Day 48: Cafeteria (Breakfast)

Mar 03, 2010 15:01

Luckily for Mele, the night had ended before Tenzen had changed his mind and deemed Mele appropriate for target practice. Even if the situation of who was mocking who had seemed to change into the Iga ninja's favor. Despite her behavior, perhaps the insolent woman could serve some sort of use nonetheless. He had been trapped in this place for a ( Read more... )

rika, kirk, klavier, axel, meche, kagura, tenzen, anise, minato, rude, leonard, the doctor, ranulf, england, indiana jones, naminé, utena, luke fon fabre, zex, niikura, taura, hayes, peter parker, kurogane, lunge, lana skye, mello, brainiac 5, xemnas, ange, albedo, anthy, nunnally, remy, tsukasa, agatha, peter petrelli, mele, two-face, yuffie, erika, the scarecrow, sync, battler, scourge, tyki, wolverine, zack, l, haseo, shinji, sechs, senna, haine, scott pilgrim, aigis, gumshoe, dahlia, ritsu, hanatarou, beatrice, sora, prussia, ashton, rei, claude, renamon, keman, guybrush, alkaid, von karma, hanekoma, guy, heat, kairi, kio, venom, depth charge, kibitoshin, allelujah, fai, riku, aerith, rolo, yue, ema skye, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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thatdamnedninja March 3 2010, 23:53:05 UTC
Yuffie was quiet for a long while, picking through her food. She chewed slowly, swallowed slowly, kept up her demonstration just in case it was needed. Her attention, though, was inward. She knew what she had to tell him, but how to tell him was a whole other ball game.

"Well, it's Martin Landel who runs this place. And his bitch, Nurse Lydia." There was a pinch between her eyebrows, and she reached up to run it away before she could stop herself. "I've never seen either of 'em; they just like taunting us over the intercom like a bunch of sissies." Sadistic sissies, but sissies all the same. It was galling just to think about! If she could just get her hands on Landel, even for one second…

"Anyway," she said, jerking herself out of dreamland. "Anyway. Before I tell you anythin' else, I've got a question to ask. It's important, so pay attention." She waited until he'd swallowed his mouthful before she went ahead and asked, "Have you noticed anythin' different about me ( ... )


thatdamnedninja March 5 2010, 17:59:30 UTC
"I can help you," Yuffie assured him. "You already know the form of the letters, right? Just need to learn how to make your hands work." He was smart; he'd be able to pick it up. Hell, he could even work a phone! Without thumbs! "And all of the others, they'll chip in, too."

She swung her legs, kicking them back and forth in a steady rhythm underneath the table. Yuffie'd always been brimming with energy, practically humming from it, and the restlessness was only gonna grow the longer she stayed here. "What you 'should' tell 'em depends on who you need to tell," she answered, scratching her cheek thoughtfully. "And if you want it to go on the board, you've gotta be careful with the wording. They censor a lot of stuff. Loosely, but, yeah. It's mega annoying."


flamingfurball March 6 2010, 01:55:43 UTC
"....yes of course I do." Honestly. He COULD read, he wasn't an idiot. He just never had thumbs before now. "W-wait. I... I don't want to cause a fuss. You'll do." This was a little embarrassing, but he wasn't going to admit that. He was too grown up for such silliness.

"Where can I find paper and pens? I just want them to know I'm here and human. And I want to say hello to Aerith. Does she know she's dead?"


thatdamnedninja March 6 2010, 02:18:14 UTC
Yuffie quirked a grin. Teasing the (former) furball was still as easy as it'd ever been.

"I'll do?" She snorted. "Gee, thanks. Maybe I'll charge you for this after all." She hadn't been planning to in the first place, not seriously, but she could always change her mind. Quick as snap. "Hang on, though-I think I've… aha!" One quick flick of the wrist produced a pen, apparently out of nowhere, and a couple of seconds spent fumbling in her pocket produced some spare paper. She tossed the paper onto the table in front of her, twirling the ballpoint easily between her fingers.

