with him, that Hanatarou could see, and they were probably going to need that.

The healer hesitated for a moment, then gave an inward sigh and moved over to his roommate's bed. He was pretty sure Sora hadn't taken his pillowcase, but if nothing else, they could always take one of the sheets and fold it into a bundle. That would get them a lot of supplies, wouldn't it? And if they timed it right they'd just appear back in their rooms with it in the morning without having to carry it, but... where would he keep all that? Under the bed, maybe....


Re: M7 human_sponge July 17 2010, 07:47:42 UTC
Once the lists were written out, Peter yanked the paper out of Hanatarou's journal and then tore it in half, so that there was one for him and one for his friend. "Here you go," he said, handing both pieces to the boy and then setting both journal and pen back down on the desk. With that taken care of, it looked like they were pretty much ready to go.

"Yeah, the more bandages we have, the better," he agreed. That was one thing that you could pretty much never have enough of, as far as he was concerned. He also realized it would have been nice if they could have stockpiled some ice from one of those fridges, but there was no way to keep that in a room unless they found a cooler and managed to shove it into a closet without a nurse noticing. Which seemed unlikely, to say the least.

As he watched Hanatarou move over to the other bed, Peter could more or less guess what he was getting at. He followed after him, eyeing the pillow that still had its case. He considered just grabbing for it, but decided it would be better to ask. "Do you think your roommate would mind if I took that? It should be replaced by morning, anyway." That was the pattern he'd noticed, at least. And the more storage space they had, the better.


Re: M7 mitase July 17 2010, 08:43:22 UTC
Hanatarou offered Peter a smile that was the closest thing to 'cheerful' he could manage. In just a few minutes the man had given him more valuable information than he'd found in one time since arriving at this place, and hadn't tried to make himself sound superior because he knew it and Hanatarou didn't. Maybe Peter was getting something out of it, since the shinigami would be showing him where supplies could be found, but still? It was very nice indeed.

He tucked the lists and journal carefully in his drawer, reminding himself to give one copy to Sakura in the morning before he moved on. "I had to, ah, use ripped sheets as bandages for the first little while," he agreed, picking up the pillow and staring at it for a moment as he tried to decide whether or not Sora would be unhappy about him taking it. Probably not? He was pretty sure.

"Ah, I... I'm pretty sure he wouldn't?" Hanatarou hesitated a moment longer before turning and offering the pillow to Peter. "I think, well, if he wanted it he would've... taken it with him. Before. And, and he might not even notice. If it's back later."


Re: M7 human_sponge July 17 2010, 09:40:58 UTC
Ripped sheets probably worked in a pinch, but so did a ripped piece of shirt or pant leg. It would definitely be better if they could get more of the real deal, but he could understand the kid's point nonetheless. "I guess we'll see what we can find," he remarked, hoping that they would get lucky even though he knew that was hardly ever the case here.

It looked like Hanatarou was working off of the same logic as he was. There was a good chance the kid's roommate wouldn't even notice that the pillowcase was gone. Taking the pillow, he stripped it off its case and then draped it over his shoulder, figuring he would do well to keep his hands as free as possible.

Sam's gun was still safely wedged into the elastic of his pants, so Peter grabbed up his shovel and flashlight again before turning back to Hanatarou with raised eyebrows. "You ready to go?" He figured he'd let him lead the way, seeing how he was the one who knew where he was going. Peter didn't plan on being less than a step or so behind him, though. He got the feeling the boy wasn't all that good in a fight.


Re: M7 mitase July 18 2010, 08:34:25 UTC
"Right. Um. Okay." After a brief, uncertain pause Hanatarou gave a small smile and turned to retrieve the pillowcase off his bed as well, folding it neatly without thinking and tucking it into the waistband of his pants. Hopefully what they did find was worth it, though really, any supplies could be potentially useful here. You never knew what someone might want to trade.

At the question he started to nod, then gave a nervous laugh and shook his head. "Er, one thing." He quickly turned and moved to the closet, pulling out his sword from the back corner. It likely wouldn't be all that useful to him even if they did get into a fight, but he didn't feel right going out without it. "Ah, ready," he said, sliding the fake Hisagomaru into place at his waist before heading to the door. It looked like Peter was waiting for him to go first, so he might as well.

[to here]


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