Night 50: F-A Block Hallway

Jul 09, 2010 13:55

[from here]Like a ghost story, Natalia told herself as one hallway opened into another. Reminding herself that these were the same halls she had been escorted through during the day had not served to ease the hairs on the neck, nor her quickening heartbeat. An adventure, a quest through haunted rooms to find the one responsible. That she was not, ( Read more... )

minako, tsubaki, bella, kairi, anise, aigis, mele, elle, rita, claire littleton, elaine, maya, utena, amaterasu, cloud, yomi, elena gilbert, claire bennet, edward cullen, morgan, ema skye, zack, lana skye, natalia

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Comments 77

fourstonewalls July 13 2010, 02:25:38 UTC
[from here]

The door to her room opened onto the hallway, as any reasonable person would expect. Lana loosened her grip on the flashlight; she'd been clenching her hand around it in preparation for nausea and disorientation that hadn't materialized.

Come to think of it, the business with the doors had started upstairs, although not all of the locations had been. Had only certain doors been affected? It was worth comparing notes, assuming the staff would let her converse with someone knowledgeable for a change. Perhaps Ema's roommate could provide more, now that they'd all had a chance to calm down.

Lana skirted a confrontation brewing in the hallway; two blonde women with a superficial resemblance were facing off. Sisters? Whatever the issue, it was no place for an outsider, even if she hadn't had her own agenda.

[to here]


chainsaw_royal July 13 2010, 21:12:16 UTC
[From here]

The hallways were quiet - on the way, she passed Teresa, who seemed to be already engaged in business with another. Well, she could look for a third elsewhere.

Eyes keen and on the lookout, Hime continued towards the main hall.


chainsaw_royal July 13 2010, 21:17:22 UTC
[To here]


savagesolitude July 14 2010, 03:19:19 UTC
[From here.]

There were more women here. Same smiley face shirts as she wore, every one of them a stranger. Claire boggled at the crowd, blinking when she noticed her roommate accosting a younger girl some ways away. She scowled. The doors were open, and all they could think to do was stand around talking?

She was having none of that. They were going to get caught. Tossed back in their cells not even five minutes after they escaped. (If they even were prisoners in the first place. Just because they all wore the same uniform didn't mean they were on the same side.)

Claire didn't bother with pussyfooting around when everyone else was gabbing away without a care. She sped to the first door she could see that didn't belong to a cell and nearly tripped when her socks slid on the smooth tile floor.

Right. She had forgotten about that. Well, no time to remove them now. And she would need at least some protection for her feet once she hit the outdoors.


savagesolitude July 14 2010, 11:50:55 UTC
[To here.]


notthistrain July 14 2010, 06:40:40 UTC
[from here]

Still pondering the situation at hand, Cloud said nothing until they reached the woman's block. At this point he stopped and looked back over at Zack. There hadn't been any notice on the board telling them that Aerith was gone. That could mean her things hadn't gone missing, or that her roommate simply hadn't bothered to mention it. "I'm sorry. I know Cissnei helped you back then. Helped both of us. I should have gotten to know her better."

The blond nodded down the hall in front of them. "I don't know the name of Aerith's roommate, either. I'm guessin' the same goes for you. So which row do you wanna start on? This one, or work our way back from the end?"


zack_fair July 14 2010, 10:05:02 UTC
It hadn't been Zack's intention to make Cloud feel bad about the whole Cissnei thing, and so he quickly shook his head when the younger man brought it up. "It's fine. I don't think she's the sort of person who felt like you owed her anything." While it would have made him happy to know that Cloud and Cissnei had gone on to become friends, it also would have been a little creepy. Cloud had already managed to meet up with and befriend both Aerith and Yuffie after his death, so adding another person to that would be a bit much ( ... )


scientist_skye July 15 2010, 16:44:03 UTC
[From here]

The sisters Skye entered the hallway without incident. Ema noticed bits of what looked like tile or plaster on the floor; moving her flashlight upward, it became apparent that it they were part of the ceiling. Out of habit, Ema wondered what could have caused the damage. Maybe someone had shot the ceiling? Were there birds in the institute? If so, it was possible that one of the patients had shot at them for sport or maybe out of self-defense...

No. They had to focus on finding Agatha. The damage to the hallway had nothing to do with where she was.

Turning to her sister, Ema asked, "What are we going to do when we find Agatha? Have you heard of a way to break the brainwashing?"


fourstonewalls July 16 2010, 03:27:46 UTC
The arguing young women had left; whether the debris scattered at one end was a result or entirely unrelated was an open question, but she repeated her sister's motions: she looked, and then turned away from it without asking any of them. The ones Ema did ask were far more to the point, and while Lana had no answer to the second beyond a flat No, that didn't preclude an answer to the first.

"We'll cordon off the area while we investigate. If no-one can approach her, no-one needs to get hurt. Including Miss Agatha. I would suggest you take care of alerting the unbrainwashed while I determine her capabilities." The last thing they needed was a hostage situation if Ema tried to talk her roommate out of it.

[to here]


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