Day 48: Cafeteria (Breakfast)

Mar 03, 2010 15:01

Luckily for Mele, the night had ended before Tenzen had changed his mind and deemed Mele appropriate for target practice. Even if the situation of who was mocking who had seemed to change into the Iga ninja's favor. Despite her behavior, perhaps the insolent woman could serve some sort of use nonetheless. He had been trapped in this place for a ( Read more... )

rika, kirk, klavier, axel, meche, kagura, tenzen, anise, minato, rude, leonard, the doctor, ranulf, england, indiana jones, naminé, utena, luke fon fabre, zex, niikura, taura, hayes, peter parker, kurogane, lunge, lana skye, mello, brainiac 5, xemnas, ange, albedo, anthy, nunnally, remy, tsukasa, agatha, peter petrelli, mele, two-face, yuffie, erika, the scarecrow, sync, battler, scourge, tyki, wolverine, zack, l, haseo, shinji, sechs, senna, haine, scott pilgrim, aigis, gumshoe, dahlia, ritsu, hanatarou, beatrice, sora, prussia, ashton, rei, claude, renamon, keman, guybrush, alkaid, von karma, hanekoma, guy, heat, kairi, kio, venom, depth charge, kibitoshin, allelujah, fai, riku, aerith, rolo, yue, ema skye, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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Comments 718

thatdamnedninja March 3 2010, 14:38:11 UTC
"If he didn't listen to me," Yuffie had wanted to say; had started to say, "he'll be seeing stars for a week, and chocobos for a month after." But then she woke up, back in her bed, sprawled and untucked and the wrong way around. Groaning, Yuffie pressed her face into the too-firm mattress. Leviathan. Would it kill for Landel to order in a couple of futons? And had it really been necessary to drag her away from it all right then? Really? No. It had not. She'd been busy, as much as Zack's presence had jarred her ( ... )


flamingfurball March 3 2010, 15:00:55 UTC
Nanaki woke up with a start, and then a flail and his body moved in ways he wasn't used to. Still human. It was still throwing him off, like when he was falling asleep and felt like he was actually falling. Things seemed out of place and strange ( ... )


thatdamnedninja March 3 2010, 16:32:13 UTC
There was a glint of determination in Yuffie's eyes, directed at nothing and nobody in particular. It was the same old glint, the same old spark, that had been with her ever since she'd first started out in the world. From the by-gone days of wobbling across Wutai's tiled rooftops, to the age of the Materia Hunter and the advent of the new AVALANCHE. All the way up to her missions for the W.R.O. Gawd, that'd been the life. Being paid to trek across the world and snoop into other people's business? The job had been made for her.

Landel was doing his damned best to stamp that determination out of her, to turn frustration into defeat, but there was absolutely no way she was gonna let him get his claws in that deep. She was going to go out, bad weather or no bad weather. She was going to get something done. And even if she didn't, that'd just mean trying again. And again. And again. It was better than staying still. Her thoughts were just turning to the finer details, like how to do it and who to do it with (if anybody; she was totes ( ... )


flamingfurball March 3 2010, 20:20:15 UTC
Well. he thought Yuffie, of all people, would recognise him. this was getting decidedly annoying. And depressing. Had everybody just...forgotten him? He didn't look that different, did he? Well, okay, yes. Perhaps the things he recognsised about himself just seemed like coincidence to everybody else. They weren't exactly looking to see Nanaki.

But that wasn't the point.

"We are aquinted," he said, letting out and angry sigh. He put his plate on the table and scowled back at the nurse, waiting for her to push him a little closer and leave. His eyes didn't leave her until she'd done it. He stared at his food then, hoping to eat something this time round. Of course, Yuffie was watching and it was making him uncomfortable. "I'm not helping," he warned her. She was going to have to work it out herself or they weren't friends anymore.


arc_wrench March 3 2010, 15:06:44 UTC
If HK was ever prone to do anything undignified, he might have been skipping down the halls with glee. He was a Decepticon now! He'd managed to hide the inked mark on his arm from the nurses, so it was still there, carrying with it a sense of pride and mostly-ignored traitorousness to the Sith cause. But the Decepticons were like giant droid Sith anyway, so how could this be wrong?

His nurse looked exceedingly confused but hopeful when he didn't make a fuss over the food, but oh, HK was in too good a mood this morning to let something like that slide. No, it was his droidly duty to pester the life out of every meatbag within range! Unless they were interesting and sensible enough to place the same value on viciously murdering others as he did. Those meatbags were fine ( ... )


bullygeneraleva March 4 2010, 02:11:07 UTC
This? Was crap. She was finally back in good shape after that embarrassing mess with Junpei and the biting, ready to get out there and... destroy something or impress someone, whatever felt good, and what had she managed?

