Night 50: West Wing, South Hall 1-B

Jul 09, 2010 19:07

[from here]

Was she really the only one out in the hallway right now? Minako certainly couldn't hear anyone else, and she didn't see any flashlights out there in the darkness. Brr. That was kind of... creepy. When it was dark the hallways seemed a lot more echo-y, and she couldn't help but think about the stories about monsters and things that ( Read more... )

leela, kagura, tsubaki, bella, anise, aigis, izaya, elle, claire littleton, the doctor, tk-622, amaterasu, guybrush, franziska, haruno sakura, elena gilbert, claire bennet, natalia, masaomi, minako, kairi, venom, gaara, mele, rita, damon, erika, sync, maya, cloud, yomi, rolo, ishida, ema skye, zack

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vitale July 14 2010, 12:16:56 UTC
At the sound of her name being shouted, Bella jumped slightly, turning her head just in time to see Edward fall to the ground next to here. Heart thudding in her chest, she gave him a dry look. "Well, right now I'm currently trying to get over the heart attack you nearly gave me, but other than that I'm fine."

"And," she began again, reaching out to press her hands against his shoulders in an attempt to calm the vampire down, "I was sitting because I was waiting. Don't jump to conclusions, I'm completely fine. You forget they taught self defense in Gym, even if something was lurking nearby. I've got it covered."

Well, that was a lie. Almost. Stupidly, she had left the shard of glass she had acquired last night in her room, but chances were they were going back there anyway, so she supposed she could get it when they went back. She'd just ... have to wrap a shirt or something around one part so she wouldn't cut her hand again.

"Oh, look!" Bella nearly forgot about finding the ring. She held her hand up for him to see, wiggling her fingers slightly. "I found it in my desk. Think we can use it?"


sanguinario July 14 2010, 19:39:43 UTC
He hoped the moisture was leaving her skin with the power of the dry look he was giving her. Really. Self-defense lessons.

In gym.

He sighed, letting himself fall to the ground so he could sit across from her. Edward would have pressed his fingers to his temples to further express his exasperation if she hadn't distracted him with the mention of something she found; when he looked, he almost jumped with the sight of a ring, except it was... not the ring he was expecting to see. The sense of defeat slumped his shoulders slightly, but he still touched her hand briefly to examine the piece of jewelry.

Could it -? The doctor's mad ramblings might not have been so mad after all.

"If we break the jewel, apparently we can." Edward found it hard to trust the word of the man who held the strings tying them to this whole fiasco, though. Why would he give them such free access to... not even technology; it was more like magic. It could do nothing, or it could kill one of them. There wasn't any way of knowing. "What was the last room you were in last night?"


vitale July 14 2010, 23:06:12 UTC
Unfortunately for Edward, his unamused look did nothing.

Where was she last night last? "Umm," Bella began, chewing on her bottom lip for a moment before speaking. The thought of last night made her shoulder hurt, and she reached an arm around to gently press her (bandaged.) palm against the bandaged stab wound on her back. "Nowhere special. It looked like a kitchen or something ... well, almost like a small cafeteria. What about you?"

Nowhere interesting. Oh well.

Honestly, she wanted to use the ring. "I say we give the ring a try, either way," Bella admitted, shrugging her shoulders after her hand slipped away from her back, "What's the worst that could happen? Maybe we can even find me something to fight with that's ... not a shard of glass that does more damage to me than to others."


sanguinario July 15 2010, 05:24:06 UTC
"That may actually prove to be helpful," he said, toying with the idea. If he was lucky, he'd be able to find some sort of cooler and enough ice to fill it. If he was going to keep any of the steady supply of blood Venom was giving him, he was going to require a way to keep it somewhat appealing. Left alone too long, it would be congealed and... inedible. Even for him. "I was in a forest. Ah... literally a forest. I have no earthly clue where exactly it was located, or if it was even near the institute."

He rolled back onto his feet, grabbing the nearly-forgotten bag and standing back up, offering her a hand up as well. "And a lot of bad things could happen. I could name at least sixty seven off the top of my head. How about you let me break it and we'll see what happens?"

Edward was prepared for a quick and vehement "no". But he could still be hopeful.


vitale July 15 2010, 13:36:39 UTC
"A forest?" Bella parroted, frowning. "Maybe ... it was near those ruins Claire and I were wandering around in."

It was possible, after all. Two places neither of them had been to had a chance of being close to each other. Perhaps you had to travel through the forest to get to the ruined town? There was really no way of knowing, sadly, unless she sneakily asked on the bulletin boards when morning came.

When Edward offered her a hand, Bella reached out and took it, pulling herself to her feet.

... Before he could even finish his sentence, the vampire received his answer. "No," she hissed, narrowing her eyes at him. "If you can name sixty seven ways, then I can name sixty eight."

Bella continued to glare at Edward as she moved back down the hallway towards her room, dragging him after her. "Let's just go to my room first. I need to get something."

( all we gotta do is just be friends, just be friends. )


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