Day 44: Lunch

Sep 27, 2009 09:39

That had been a very frustrating shower. For many reasons. At least Raine was going to at least look at Forte. Hopefully, she'll actually heal him. The showers had also succeeded in making the ninja feel like a pervert. A mild one, but still... It was as if Yukari had picked that spot in the showers because she knew the ninja could easily see ( Read more... )

kirk, klavier, tenzen, anise, rude, teisel, kuukaku, impulse, indiana jones, raz, forte, utena, asch, euphemia, suzaku, rey, taura, franziska, peter parker, luxord, artemis, lunge, shinichi, raphael, kanji, brainiac 5, the flash, albedo, subzero, heiji, peter petrelli, two-face, yuffie, ritsuka, fox, edgar, the scarecrow, sync, zoro, okita, daphne, touya, lockdown, scourge, tyki, spock, kratos, nathan petrelli, l, haseo, sechs, tony stark, kenshin, endrance, senna, haine, dias, dick grayson, dahlia, gumshoe, hanatarou, sora, jason, alex delarge, reinforce, renamon, keman, alkaid, joshua, shikamaru, dean winchester, brook, pied piper, tim drake, von karma, hanekoma, guy, alfred, venom, abe sapien, nigredo, depth charge, kibitoshin, souji seta, wesker, lelouch, jun, chise, yomi, sylar, captain america, rolo, schuldig, sasuke, yue, sheena, aidou, kaworu, beatrix, falis, statesman, scar (tlk), setsuna, loz

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Comments 864

quickdrawbkiddo September 27 2009, 15:55:51 UTC
Third table from the back, by the windows.

Beatrix was pleased to see that there was no one at that present location. In fact, there were so few others in the room, she could watch every one of them as they entered. Hopefully whoever it was that was curious about the basement keys wouldn't take long to show. Whereas the cafeteria's general noise levels made certain types of conversations more convenient, it still lacked the privacy other rooms did.

Her eyes held a subtle coldness as she watched the entrance, and she kept her face carefully neutral. As much as she could while eating a surprisingly juicy burger.

[closed to Nigredo]


falseblack September 27 2009, 20:52:12 UTC
Lunch was a matter of business for the third variant, and without wasting another precious second, the child closed connections and stifled his waveform. Brothers were pleasant factors in more than one sense, but not in business. Not today, either, at least in regards to the middle child.

Tall, blonde, and female. Third table from the back by the windows. There happened to be such a person in the aforementioned location now, which meant no need to wait. Nigredo checked the premise for any familiar faces and then excused himself from his nurse.

He approached quietly, eyes level with the blonde's. "You're the one from the bulletin," he stated.


quickdrawbkiddo September 27 2009, 20:56:12 UTC
"I could be," Beatrix replied when a young boy joined her, her expression not changing. She hadn't been expecting the person she was to meet to be so young; she needed to make sure. What could he possibly offer her that would be worth the information she held?

"Which exchange are you referring to?"


falseblack September 27 2009, 21:04:54 UTC
If there was something to be glad about, the woman hadn't fussed over his age. Unfortunately, she also happened to be extremely tall, and the former self-consciousness from his time with Yomi tripled. Nigredo, like always, ignored the feeling.

"Information on the sword," he answered instead. "You wanted information in return."


tyki_pon September 27 2009, 16:01:12 UTC
After a pretty relaxing shower, Tyki was glad to enter the cafeteria for some free food. Though he got fed three times a day in this place - which was arguably better than what he was used to when he lived the hobo side of his life - his stomach still grumbled while he was in the middle of getting his ugly clothing back on.

He guessed kicking someone's ass during the night made a man more hungry during the day. Or something.

He shoved his thick bottle-glasses back on his nose before being escorted back to the cafeteria to get his meal. Fast food, huh? The Noah helped himself to a decent amount of it before heading over to one of the many still-empty tables.

It wasn't often, but for once he seemed to be early.

[Free as a hobo!]


gundamned September 28 2009, 14:02:17 UTC
[ok for party of two? :>]

He was feeling slightly better, or at least he felt so right now, as Feldt and he left the Arts and Crafts room to head to lunch. And there was something in the menu he could actually tell he somewhat liked: Hotdogs had always been something he ate on a regular basis, and admittedly he found its taste rather appealing. So he took one of those and some onion rings and walked ahead, glancing behind to check on Feldt-an automatic reaction, as he was more cautious now that he had experienced his first night at the institution. The likeliness that monsters were present was close to zero, of course, but there was always the possibility that there might be.

And suddenly it hit him: nausea.

