Day 48: Cafeteria (Breakfast)

Mar 03, 2010 15:01

Luckily for Mele, the night had ended before Tenzen had changed his mind and deemed Mele appropriate for target practice. Even if the situation of who was mocking who had seemed to change into the Iga ninja's favor. Despite her behavior, perhaps the insolent woman could serve some sort of use nonetheless. He had been trapped in this place for a ( Read more... )

rika, kirk, klavier, axel, meche, kagura, tenzen, anise, minato, rude, leonard, the doctor, ranulf, england, indiana jones, naminé, utena, luke fon fabre, zex, niikura, taura, hayes, peter parker, kurogane, lunge, lana skye, mello, brainiac 5, xemnas, ange, albedo, anthy, nunnally, remy, tsukasa, agatha, peter petrelli, mele, two-face, yuffie, erika, the scarecrow, sync, battler, scourge, tyki, wolverine, zack, l, haseo, shinji, sechs, senna, haine, scott pilgrim, aigis, gumshoe, dahlia, ritsu, hanatarou, beatrice, sora, prussia, ashton, rei, claude, renamon, keman, guybrush, alkaid, von karma, hanekoma, guy, heat, kairi, kio, venom, depth charge, kibitoshin, allelujah, fai, riku, aerith, rolo, yue, ema skye, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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thatdamnedninja March 3 2010, 23:53:05 UTC
Yuffie was quiet for a long while, picking through her food. She chewed slowly, swallowed slowly, kept up her demonstration just in case it was needed. Her attention, though, was inward. She knew what she had to tell him, but how to tell him was a whole other ball game.

"Well, it's Martin Landel who runs this place. And his bitch, Nurse Lydia." There was a pinch between her eyebrows, and she reached up to run it away before she could stop herself. "I've never seen either of 'em; they just like taunting us over the intercom like a bunch of sissies." Sadistic sissies, but sissies all the same. It was galling just to think about! If she could just get her hands on Landel, even for one second…

"Anyway," she said, jerking herself out of dreamland. "Anyway. Before I tell you anythin' else, I've got a question to ask. It's important, so pay attention." She waited until he'd swallowed his mouthful before she went ahead and asked, "Have you noticed anythin' different about me?"

It was a weird question, she knew, but it was the only way she could think of to ease him into it. It would've been quicker to just blurt it all out-and hope he could keep up without either flipping his lid or passing it all off as completely crazy-and part of her had been really, really tempted to take that route, but she slammed the brakes on her instincts and let her brain do the talking for once.


flamingfurball March 4 2010, 00:18:57 UTC
Nanaki watched Yuffie, trying to mimic her actions. He managed to swallow the food (it was all mushy and weird now), and pulled a face as it went down. He still had to tilt his head back but he was getting there. He bit his finger as he tried to get another piece into his cheek between his teeth.

The information wasn't very useful to him. He didn't know these people, their purpose or weaknesses. "What do they want?" he asked, mouth full.

She asked a question. A strange one he hadn't realised had been nagging him. Just a little. Something different about her that he couldn't placed and blamed the clothes for. He was starting to panic, but tried to tell himself she'd just had a hair cut or another of those silly things humans got excited about.

"....what is it?"


thatdamnedninja March 4 2010, 00:34:03 UTC
"To screw with us," Yuffie answered, honestly. What? It was the truth! "Just-I'll get to that in a bit."

She shifted in her seat, impatience biting her. No, not impatience; that was there, yeah, but it wasn't Nanaki's fault. The question had been a weird one. A really, really weird one. And for somebody who wasn't even used to being a human, maybe she'd been asking too much. Or, at least, asking the wrong thing. "Nanaki, I'm nineteen. I dunno how old I was when you last saw me-sixteen or seventeen, right? Shorter hair, not so narrow here?" She poked herself in the cheek that wasn't playing host to an impressive set of scabbed-over scratch marks.

Time to take the plunge. "Before I got brought here, it was the year 0010." And she'd been in the middle of the biggest outright war since Wutai versus Shin-Ra. Fun and games for all involved, not.


flamingfurball March 4 2010, 00:54:17 UTC
Nanaki's head went light and Gilligan felt more like a snake now, crawling and coiling about in his stomach, pressing hard against his lungs. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to make it go away. But the only familiar thing near him that could calm him down was unfamiliar now. He'd been too wrapped up in his own problems to realise it.

"I... I wasn't gone that long," he said, quietly. He wanted to get up and leave, find Tifa or Cloud, check them, see how different they were. But he was too unsteady on his feet and he wanted to make Gilligan go away, he didn't want Yuffie to see him so afraid, so....childish.

