Day 44: Lunch

Sep 27, 2009 09:39

That had been a very frustrating shower. For many reasons. At least Raine was going to at least look at Forte. Hopefully, she'll actually heal him. The showers had also succeeded in making the ninja feel like a pervert. A mild one, but still... It was as if Yukari had picked that spot in the showers because she knew the ninja could easily see ( Read more... )

kirk, klavier, tenzen, anise, rude, teisel, kuukaku, impulse, indiana jones, raz, forte, utena, asch, euphemia, suzaku, rey, taura, franziska, peter parker, luxord, artemis, lunge, shinichi, raphael, kanji, brainiac 5, the flash, albedo, subzero, heiji, peter petrelli, two-face, yuffie, ritsuka, fox, edgar, the scarecrow, sync, zoro, okita, daphne, touya, lockdown, scourge, tyki, spock, kratos, nathan petrelli, l, haseo, sechs, tony stark, kenshin, endrance, senna, haine, dias, dick grayson, dahlia, gumshoe, hanatarou, sora, jason, alex delarge, reinforce, renamon, keman, alkaid, joshua, shikamaru, dean winchester, brook, pied piper, tim drake, von karma, hanekoma, guy, alfred, venom, abe sapien, nigredo, depth charge, kibitoshin, souji seta, wesker, lelouch, jun, chise, yomi, sylar, captain america, rolo, schuldig, sasuke, yue, sheena, aidou, kaworu, beatrix, falis, statesman, scar (tlk), setsuna, loz

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Comments 864

oldestremnant September 27 2009, 16:55:09 UTC
Boy, shower-time had just flown by. Time to see what was for lunch. Those meanies on the bulletin had gotten to him a little, but they hadn't upset him to the point where he didn't feel like eating, like last night had done for him.

Loz looked at the various choices of food, unable to decide. It all looked so good. The Renmant eventually decided to just get some of everything: a burger, a hot dog, some fries and chips, and some juice to drink. He then put lots of toppings on his burger and hot dog and went to find a seat. Once he was comfortably seated, Loz began eating his hot dog. He made a satisfied noise, clearly liking the taste.

[For Takasugi; No limit]


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oldestremnant September 27 2009, 17:03:24 UTC
Loz jumped, startled, when a tray was slammed down practiacally in front of him. The Remnant looked up and then scowled upon seeing who it was.

It was that meanie Turk. The one who had been fun to play with at first, but had then insulted Mother and tried to blow him up.

"Weren't you mean to me enough on the board?" Loz growled.


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should_be_dead September 27 2009, 17:31:54 UTC
When Yakushiji Tenzen lay eyes upon the choices for his lunch, he couldn't help but to give it a disapproving scowl. They called this food? He couldn't help but wonder why this place provided them with such sad excuses thereof. The ninja opted for the likely healthier salad along with some juice.

There were not many individuals in this cafeteria just yet, which meant there were plenty of empty seats still available. He carried his plate over to one of them and sat down. He pushed a stray lock of damp, black hair after his ear before he started on his lunch.



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idontregret September 27 2009, 18:58:01 UTC
Apparently, Heat's nurse had caught the fact that he hadn't eaten his breakfast that morning and was intent on piling his plate high with burgers this afternoon. Such a big boy, she'd said, required lots of nourishing. The way she'd said it had left the demon wondering if she was actually serious. It looked as though she fully intended to watch him even from across the room during the meal. Surely there was more to this than her wanting him to eat. The only reason he was going to put up with this for the time being was because he knew his comrades were safe so far - at least the ones he'd seen here.

He found an already occupied table, not even eying the boy already there as he was too busy glaring back at the far too pleasant woman standing near the door. Even after he'd slowly lowered himself into his seat, it took him a couple minutes to give Jun a good look-over ( ... )


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idontregret September 27 2009, 22:46:28 UTC
"The explosions?" Cooked non-demon meat. Heat didn't even know what sort of meat made up a hamburger, only that it practically evaporated in his stomach. He stuck another one in his mouth anyway, not so much to get the nurse off his case at this point as to just go through the motions of eating. "They weren't caused by that half-mechanical girl, were they?"

He and Gale had left the field before she'd actually attacked them, but her intent to go after those that didn't do the same was clear. The asura could only assume she'd been trying to keep captives from escaping, as he hadn't seen anything on the field itself worth safeguarding. So either the scrawny guy in front of him was reckless, and he could approve of a certain amount of recklessness, or he'd just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Most likely the latter.