He dropped his tray on the nearest table and fell onto the seat, gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut, completely unaware of the presence of the man occupying it.


raisedbyharos September 28 2009, 17:28:50 UTC
[I hope it's okay! :>]

Feldt had been following after Setsuna, making sure to stay nearby him because he still seemed to be suffering from the effects of the sedative. She couldn't leave him alone when he was like this. So once she managed to gather some of the food for herself, she continued to follow after him. The food didn't look... bad, really. It was edible, at least. She hadn't eaten much for breakfast, only a few bites of her french toast, so it would be good if she ate something. She had to continue taking care of herself in such a place, after all.

When Setsuna dropped his tray, Feldt moved closer to him quickly, putting her own tray next to his. "Setsuna?"

She then turned her head, looking over at Tyki, finally realizing that there was someone else at the table.

"... I am sorry if we've disturbed you."


tyki_pon September 28 2009, 17:51:46 UTC
Tyki had been in the middle of his hamburger when some boy came out of nowhere all of a sudden, sitting down while gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut. A pink-haired girl joined him quickly, seemingly worried. The Noah watched them for a moment, his expression a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Looked like the boy - Setsuna apparently - wasn't feeling too great right now.

And then they finally realized he had been sitting there. Better late than never, he guessed. Good thing his white self was friendly, huh?

"Don't worry 'bout it, I wasn't gonna meet anyone important anyway," he said, waving their apology off with a smile. It clearly didn't matter, anyway. "So, is yer friend alright there?"


perfectrecord September 27 2009, 16:06:46 UTC
Well. That had not gone as planned exactly. Though Ms. Taura's leg fracture indeed seemed to have been completely healed, it was as she had said on the board: there was little to see. Still, she was much more mobile than she had been the day before, which was telling proof for him. Furthermore, were she unoccupied for this night shift, he would have asked her to accompany him for his trip up to the Patient Possessions Storage. Unfortunately, Ms. Taura had other plans for tonight, so von Karma was on his own. Perhaps tomorrow night...

He grumbled as he saw what was for lunch. More of this disgusting, greasy food?! The French toast for breakfast had been edible enough, but it seemed that this blasted institute was intent on serving inferior swill for the noon mealtimes. He fixed himself yet another salad, then sat down at the end of one of the many unoccupied tables. As he nibbled absently at his lunch, he peered around shrewdly for familiar faces, hoping that none of them would be tempted to sit adjacent to him.

[ ( ... )


att_901 September 28 2009, 16:51:06 UTC
The nurses had a hard time trying to get him out off bed. He had a hard time convincing himself that he was capable of leaving bed. Last night he woke up to go to the bathroom and then BANG! He felt shot. No, he was shot. It was smaller than a tank shell, and larger, longer and more explosive than your average bullet.

It being called a "Door Knocker" had to be the greatest euphemism ever.

He was sure he died. When he woke up he was shaken, to say the least about his emotional state. Physically he was shaky. A giant bundle of nerves. It took all of his concentration to keep his tray still while he carried it across the cafeteria. And one could get distracted. He tripped on something, thankfully managed to keep himself from falling by leaning on the table...

... and realized that his bowl of salad managed to land on somebody's...

[fill in the blanks?]


perfectrecord October 4 2009, 15:09:49 UTC
[I am so sorry for the delay, orz. D: ]

The location at which von Karma was sitting gave him a very good vantage point to observe the patients trickling in from the doors leading to the Sun Room. As he idly ate his lunch, he saw Franziska bursting in, ordering her nurse to prepare a tray for her. Then that worthless Detective Gumshoe entered... oh, how fearful that oaf was of his daughter. In spite of himself and his displeasure at her, the corner of the elder prosecutor's mouth turned upward, as he watched the younger von Karma swat the imbecile, using her journal as a makeshift weapon.

Splorch!Without warning, something cold hard ricocheted off the side of von Karma's right shoulder, followed by a cold, wet substance spraying across his right cheek. He quickly turned his head in the direction of the source of this disturbance, only to find the remains of a bowl of salad landing on the floor, and yet another nervous-looking oaf standing nearby ( ... )


att_901 October 4 2009, 15:44:55 UTC
[no problem, was equally on hiatus o>]

He placed (almost dropped) his tray onto the table. "I'm sorry, sir!" He tried to find something in his pockets, a handkerchief maybe, or a napkin, and then remembered that he was wearing something that didn't have pockets in the first place. He tried looking for some napkins on his tray, maybe they were hiding under his plate? Nope. "I'm really sorry, I'll find something to--"

