Day 48: Women's Showers (4th Shift)

Mar 15, 2010 22:12

With her torso wrapped once again to hide the disfigurement left behind from her hybridization, Teresa found she was the first in the showers. It figured that the handlers would take care of her and her... unsightly mark before anyone else had a chance to catch a glimpse. It wasn't as if Teresa cared, unless it was someone she knew personally, ( Read more... )

raine, reinforce, mihai, yomi, sheena, bella, teresa, beatrice

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Comments 31

mizuhomaiden March 16 2010, 04:32:30 UTC
Choosing a location off to the side, hoping to avoid detection while in a vulnerable situation, Sheena tilted her head back and let the spray wet her hair. Now that the matter with Soubi was settled, or at least she felt better about his weirdness, the ninja's nervousness returned.

Biting her bottom lip, Sheena thoroughly soaped herself up, determined to get every little bit of grime and blood off her. Despite how injured she was the previous day, her back only bore a pair of shallow vertical slashes, a thick scar on her upper left shoulder, and the back of her left hand was a spiderweb of abrasions.

Ignoring everyone around her, Sheena started running the upcoming night through her mind, making sure she thought of everything. Which she did. Unfortunately, 'everything' included someone very unpredictable, liable to throw off all of her earnest planning in but a moment's notice.

Gods, this is such a stupid idea. The risks are too great. What if it doesn't work? Or worse... what if she says no?The ninja sighed and started ( ... )


DRIVE BY MOLESTING, SHE'S STILL FREE mind_the_sukima March 17 2010, 07:24:30 UTC
Ah, shower time. Time to clear away the dirt of the day, or what was left after whoever put them back in bed at night cleaned them up. Time also, to let a certain ninja know she couldn't escape her forever.

Spotting the girl over to one side, Yukari chuckled and made her way over once she had stripped. Luckily, Sheena was busy lathering up her hair, so she could approach undetected. Oh, the things she could do...

Of course, Yukari was not without mercy. She knew why Sheena had been avoiding her and that the girl would be keyed up and nervous enough as is. However, that didn't mean she was about to let her get away unmolested after ignoring her all day.

Coming up behind the girl, Yukari reached out and let a finger fall on Sheena's shoulder, drawing it across her back and neck to the other shoulder as she passed by. She let her hand fall back to her side then as she sauntered away, not even giving a glance back.

[Sauntering over to here]


Sheena is free again. mizuhomaiden March 17 2010, 16:39:48 UTC
Stupid idea. Stupid ranch. Stupid youk-- "AI!"

Sheena yelped at the unexpected contact, jumping a little, and her head whipped around to find that damn youkai walking away. The ninja's cheeks flared and she contemplated saying something to Yukari.

Fortunately, suds from her hair slipped down her face, successfully distracting her from the youkai. Stepping under the water, Sheena purposefully turned her back toward the youkai so she couldn't see the bright red color of her face. Oh, but she was alert now. She would not let herself get so distracted as to invite another such encounter.


goldenroulette March 16 2010, 05:44:11 UTC
"No. This is absolutely undignified. I will not go into a room with others and ( ... )


mind_the_sukima March 17 2010, 07:24:31 UTC
[Sauntering over from here]

Ah, that had been amusing. Hopefully tonight would be full of even more fun. But that would have to wait; now was the time to make sure she was all freshened up for it.

Turning on the shower and stepping under the water, Yukari glanced over to notice another wavy-haired blonde besides her. This one didn't seem to be in nearly as good a mood though. Distracted, if anything.

"Something on your mind?" she asked curiously.


goldenroulette March 17 2010, 16:41:24 UTC
"Eh?" Beatrice turned, surprised at the sudden question. She took a moment to compose her features into something a little more dignified, then nodded.

"Indeed. There is something on my mind. Suppose you were playing a game with someone, and something happened to interrupt it? I'm not speaking of a minor interruption..."

She paused, thinking of how to phrase it. "Say, a game of chess. Only someone else comes along, interrupting the game you and your friend were playing quite skillfully, and decides all of the pieces are now mahjong tiles. What would you do in such a situation, Miss...?"


mind_the_sukima March 17 2010, 23:02:41 UTC
A smile came to Yukari's face - what an interesting question. Of course, that was the dilemma almost all of them faced here in the institute. The youkai was one of the lucky ones who had nothing in particular on her plate when she was spirited away - oh, the irony - to this strange new game.

