Day 48: Cafeteria (Breakfast)

Mar 03, 2010 15:01

Luckily for Mele, the night had ended before Tenzen had changed his mind and deemed Mele appropriate for target practice. Even if the situation of who was mocking who had seemed to change into the Iga ninja's favor. Despite her behavior, perhaps the insolent woman could serve some sort of use nonetheless. He had been trapped in this place for a ( Read more... )

rika, kirk, klavier, axel, meche, kagura, tenzen, anise, minato, rude, leonard, the doctor, ranulf, england, indiana jones, naminé, utena, luke fon fabre, zex, niikura, taura, hayes, peter parker, kurogane, lunge, lana skye, mello, brainiac 5, xemnas, ange, albedo, anthy, nunnally, remy, tsukasa, agatha, peter petrelli, mele, two-face, yuffie, erika, the scarecrow, sync, battler, scourge, tyki, wolverine, zack, l, haseo, shinji, sechs, senna, haine, scott pilgrim, aigis, gumshoe, dahlia, ritsu, hanatarou, beatrice, sora, prussia, ashton, rei, claude, renamon, keman, guybrush, alkaid, von karma, hanekoma, guy, heat, kairi, kio, venom, depth charge, kibitoshin, allelujah, fai, riku, aerith, rolo, yue, ema skye, mccoy, scar (tlk)

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brooklynisangry March 3 2010, 15:13:30 UTC
Okay. There had to be some good explanation why Loz didn't show last night. Like, maybe he'd fallen asleep or something, and Beelzemon didn't have a clue where his friend's room was so he could go find him. He just about ran to the cafeteria ("I don' need ta slow down, ya need ta keep up!" was the only thing he said to his nurse), looking around the room. Not here yet. Okay, he'd just sit down somewhere and watch the door to make sure he saw when Loz came in.

He found a chair and sat down, eyes fixed on the doors. He ignored the food that his nurse got once she caught up with him. She made the mistake of asking what was the matter with him today, getting a loud "Nothin', so buzz off!" from the Digimon. Couldn't she see he was looking for his friend?

[Free, albeit very tetchy.]


doneinthree March 5 2010, 03:43:40 UTC
Kirk balanced his tray with one hand as he maneuvered out of the cafeteria line, his mood a strange mix of optimistic and perturbed. He'd awakened with an unexpected clarity of mind - Kirk had never been much of a morning person, even before the sedations and neck-pinches, but this morning was the first morning in a long while which came close to approaching those idle days in the Academy, when he'd been sure and full of himself. Accomplished, even ( ... )


brooklynisangry March 5 2010, 04:49:30 UTC
"Huh?" Beelzemon looked up. Not Loz. Great. Just some random guy he didn't know. "Yeah, what made ya guess?" he said sarcastically, looking back towards the doors. "Come on, where the hell are ya?" Maybe he was sleeping in or something. The nurses let him do that once. Made sense the lug was just still snoozing or something. Yeah, that was it.


doneinthree March 5 2010, 17:53:30 UTC
Kirk put up his hands in a gesture of mock-surrender at his snappishness, but sat down anyway. If he could suffer Bones hungover in the morning, he could suffer this guy. "Just a hunch," Kirk answered, unable to resist getting the last word in.

He noted for the first time the tattoo on the man's forehead, and the odd glint of his teeth when he'd snarled at Kirk. Time spent in Starfleet tended to inure you to alien differences, but the man was still human, from what he could see. That, or as human as Admiral ZEX, anyway.

One pancake and several minutes later, still no one else had joined them. Kirk decided to risk incurring the tattooed guy's wrath again. "Who are you looking for?"


brooklynisangry March 5 2010, 20:04:36 UTC
Beelzemon sighed, finally digging into his food. Fine, so Loz wasn't awake yet. He'd just look for him later. "A friend a' mine, Loz. 's got silver hair an cat eyes. He's a dumb lug, but a nice guy. Didn' show up last night." Not that he was going to admit he was worried or anything. Nah. He just wanted to tell him off for not being there, that was all.


doneinthree March 6 2010, 01:26:21 UTC
Kirk raised his eyebrows. He knew, from viewing the apologies every morning on the bulletin board, that people were brainwashed and pitted against their friends every night, and he knew people were taken for experimentation at a slightly less frequent rate. He knew as well that sometimes prisoners simply... disappeared.

"Loz, huh? I'll keep an eye out for him." It wouldn't hurt, and anyway, how many people could there be with that description? (Of course, the last time he'd offered to "keep an eye out", the person in question was supposed to have blue skin, white hair and antennae. You would think...)

Kirk set his fork down and held out his hand with the sort of nonchalance which left the man free to turn down the handshake. "The name's Jim Kirk," he introduced himself.


brooklynisangry March 6 2010, 01:38:01 UTC
"Hey, thanks." This guy wasn't so bad, if he was gonna help finding Loz. "'m Beelzemon," he replied, shaking the offered hand with a good deal of his usual enthusiasm. Sure, he was still feeling down about Loz not being here, but hey, this guy had offered to help (and in a way that didn't rub his ego the wrong way).

"So, yer a human, right? Were're you from?" Sure didn't look like he could've been a Digimon or whatever else was here.


doneinthree March 7 2010, 23:03:05 UTC
Kirk's smile brightened to its usual full wattage. "That's right," he confirmed, returning Beelzemon's shake with the same firmness before letting go. The question confirmed that the man wasn't originally human - Kirk had to wonder if that third eye was still a tattoo in his natural form. "I come from Earth. A Federation planet," he clarified, in case Beelzemon too had a version of the Federation in his reality, like some people he'd spoken to already. "What about you?"


brooklynisangry March 8 2010, 16:22:33 UTC
Beelzemon smiled back, although it had an altogether different look with his sharp teeth. He wasn't gonna bite anybody with them, but it still looked a tad more sharky than he meant. "Yeah, yeah, I know what Earth is, I've been to th' Real World a lot." ...Oh, right, this was going to need explaining. "'m a Digimon, from th' Digital World. You prolly don' have it wherever yer from, but 's a world made outta data. Computer programs, that sorta stuff." Of course, he wasn't the best explainer out there.

"I had 'nother eye," he pointed to the tattoo, "claws, a tail, wings, lotsa stuff." And that brought up something else. "D'yknow why some of us get our clothes back? Cause I got my gear back but for a human. ...An' without my guns, obviously." Not that he didn't want them back, but it was at least nice to not have to wear the dorky smiley face (no teeth to it, it just didn't feel right!) stuff at night.


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