Nothing. It was like the early days back at Mahora, when she'd seriously thought Nagi would come back if she played his little game. Sure, she hadn't exactly played well, but she'd played, and all she'd gotten for it was that he'd died. And she'd had to invent a different game, one that took a lot longer to play and had tons of long boring stretches where all she got to do was play board games with the headmaster, replay Dragon Warrior, and try to make annoying little girls cry. And watch the Chao show; that at least had been genuinely entertaining ( ... )


arc_wrench March 4 2010, 03:15:16 UTC
"Greeting: Good morning, meatbag who is failing to antagonize me!" HK's head snapped up to look at the meatbag, eyes sparkling with manic, likely insane happiness. "Statement: No, he is not. He is a giant droid capable of incredible feats of destruction, and he has just inducted me as one of his faction, hence the mark." Yes, he probably could have drawn it better but it was official this way! Well, sort of. The words of the oath had obviously been changed and the chassis was likely supposed to be permanently marked with the symbol, not in pen, but still!


bullygeneraleva March 4 2010, 03:59:29 UTC
Evangeline was opening her mouth to fire back a retort when her expression collapsed into exasperated disgust, like she'd just stepped in something unpleasant in her very cutest shoes.

"Oh. It's... you," she said. Among her diverse hobbies Evangeline was a minor robotics aficionado and had followed the conversations of the various synthetic 'intelligences' of the Institute with little interest but considerable amusement... but they were, she'd decided, entirely too stupid to be tolerable in person and were best followed from a distance.

Lucky her, she'd found one anyway.

Well, there was really only one possible response: keep being an ass. "I'll bet he tells all the other 'bots that. Is that what your little club does? Sit around exaggerating how big the guns on your old bodies were to each other?"


brooklynisangry March 3 2010, 15:13:30 UTC
Okay. There had to be some good explanation why Loz didn't show last night. Like, maybe he'd fallen asleep or something, and Beelzemon didn't have a clue where his friend's room was so he could go find him. He just about ran to the cafeteria ("I don' need ta slow down, ya need ta keep up!" was the only thing he said to his nurse), looking around the room. Not here yet. Okay, he'd just sit down somewhere and watch the door to make sure he saw when Loz came in.

He found a chair and sat down, eyes fixed on the doors. He ignored the food that his nurse got once she caught up with him. She made the mistake of asking what was the matter with him today, getting a loud "Nothin', so buzz off!" from the Digimon. Couldn't she see he was looking for his friend?

[Free, albeit very tetchy.]


doneinthree March 5 2010, 03:43:40 UTC
Kirk balanced his tray with one hand as he maneuvered out of the cafeteria line, his mood a strange mix of optimistic and perturbed. He'd awakened with an unexpected clarity of mind - Kirk had never been much of a morning person, even before the sedations and neck-pinches, but this morning was the first morning in a long while which came close to approaching those idle days in the Academy, when he'd been sure and full of himself. Accomplished, even ( ... )


brooklynisangry March 5 2010, 04:49:30 UTC
"Huh?" Beelzemon looked up. Not Loz. Great. Just some random guy he didn't know. "Yeah, what made ya guess?" he said sarcastically, looking back towards the doors. "Come on, where the hell are ya?" Maybe he was sleeping in or something. The nurses let him do that once. Made sense the lug was just still snoozing or something. Yeah, that was it.


doneinthree March 5 2010, 17:53:30 UTC
Kirk put up his hands in a gesture of mock-surrender at his snappishness, but sat down anyway. If he could suffer Bones hungover in the morning, he could suffer this guy. "Just a hunch," Kirk answered, unable to resist getting the last word in.

He noted for the first time the tattoo on the man's forehead, and the odd glint of his teeth when he'd snarled at Kirk. Time spent in Starfleet tended to inure you to alien differences, but the man was still human, from what he could see. That, or as human as Admiral ZEX, anyway.

One pancake and several minutes later, still no one else had joined them. Kirk decided to risk incurring the tattooed guy's wrath again. "Who are you looking for?"


loyal_soldier March 3 2010, 15:20:50 UTC
The cuts on his leg were healing well, which was at least one good thing. The nurse said the stitches were out of them now, which just confused him. Did they really just sew wounds shut here like they were a tear in a uniform, as a first resort? It so... prehistoric.

He took a tray of food and sat down, for once eating without much enthusiasm, running a hand through his hair. He hadn't done enough last night. He'd done a bit of patrolling once Xigbar left, but he'd just...

He sighed, cursing himself for being lax. He should have done more. He could always be doing more.



madeinthehrl March 4 2010, 21:29:48 UTC
Soma awoke with her teeth still clenched and her body tense, clutching the gun so tightly in her hands she thought it might break.