She couldn't grow up without him. Not so suddenly.... The cubs weren't that old, not that much time had passed, he'd been so sure....


thatdamnedninja March 4 2010, 01:13:54 UTC
"No! No, no. That's not it; you've got it all wrong." Yuffie shook her head, placing her hand lightly on his arm. She gave it a squeeze, friendly and unfamiliarly familiar. "Listen to me before you start jumping to conclusions." Maybe that hadn't been the best way to go about it, after all. Oops didn't seem like it was gonna cut it.

"It's not you or me. It's Landel. He doesn't just take people from their homes, no matter what they're doing and why they're doing it. He snatches 'em right out of time, too." Her tone dipped low, and it took a little bit of effort to keep her spunky-girl speech pattern as it should be. "Cloud's from Meteorfall; he was watchin' it happen, and then he woke up here. Reno used to be here, too; I haven't seen the jerk in days, but he was from the year before me. It's… It doesn't add up, like a paradox, y'know? I bet if-when-we find a way back home, we'll end up right where we were when we left. Me in 0010, Cloud in 0008, Reno in '09. See? You haven't missed anything, it just hasn't happened for you yet."

Sometimes, Yuffie was glad that she could talk without thinking too hard about the mechanics of what she was saying.


flamingfurball March 4 2010, 01:30:41 UTC
Nanaki jolted a little when she touched his arm, but finally looked at her, eyes the slightest bit wet. Or maybe it was just the light.

"Jumping to conclusions?" he repeated, shakily. "You just told me it was 0010 before you got here... I haven't been around people in a long time, I thought...." But everyone else was messed up too. Cloud was behind. Younger. Reno was the same as Nanaki.

He looked at the table.

I don't want you to die....

" your friend better?"


thatdamnedninja March 4 2010, 01:57:27 UTC
Was it just her, or was Nanaki about ready to cry? Yuffie quickly made up her mind not to look too close, just in case.

"Yeah, well… I guess I could've phrased that better," she muttered, leaving her hand where it was. "I thought you'd be able to tell for sure what year it'd been before you wound up here." Turned out that she was the one who'd jumped to conclusions, go figure.

Instead of dwelling on that, she hopped right on over to the next thought-track. He hadn't been around people for a long time? Nanaki was almost as much as a wanderer as she was, in his own way, but most of his disappearing acts had been limited to the first two years of the Geostigma incident. So, '08 or '09? That wasn't too bad, or so she figured. Could've been a lot worse.

"My friend? Wha- Oh, d'you mean Yuri?" Yuffie hesitated again, unwillingly reminded of the night with the shapeshifter, but she flashed a grin like it was nothing. "Yup! It all got fixed." No harm done, she wanted to add, but couldn't. Too many people had died, including Yuri's mom. She remembered it-couldn't forget it-all too clearly; working herself to the bone to find a cure, to keep her patients' spirits buoyed up. And one by one they'd been pulled under, except for the lucky few.


flamingfurball March 4 2010, 02:14:43 UTC
The small amount of trembling he'd felt began to subside and Nanaki took a calming breath. Being out of time was strange, was better than missing time completely.

He nodded and she explained about her friend, feeling relief a little reluctantly. Guilt was getting in the way.

"Did" he asked, suddenly getting a headache as he tried to comprehend their realities. Hopefully she'd seen him since he'd gone into the forest. He didn't want to explain that and he hoped that for whatever reason he blacked out, he was still ok...


thatdamnedninja March 5 2010, 01:32:09 UTC
Whew. Nanaki was lookin' a little better, Yuffie was glad to see. She was sure that he wasn't alright, but it was a start. Starts were good. "You did, yeah," she confirmed. "We all did. Some big stuff went down, y'know; it was a real pain in the ass, but AVALANCHE got back together again and saved the day. Turns out that it was Sephiroth all along." Her expression twisted into a scowl, one that she was quick to wipe away.

She grinned. "You came dashing in with Cait on your head."

Breakfast was going cheerfully ignored, she noticed offhand. Or, well, not so cheerfully; things were really kind of rocky. Still, she'd eaten enough to keep Plucky off her case, and lunch wasn't exactly a long time away.


flamingfurball March 5 2010, 11:24:40 UTC
Nanaki might not have his body, but something about the way his shoulders lifted and his head lowered down was very familiar. "Sephiroth? But he was destroyed," he growled. Was her reality COMPLETELY different to his?!

His shoulders relaxed again and he tilted his head at Yuffie. He'd come bounding in with Cait on his head.... Huh. He wasn't sure what he thought of that.