But the man commanded him to sit down, and Randal was the kind of man to obey commands. "Yes, sir!" He stood up straight immediately, and almost saluted the man. He sat down on the nearest available seat (right in front of him, which was awkward) and started to fork whatever was salvageable of his salad from the tray to his bowl.


himetsuru September 27 2009, 16:13:12 UTC
"You shouldn't make little girls cry, Rose ( ... )


madeinthehrl September 28 2009, 06:05:50 UTC
That had gone...better than expected, inasmuch as the word "better" could ever be applied to a situation involving E-0057. It seemed they had established an uneasy truce, although it had seemed to Soma that it had mostly been her telling him that she wouldn't try to kill him so much anymore instead of the two of them reaching some sort of agreement, and that frustrated her.

(Why wasn't he trying to kill her? What hadn't he told her?)

All things considered, though, she was still hardly in the best of moods as she entered the cafeteria, and certainly not entirely willing to speak to Alita. It was easy enough in the daylight, apologies and reassurances of it's not your fault, but Nightshift was another matter entirely. And what if they never got rid of this urge, this hunting instinct? What if they had to live the rest of their lives with a raging creature in their heads every time the sun went down? (Was this how they felt? She brushed that thought away ( ... )


himetsuru September 28 2009, 13:09:14 UTC
Hearing the clink of a tray on the table made Falis flinch. Hadn't they agreed to not have food with them for this, just to be safe? It could have been someone else, but this person was directly across from her and hadn't said anything. As clear as the deep scratches on her cheek, it had to be Soma.

Falis opened her eyes and looked up, crimson meeting gold. Oh good, she didn't feel any desire to rip Soma's throat out. After that brief, tense moment, the princess let a long breath out and visibly relaxed.

"Thank whatever the fuck I can that I don't want your blood anymore," Falis replied in relief. That wasn't to say when night fell that she wouldn't feel the beast again. "Might only be for now, but I kinda like not wanting to rip your head off."

Then she fell silent. And fidgeted. This was... awkward. "'s your neck?" Falis sucked at this sort of thing.


madeinthehrl November 11 2009, 02:14:59 UTC
Soma pushed her food away as soon as she sat down. Getting a tray was automatic by now; she hadn't considered her own hunger or lack thereof.

But it was gratifying to see that Alita wasn't feeling anything out of the ordinary either, and that she was doing similarly well in the conversation department. It wasn't as if Soma could think of anything to say. There was nothing to do besides apologize, and both of them were sick enough of that.

She looked down at the table, then looked up again. "Fine." Which wasn't strictly true; it was still sore, and it ached when she spoke, but it wasn't worth mentioning. "Your foot?"


ruthless_hunter September 27 2009, 16:15:17 UTC
Okay, what was he expected to choke down this time? Lockdown recognized the burgers and fries from that brief meal he'd had at Tastey Burger in Doyleton. Might as well eat something he was familiar with, he figured. Primus only knew what the other stuff tasted like.

After getting some juice, the bounty hunter found an empty table near the back. Luckily the cafeteria was still mostly deserted, so he did't have any trouble finding a place to himself. Once he was seated, Lockdown began nibbling on his burger.

[Unknowingly waiting for Honey]


host_club_honey September 27 2009, 22:13:02 UTC
Arts and Crafts had been plenty of fun and helping Kurt with his fingerpaints while learning more about him had been a great way to spend time. He hadn't seen much of his friends today though. Takashi posted on the bulletin, but so far, no sign of Tamaki or the twins ( ... )


ruthless_hunter September 27 2009, 23:02:22 UTC
The only aknowledgement Lockdown gave the nurse was a slight shift of his optics in her direction. He was about to take a bite out of a french fry, but the food stopped just short when he saw who the nurse had stuck him with. It was some kid with a smile just as annoying as the nurses' and some kind of soft... Lockdown guessed it was a toy or something, designed to look like some animal or other.

He was about to tell the kid to 'slag off' when the name struck him. The bounty hunter glared at the kid. "Honey? You the Honey. The slagger who puts all those annoying messages on the bulletin?"


host_club_honey September 27 2009, 23:15:35 UTC
Honey wasn't sure what slagger meant, but he was pretty sure with the stink-eye Lance was giving him that it didn't mean cute, adorable, or precious. For now, he took up the teary-eyed auto defense, lower lip pouting out with a slight quiver as he held Usa-chan even tighter to his chest.

When he looked up at the man's angry eyes, he seemed almost ready to cry. "Uwaa.... I'm Honey, but... but I didn't mean to be annoying. I thought it would be fun. Did I do something bad?"


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