Night 50: West Wing, South Hall 1-B

Jul 09, 2010 19:07

[from here]

Was she really the only one out in the hallway right now? Minako certainly couldn't hear anyone else, and she didn't see any flashlights out there in the darkness. Brr. That was kind of... creepy. When it was dark the hallways seemed a lot more echo-y, and she couldn't help but think about the stories about monsters and things that ( Read more... )

leela, kagura, tsubaki, bella, anise, aigis, izaya, elle, claire littleton, the doctor, tk-622, amaterasu, guybrush, franziska, haruno sakura, elena gilbert, claire bennet, natalia, masaomi, minako, kairi, venom, gaara, mele, rita, damon, erika, sync, maya, cloud, yomi, rolo, ishida, ema skye, zack

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Comments 102

vitale July 10 2010, 02:15:19 UTC
( from here. )

When Bella entered the half way meeting point, there was no one in the hallway. The silence was somewhat unsettling, and the teenager's heart pounded in her chest, but she focused on the sound of her breathing instead of the sound of the silence.

And it worked, for the most part.

Either way, within moments, she was used to the quiet, and she slid down the wall quietly, landing with a dull thud onto the ground on her bottom. Letting out an "oomph" at the impact, she once again used her flashlight to look down at the ring she had found.

... If Edward didn't meet her soon, she was going to his room.


sanguinario July 14 2010, 06:50:32 UTC
[From here.]

"Bella!" He'd almost jogged right past her except he'd caught the combination of her scent and the quickly pounding sound of her heart. He felt his own almost give a sputter at seeing her on the ground, and he shoved the case to the ground with a clatter before sliding down on his knees next to her, his fingers resting on her arms gently.

"Are you all right? Why are you on the floor?" Don't tell him she was hurt - he breathed deeply, sensing no fresh blood. She seemed fine; he was going to murder if she'd gotten hurt just outside her room. He hadn't noticed what her attention was on, nor that she hadn't listened to him... again. Actually, he was being forced to get accustomed to the idea that she never would. After that last fiasco, he certainly wasn't going to make her do so.

Even if the idea was very, very tempting.


vitale July 14 2010, 12:16:56 UTC
At the sound of her name being shouted, Bella jumped slightly, turning her head just in time to see Edward fall to the ground next to here. Heart thudding in her chest, she gave him a dry look. "Well, right now I'm currently trying to get over the heart attack you nearly gave me, but other than that I'm fine ( ... )


sanguinario July 14 2010, 19:39:43 UTC
He hoped the moisture was leaving her skin with the power of the dry look he was giving her. Really. Self-defense lessons.

In gym.

He sighed, letting himself fall to the ground so he could sit across from her. Edward would have pressed his fingers to his temples to further express his exasperation if she hadn't distracted him with the mention of something she found; when he looked, he almost jumped with the sight of a ring, except it was... not the ring he was expecting to see. The sense of defeat slumped his shoulders slightly, but he still touched her hand briefly to examine the piece of jewelry.

Could it -? The doctor's mad ramblings might not have been so mad after all.

"If we break the jewel, apparently we can." Edward found it hard to trust the word of the man who held the strings tying them to this whole fiasco, though. Why would he give them such free access to... not even technology; it was more like magic. It could do nothing, or it could kill one of them. There wasn't any way of knowing. "What was the last room you ( ... )


repeatingfate July 10 2010, 02:17:35 UTC
[from here]

It was too quiet out in the next hallway. Rika could handle quiet, but not too quiet. She supposed she was out early that night. Not like her at all, really, but...she would be okay.

Her thoughts went back to the idea of a fragment dangled in front of everyone like a carrot on a stick. She'd had more than enough of that to last a thousand years. That one precious gleaming world where everything that was supposed to happen did had been dangled in front of her. There had been so many close calls, where it had been snatched out of her grasp...

...and then she had found it, only to...

Rika shook her head, trying to clear away those thoughts. Now wasn't the time to dwell on it.

