Night 50: F-A Block Hallway

Jul 09, 2010 13:55

[from here]Like a ghost story, Natalia told herself as one hallway opened into another. Reminding herself that these were the same halls she had been escorted through during the day had not served to ease the hairs on the neck, nor her quickening heartbeat. An adventure, a quest through haunted rooms to find the one responsible. That she was not, ( Read more... )

minako, tsubaki, bella, kairi, anise, aigis, mele, elle, rita, claire littleton, elaine, maya, utena, amaterasu, cloud, yomi, elena gilbert, claire bennet, edward cullen, morgan, ema skye, zack, lana skye, natalia

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Comments 77

gald_digger July 10 2010, 19:32:48 UTC
[from here]

Looked like it was still early. A few other girls were passing by, but the halls weren't exactly bustling with activity. If Anise had a particular goal in mind tonight, this would be a great sign, but she had forgotten to make plans today. So instead, she walked at a cautious pace, looking to see who else was around. Maybe she'd find a friend to tag along with!


gald_digger July 10 2010, 19:48:09 UTC
[to here]


number1smiley July 11 2010, 21:42:55 UTC
[from here]

Reaching the end hallway, Teresa took up a spot by the wall near the bathroom door. She had full sight of all four F-Block hallways and it made her visible to anyone leaving those halls. She knew the youma and had seen Taura before, despite not having conversed with her before. This Asuka, though. She the tall warrior did not know.

Arms crossed with the hilt of her claymore easily visible above her shoulder, Teresa waited.


ninelivesonce July 13 2010, 04:03:48 UTC
[from here]

It was hard to be subtle when carrying a meter-wide throwing star. About as difficult as being subtle while eight feet tall and fanged; Taura only tried when it mattered. Tonight she was meeting people -- obvious was good. At least until (or if, she couldn't help adding) they'd moved onto the mission part of the mission.

"Howdy. We the first ones here?" Rhetorical question, unless something significantly strange was going on, but it was the thought that counted, right?


number1smiley July 13 2010, 04:13:30 UTC
Silver eyes flickered to the weapon Taura held as the woman approached. It was odd to meet another female that was taller than her, but that was of little interest. The weapon, as unusual as it was, held the hybrid's interest more.

"So it seems," she replied, the slightest of smiles touching her lips. "Teresa," she introduced herself.


ninelivesonce July 13 2010, 22:20:50 UTC
"Taura," she replied.  She held up both hands and briefly attempted to find a way to extend her right hand.  Which was covered in claws.  Oops.  She grinned and shrugged instead.  Then she followed Theresa's glance to her new "toy" -- it was certainly strinking.  Hopefully in more ways than one. She tipped it back and forth, metal gleaming even in the gloom.

"Have you ever used one of these?". Taura hadn't -- to be fair, both of her weapons weren't one she'd trained with before, but she figured twenty years of having built-in claws counted for something.  The throwing star-disk-arrow thing on the other hand looked like it belonged in a museum.  Along with the sword hilt she could see peeking over Theresa's shoulder.  Maybe she would know more about it.


divinebrushwork July 11 2010, 22:24:57 UTC
[ From here ]

Other humans, all of them female, were also out of bed. Amaterasu stared at them as she passed by, wondering what each of their motives were. What did people do here at night, exactly? That much had not been explained to her. Not to mention, the words spoken from the disembodied voice had only confused her further.

Her eyes followed the lines on the map and she quickly spotted the doorway that would lead her out into the south end of the West Wing. She still had a ways to go before reaching M60, but there was no time to waste.


divinebrushwork July 11 2010, 22:48:44 UTC
[ To here ]


lookslikeher July 12 2010, 07:45:47 UTC
[from here]

After flicking the flashlight along the hallway a few times, Elena chose the one straight in front of her, figuring the fewer turns she made the easier it would be to find her way back to her room. Even if it wasn't actually her room in any sense of the word. Her confidence wavered a little as she stared down the door handle, ready to pull another Kim Possible move as soon as the door was opened. That strategy worked well the first time, right?

Nevermind that she didn't bother to notice the sign on the door, you know, the one that would have let her know it was a bathroom? And in the time it took her to bring up the courage to open the door, someone must have just finished up in there, because as soon as her hand finally hit the handle, all she heard was a loud FLUSHHH that ultimately sent her reeling back with an alarmingly loud yell.


Another small whimper of panic escaped her before she broke into a run towards the other door, bursting through it without any sort of caution.


lookslikeher July 12 2010, 08:00:21 UTC
[to here]


autophoenix July 12 2010, 09:27:23 UTC
[ from here ]It was bigger than she remembered. Claire clicked her flashlight on as she reached the edge of the hall and moved into the bigger hall that seemed to connect to the entire female wing of the Institute. Thankfully, she didn't really need to go off of memory too much, because as soon as she clicked on her flashlight, she could see to her left was the door that lead out. Still, she wanted to get an idea of her orientation, so she lifted her flashlight and put the end of it in her mouth, hollowing her cheeks to hold it there. Then, using her free hand to pull out and unfold the map, she scrutinized it ( ... )


highvoltagegirl July 13 2010, 01:46:50 UTC
[from here.]

She she went farther along the hall, looking at the people who had flashlights and trying to figure out which one looked the most susceptible to her manipulation. It was like picking a weak gazelle out of a herd. But there was no luck so far. As she reached the point where her narrow hallway poured out into a much broader one, she felt a small jolt run along her spine.

But... her powers were gone, weren't they? Maybe she was just imagining things. People missing limbs talked about phantom pains and stuff, right? Maybe this was just phantom electrokinesis.

As she finished this conversation with herself, she noticed a girl in the hallway holding a flashlight in her mouth as she overlooked a map.

Victory. She smiled to herself. Here was her gazelle ( ... )


autophoenix July 13 2010, 02:13:23 UTC
When she concluded she'd done enough studying for one night, she folded the map back up and tucked it back in the waistband of her pants, pulling her flashlight back out of her mouth and wiping it on the lower back of her shirt. Like anyone would really judge her for having spit on her shirt in a mental institute, anyway. If anything, it would just help her blend in more.

And then, there was a tap on her shoulder. Claire had to resist the urge to roll her eyes, because really? Did she look like the kind of person to go to for help? Well. Given that she'd just had the map out … maybe that was a stupid thing to wonder. Putting on a happy face, she turned to see who was trying to get her attention and quickly regretted the decision to even pretend to act amiable.


Did she even realize just how much Claire would like to hurt her right now? Apparently not, if she thought the smart thing to do was approach her. The only thing stopping her from reaching over and grabbing her by the hair was the fact that her hands were ( ... )


highvoltagegirl July 13 2010, 06:44:50 UTC
Elle's eyes flickered towards the shard of broken glass. Glass? Really? Who did that? Pom-Pom would never stop being a moron, would she ( ... )


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