The pen didn't falter at the mention of Aerith's death, but a flicker of darkness passed over Yuffie's expression. "Dunno," she said, nonchalantly. "Never asked." Never want to. "Anyway, just a quick note, right? 'Hi, bye', that kind of thing?"

'Dear AVALANCHE,' she wrote.

'This is everybody's favorite talking footrest, A.K.A Wiser Than Thou, Needs More Ribbons, or Mr. Fuzzywuzzles. Just calling into say hi, and that opposable thumbs are wicked cool. Double hi ( ... )


flamingfurball March 6 2010, 02:24:10 UTC
Again, Nanaki ignored a select choice of her comments. The letter, however, could not be ignored.

"Yuffie. As I have no tail, I feel I ought to inform you that I am not pleased." He snatched at the pen and tried to pull the paper closer.


thatdamnedninja March 6 2010, 02:38:56 UTC
"Remind me to teach you about facial expressions," Yuffie chirped, gleefully yanking herself, the pen, and the paper out of reach. "Whoops! That was a close one. You just sit tight for a moment, Mr. Fuzzywuzzles. I'll get this baby posted for ya in no time."

With a sunny grin and a bounce in her step, the young ninja sauntered away. Nanaki was gonna be spitting mad, but it was so worth it. It'd make for a neat distraction, too, if only for a little while. A distraction that they could both use, even if he wasn't gonna see it that way. She tacked the note up, nodded her satisfaction, and skipped straight back to the table.

"There we go," she announced, falling dramatically back into her seat.


flamingfurball March 6 2010, 02:46:52 UTC
Nanaki tried to grab Yuffie, leaping up and falling forward onto the floor. The wheelchair kept moving when he tried to sit on it, so by the time she came back, he was in her seat, her breakfast mangled, half of it hanging out his mouth. It wasn't childish. It was revenge.

"Ngf nger egih ung," he warned her.


thatdamnedninja March 6 2010, 02:57:54 UTC
…. Huh. Teach her not to pay attention to where she was sitting, because now she was in a wheelchair. For the first time ever. Which was, Yuffie thought, a pretty damn good run. Not once on crutches, nope, not her. Relatively unconcerned that she might give somebody the wrong impression, because she totally looked the picture of health (ish), Yuffie let herself enjoy the novelty of a new experience.

She raised an eyebrow. "And people say I act like a toddler," she said, primly. Good thing she hadn't been planning to eat anymore, huh? She rocked the chair back and forth on its wheels, a self-satisfied, smug little grin playing across her lips. Ohhh, this was fun.


flamingfurball March 6 2010, 03:04:25 UTC
There was too much food in his mouth and his teeth were too blunt to cut through it all sufficiently. He made a hacking sound and spat some out, head over the table so it could drop down. It tasted far too sweet, he tried to rub the taste off on the roof of his mouth, tongue brushing in and out of his mouth as he did.

"I was reestablishing dominance," he told her. He watched her on the chair and wondered if she was distracted enough so that he could find the note.....


thatdamnedninja March 6 2010, 03:13:07 UTC
"You call hacking up my food all over the place re-establishing dominance? Pfft! Yeah, right." Yuffie's teasing smugness had quickly faded to her second grimace of the day. Had that really been necessary? Sure, it'd been food she wasn't gonna eat, but that little display had just been Grossness, capital G and all the trimmings.

Yuffie didn't look away, not wanting to give him the chance to slope off. Not over her dead body, nope siree, and definitely not before people'd had a chance to spot the note. 'Sides, she was the one with the wheels. What was he gonna do, roll to the sun room? Now, that'd be a sight to see.


flamingfurball March 6 2010, 14:58:30 UTC
"No, that was survival instinct," he chewed, before lifting his head to knock some lumps back. "I think I'm getting the hang of this." It was going to have to be walking next. No point learning to write if he couldn't even get to that awful note.

Nanaki yawned. He was going to need a nap soon, after eating. But right now he was....happy. Well, in part. Things might not be going well but he was able to see some of his friends. Including one he never thought he'd see again. He hadn't been lonely in the forests, but there was nothing to return to there now....

"Yuffie. I dislike the note, but I am happy to see you again."


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