[to here]


kingdomless July 10 2010, 02:19:57 UTC
( ... )

Only a few more hallways and she would be there. When she entered the next hallway, Kairi clicked her flashlight back on, humming a soft tune to herself as she moved. She hoped her boys wouldn't keep her waiting too long - they needed to do something, anything.

Even she was getting antsy. Perhaps, though, that was because she was used to adventure after adventure over the past year or so. Of course, not all adventures had been pleasant, but they still were some form of activity. What she really wanted was to head into the basement - somewhere she had never been. Sure, she had heard of it, but she was yet to see it with her own eyes.

And oh, how she wanted to!

Let's go, Kairi, she thought to herself, picking up the pace.


bodhiandspirit July 10 2010, 07:20:43 UTC
[from here]

Fortunately, Rita remembered enough of the layout of the institute to get around, even if her map wasn't in usable shape.

--Rats. She had planned to get a new one today, but in the end she hadn't found someone to share theirs with her. Maybe tomorrow she would try the bulletin...

...No, Rita didn't want to have a tomorrow in this place. If she played her cards right, this could be her last night here. Maybe if she found someone capable (preferably a strong swimmer) to come with her, she could get through the lake and find some path to freedom outside. It wouldn't be as difficult as last night, when there was cold rain pouring on them as they swam. Perhaps it wouldn't be as dark, either.

Rita knew she couldn't count on all of those hopes coming true, but it still seemed like it was worth a try.


bodhiandspirit July 10 2010, 09:19:28 UTC
[to here]


gald_digger July 10 2010, 19:46:29 UTC
[from here, waiting for TK]

Anise paused once she was outside of her block, stopping to look around the hallway.

She'd have a clear and easy shot at the outdoors if she wanted to go from here, but she knew it would be a bad idea. Not only was it dangerous to go that far alone, but she was still a little bit uncomfortable with revisiting the ruins, after what she saw there. With Luke and her friends there, she thought it might be okay to go back, but by herself, or with a stranger? No way.

So what was there to do inside the institute? Running around aimlessly until a monster caught up with her wasn't exactly Anise's idea of a good time. Maybe it wasn't too late to go find one of her friends... Or she could find a group to tag along with.

As she deliberated, the girl swung her flashlight around so that it pointed south. Most people would be meeting around there, wouldn't they? Maybe she should go have a look...


loyal_soldier July 10 2010, 21:21:07 UTC
[From here]

622 entered into the hallway, surveying the area under the light of his glowrod. Patrolling was all well and good, but if he didn't find anyone to help here, he was wasting time he could be spending out somewhere else, somewhere more heavily patrolled by hostiles that new prisoners wouldn't know about. Still, a lot of newcomers tended to take a bit of time before they headed out, so it was still worth doing a check of the main cell block hallways all the same.

He really almost didn't notice the girl in the hallway. Turned away from him, the light she had was more obscured, and frankly, he just... hadn't been looking that far down. Still, her movements looked indecisive, and despite all the time he'd spent here, dealing with all the exceedingly strange people trapped by the Institute, someone who looked like that didn't exactly scream "combat-ready" to him ( ... )


gald_digger July 10 2010, 21:40:17 UTC
At the sound of a voice addressing her, Anise blinked a few times, then whirled around to see a larger man looking down at her. Was that concern on his face? Okay, it was a little too dark to see, but she was going to assume that it was.

Ooh, she still had it! All she needed to do was stand there and men came flocking to her aid. It was because of her cuteness, wasn't it ( ... )


loyal_soldier July 10 2010, 23:39:01 UTC
622 tilted his head just slightly to one side, doing his very best to not even let a confused expression take hold on his face. That... sounded amazingly naive. "It might be boring, but boring is preferable to potential loss of life." Although he couldn't always truthfully say that, there had been days before, back with the Empire, when he had been so achingly bored, he'd caught himself wishing for a firefight. But even then, that didn't make it any less of a stupid thing for him to have wished for.

While he didn't return the girl's smile, his expression softened just a little. "I'm currently patrolling to try and help those who might be unable to defend themselves." There had been a group devoted to that at some point, but he hadn't really heard anything about it in days. That was no excuse not to keep working to protect others, as far as he was concerned.


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