She'd never killed anyone before. If what the red-haired man had said was true, she still hadn't. But she'd come so close--they'd all come so close. She didn't regret it in the slightest, and yet...

She had to check on her friends and make sure they were all right. Senna and Meche had been injured, as far as she could tell last night, but their wounds hadn't been life-threatening. Alita, though--she would need to ask her nurse about Alita. She had no doubt her friend had survived, but the princess was almost certainly going to be in considerable discomfort today.

Soma filled her tray without paying much attention to what she'd put on it and found an empty seat next to a man with posture as good as her own. Offering a slight nod of acknowledgment, she sat down and began to eat.


loyal_soldier March 4 2010, 21:43:07 UTC
622 looked up from his food, blinking slightly in surprise. The person next to him almost looked Arkanian, not human. He gave an answering nod, sitting quietly for a few moments before curiosity (and possibly a growing sense of how to actually be social) got the better of him.

"I don't think we've met before. Stormtrooper Sergeant TK-622," he introduced himself, extending a hand politely. Well, as politely as he could with his next question. "Forgive me for asking, ma'am, but are you human? I've never seen humans with your hair and eye color."


madeinthehrl March 5 2010, 02:58:59 UTC
"Stormtrooper" was an unfamiliar title, but "Sergeant" was clear enough. For once, another soldier--although his designation was an interesting one, and one that reminded her of the Human Enhancement Agency. It was probably a coincidence--nothing about him appeared anything like the supersoldiers she had known--but it was an interesting observation nonetheless.

She returned the handshake as firmly as she could, managing not to wince at the stab of pain that ensued. Apparently she'd been right--last night's adventure had cracked a rib or two--but there was no need to let that show. "Second Lieutenant Soma Peries."

Sergeant TK-622's question didn't particularly offend her; she'd grown used to the stares in the barracks on her own world. As far as she was concerned, it was something to be proud of. "There's no need to apologize. I'm a genetically engineered human; my hair and eye color aren't usual where I'm from. It's a sign of my status as a supersoldier."


longlivetehking March 3 2010, 15:45:17 UTC
Scar knew as soon as he lay eyes upon the white ceiling above him that another night had been wasted. Apparently, one night of an interesting discovery must be compensated by a set amount of time wasted. The length of such wasted time possibly depended on the worth of the discovery itself. Two nights and a day in a row right now. The head doctor still possessed his infuriating sense of humor, it would seem ( ... )


scarefaux March 3 2010, 15:53:53 UTC
It seemed like he blinked, and the Scarecrow found himself in bed again, as if he'd never been in the Chapel at all. He stayed still a moment, staring at the ceiling, reveling in the fact that he could feel the bed beneath him, the sheets around his hands, the low thumping in his head reminding him that there was a wound there. He closed his eyes again- his conversation with Abe had made it apparent that he had a lot of thinking to do.

The Wizard Landel brought people from all sorts of places to the Institute, but for what reason? It seemed he wanted to observe some and experiment on others, but what determined which patients would be treated which way? And why was it some people were sent home while others remained? Were those who were sent home really returned, or were they simply released from the Institute's walls, their minds tricked into thinking their entire lives had been some sort of a dream? Was that what happened to Dorothy ( ... )


longlivetehking March 3 2010, 18:26:23 UTC
Scar had been in the middle of (making attempts at) eating one of these so-called sausages - they were a far cry of the sort of food he was used to, unsurprisingly - when someone took the seat opposite of him. Curiously enough not someone dragged over by a nurse, but actually a familiar face. This was the man that had said to be a scarecrow, wasn't he? Hnn.

"Good morning", the former lion said after swallowing. Despite his annoyance at both the food and the way the night had been spent, he could manage a polite facade well enough. "About a week, I suppose."

Even though it might as well have been several moons. Then again, shower shifts were usually preferred to be forgotten...


scarefaux March 3 2010, 20:14:16 UTC
"Has it really been that long?" the Scarecrow asked in genuine surprise. Maybe he'd been trapped longer than he thought- it seemed so strange he'd not noticed. He ran a hand through his hair idly, realizing only after that he'd probably run his hand straight over his wound. It was one of those rare times he was thankful he couldn't feel anything. What was it that set the clever little thing off? It seemed it occurred a lot in the Chapel the night before, usually when he was putting a lot of thought into--

His train of thought stopped abruptly as realization hit him. Thinking! It seemed so obvious- it activated whenever he started really putting a lot of effort into his thoughts. That was a troubling notion, and certainly something the Wizard Landel would have planned intentionally, knowing the Scarecrow was a thinking sort of fellow. He was sure that had to be the cause, but couldn't test his theory until his senses came back. In that case, he needed to stop thinking and get back to the conversation. He was only making it ( ... )


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