However, it seemed this woman was speaking of something else - Landel had pulled them away from their chess board and placed them in a mouse maze instead.

"Yukari," she supplied with a nod. "As for the game... well, I've always preferred mahjong to chess, but I'm sure that's not your point." She chuckled a little - playing either game with Yuyuko was always an interesting experience, but at least with mahjong a certain baseline was reestablished every hand; their chess games, on the other hand, tended to morph into something completely incomprehensible before it was done. "Well, I think it would be great fun to play with the new mess the rude interrupter had made - and beat them at it, of course. It's the least they can expect, invading so


kagurazuki March 16 2010, 15:48:56 UTC
It hardly bothered Kagura to go to public showers, in fact, she was glad for the opportunity to take one, even if she didn't get to enjoy a hot bath afterward. Usually it was a daily occurance, but here they didn't get that luxury. She didn't think she'd take for granted a lot of the simple things she'd enjoyed before if she ever got home again.

More importantly, lunch with Ritsu left her feeling upset, betrayed, and helpless. She'd trusted Alita and the woman had dragged her cousin into the bathroom and... and interrogated him last night! If Alita was truly worried as she said, why hadn't she asked Kagura about it? Why had she pretended everything was okay?!

It didn't take long for the young Japanese girl to wash out her hair and soap up. If she was going to find Alita and get to the bottom of this, she'd better do it fast. It wouldn't be much longer until night fell again.

[[to here]]


whichwayagain March 16 2010, 21:56:46 UTC
Mihai was getting better at blocking out his nurse's rambling, though he didn't know if he should actually be thankful for the apparent talent. Few things angered women more than thinking the man they lectured wasn't paying attention. Mihai knew his would be a terrible fate indeed, should his nurse assume such a thing. He could barely endure her assaults as they were, and he didn't want to imagine then getting worse ( ... )


per_ardua March 17 2010, 01:23:37 UTC
This time, Raine just sighed as she stepped under a spray; she still didn't like the feel of water running over her, but she could tolerate it because it was warm. Eventually, she should learn to like it again, but that would likely take a while. At least they didn't shower often.

She was depressed about Valyn being gone, but she wasn't headed for another breakdown either. She was used to making friends on expeditions and then abruptly saying goodbye; it wasn't the same, but the experience helped... unless that was just the numbness. At least she had the means to keep herself busy; that probably helped the most.

[For Reinforce!]


1imited_edition March 17 2010, 04:34:04 UTC
Reinforce headed for Raine as soon as the nurses brought her to the showers. For once she actually needed to clean up, but for the time being she was more concerned with catching up with her friend. Her relationship with the woman had always been a bit awkward, with her having settled into the place of her previous iteration on recognizance of Raine's obvious attachment to her, but absence, so the saying went, made the heart grow fonder, and she'd worried more than a little over the half-elf during the more lucid periods of her confinement.

"I'm sorry I didn't find you during the meal," she said. They'd been in the middle of catching up when they'd been moved over the cafeteria, after all...


per_ardua March 17 2010, 06:14:25 UTC
Raine looked up and smiled; it was always good to see Rein. Especially after worrying for so long that she'd been taken again. "It's all right. I was talking to another healer." And now she was wondering about him, but at least they'd met.

"How are you feeling?" She figured she could probably get her friend to join her in the clinic tonight, but it was best to ask. Besides, if Reinforce needed to rest, then Raine didn't want to pressure her to do something she wasn't up for.


1imited_edition March 17 2010, 07:36:45 UTC
"I've felt well enough since late yesterday," Rein reported. "They kept me for observation, I think."

The wait had seemed much longer, when she hadn't been sure whether they'd really release her. Too easy to imagine that the illness had been part of or prelude to experimentation like that at night, but without even the prospect of a quick return to the norm. She didn't tell Raine that, though; she was back now, and that was what mattered.

"What have you been doing?" Rein wouldn't make her wait for the opportunity to ask her along; she'd intended to go with her tonight, whatever happened.


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