Yuffie might not be eating, but Nanaki wanted more. He picked up a sausage, nibbling along it to soften it up, picking away bit by bit.

"You never told me who else is here..."


thatdamnedninja March 5 2010, 14:21:29 UTC
"Yuppers," said Yuffie. "We got him good. But," she stretched the word out, shaking her head, "seems like the sucker still had a thing about not dyin'. And a god-complex. That too." Finally, after one parting pat, she lifted her hand from his arm and dropped it down onto the table. Her fingers curled loosely. "I still don't understand it all. But that grossness disease was from him, and he had these things-they were like, I don't know, Vince called 'em larvae forms. They wanted a new Reunion."

Lucky for them, for AVALANCHE, that they'd never managed it. Lucky for the whole wide world; they'd only just started really picking themselves up off the ground again, and with Geostigma on top of it all, there was no way the W.R.O. could have been able to launch a successful counterattack. Nope. As usual, when the going got tough, AVALANCHE got roped into doing the dirty work.

Yuffie leaned back in her chair, bringing her knees up. For a moment, she was silent. "I didn't, didn't I?" she eventually said. "Well, lessee. There's me 'n you, Cloud, Tifa," she began ticking names off her fingers, "Zack Fair, Cissnei (a Turk girl), Rude, Loz (that's one of 'em bug-boys I told you about), and…" She stamped down on the urge to wince. "Sephiroth. Pre-crazycakes, apparently. And, um, Aerith."


flamingfurball March 5 2010, 14:50:42 UTC
Nanaki was starting to get even more annoyed with this place. Nothing at all made sense and he still felt that anger coursing through him from before he blacked out, looking for an outlet. His eyes followed Yuffie's hand, wondering why she broke the contact. He was usually petting and scratching him some way or another. Or even resting her hand on his shoulders as they walked side by side....

He went through the people in his head. Zack was dead, he didn't like turks, he liked Sephiroth even less and.....


Dead. like Zack. only he cared about her. What if his Grandfather was alive too?! But Yuffie didn't mention him. but if this place brought people back to life.... Grandpa probably wouldn't want it... It would be selfish to wish him back, just to tell him all the things that had happened and see how proud he was.


thatdamnedninja March 5 2010, 15:27:24 UTC
Yuffie's usually animate expression was still, her gaze briefly distant. She tipped her head in a kind of half-nod. Aerith. It was so, so good to have the flower girl back with them, living and breathing and, well, emoting. Laughing and teasing Cloud, worrying. And yet, somehow-

No. Not thinking like that. Yuffie wanted to hope, and so she hoped. The moment broke and so did her stillness, and she bumped shoulders companionably with the now-human Nanaki. Physical contact was a rare thing for her these days; it felt weird, now, after all this time. "It's a real trip, lemme tell you. One of these days, I swear we're gonna blink and find all of AVALANCHE fallin' on our laps. Cid, Barret, Reeve. Vince. Bunch of old farts," she added, lightly.


flamingfurball March 5 2010, 16:19:58 UTC
Nanaki joined her silence and stillness for a moment. It was a lot to take in. perhaps Aerith had at least seen Grandpa...unless she was from the past, rather than revived. That made more sense. Nanaki let out a puff of a sigh and rested against Yuffie, chin on her shoulder for a moment, a comforting gesture.

"Maybe some other people too," he said quietly, hopefully.


thatdamnedninja March 5 2010, 17:02:17 UTC
"Maybe," Yuffie said, evenly. 'Cuz Leviathan knew she wouldn't wish this place on anybody, except for maybe, oh, Shin-Ra. Senior and Junior.

Nanaki leaned against her, and Yuffie allowed herself a moment to lean back. The tension under her skin was still there, always was these days. Another reason for her to get out and get something done tonight. A good long run around, preferably with no monsters or horrific hallucinations, and she'd be peachy-keen! Maybe she really could run, literally run? It was worth thinking about.

"So, what'dya think 'bout this whole 'being human' thing?" she asked, curious.


flamingfurball March 5 2010, 17:35:39 UTC

Nanaki could feel her tension. Yuffie was usually to completely relaxed she was more like a wind elemental than skin and bones. He inhaled and nuzzled her shoulder before sitting up. Maybe he'd think of a way to help her. He wanted to write a note to everybody too, determined now that he knew Aerith

"I don't like it," he grumbled. He was still a little ashamed at the attack on humans... still confused about his place in the world. Maybe moreso now. "I can't walk. Or get comfortable. Eat. Fight. But I want to try to write a note. How should I tell everyone what happened?"


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