Heat glanced over the room again but saw no sign or anyone else from his tribe just yet. If they were purposefully keeping them separated...


reallyshortfuse September 27 2009, 17:46:02 UTC
With her black hair still damp from the shower, Kuukaku entered the cafeteria. The place was still mostly empty, she noticed. There wasn't even a line for the food yet so the fireworks master quickly filled her plate with food, ignoring her nurse's attempts to help her carry it because she only had one arm. Che! Like that meant she couldn't carry one damned plate!

The woman left her alone eventually and Kuukaku picked an empty seat, a bored expression on her face as she chewed on a piece of her 'hamburger' or whatever these punks called it. Most her whole day had been pretty uneventful, though.



mitase September 28 2009, 01:51:35 UTC

Since he'd barely eaten anything for the last few days, Hanatarou found himself still pretty full by the time lunchtime came around - after all, he'd somehow managed to clean his entire plate at breakfast while not paying attention to what he was doing. The nurse, however, refused to let him pass by the serving line, and chided him for not eating enough as she added food to his plate.

Hanatarou winced a little as he glanced down at his tray, but sighed and moved to find an empty spot in the rapidly-filling cafeteria. He really should eat something, but didn't think he wanted all of this. Why was there always so much meat in these meals, anyway?

He paused at the first open seat and blinked uncertainly at the woman sitting there. Did she look...familiar, somehow? (And kind of scary.) But he'd stopped and she'd probably seen him and it would be rude to just keep walking. "Er," he began shyly, "D-do you mind if I, um, sit here...?"


reallyshortfuse September 28 2009, 17:40:24 UTC

Kuukaku just watched several people enter, getting their food and getting a seat somewhere. They were way more interesting activities she could think of, but none of them were available and there was pretty much a lack of anything to do. The days in this place officially sucked for their lack of trouble, though she couldn't really decide on the nights yet.

And then one kid walked by who paused and stared. Huh? Wasn't this kid familiar somehow? She was just about to ask why the kid was staring until he spoke up himself. And stuttered. Some shy kid, huh?

She smirked in response. "Only if you ain't gonna wet your pants." Which meant 'sure', but Kuukaku simply wasn't one to sugar-coat her words.


mitase September 28 2009, 23:40:37 UTC
That was pretty close to a yes, right? Hanatarou hesitated a moment longer, then cautiously moved to set his tray down as though expecting to be told to move any second. When it didn't come in the time it took for him to sit down, he ventured a small smile.

"I'm, um, not planning to?" he replied, wondering again why he seemed to think he'd seen this woman before. Maybe he'd seen her in passing during one of the activity hours? "Oh. Er, I'm Yamada Hanatarou. Nice to meet you."


loyal_soldier September 27 2009, 18:38:30 UTC
622 had washed quickly and efficiently before taking a few minutes to himself in the Sun Room, almost managing to really relax. It was warm under the sunlight, and almost safe enough for him to consider drifting off.

But now it was time for another meal. It almost didn't feel right to not have to work hard for his food, but if he just made sure to keep doing drills every night before setting out, then he wouldn't get out of shape. His body burned through the food quickly anyway.

He took what he needed and sat down at an empty table, digging in. He needed to find Trevelyan and some point to see if they would be getting anything done soon.

[For Alec!]


janus_006 October 2 2009, 14:48:16 UTC
Alec didn't really feel like eating - he was sick of the food here - but he knew he needed the energy, so he loaded up his tray anyway and went to go find a seat. He really wanted to be alone, but he knew that wasn't helpful. Just as he decided to be useful today, he saw TK. Excellent.

Trevelyan slid into the seat across from TK. "Sorry I didn't show up last night." This place had changed him - he never used to apologize.


loyal_soldier October 2 2009, 15:37:38 UTC
622 swallowed a mouthful of food, nodding in greeting to Trevelyan, getting right to making a report of what he'd done, voice and expression steady. This was routine. It was easy. "I managed on my own. I found Armand's body and personal effects in the morgue, including his sword that he requested I keep." And Armand's diary, and hair ribbon. He didn't know why he'd taken those, but he'd keep them now.


[fml. sorry.] janus_006 October 7 2009, 02:47:19 UTC
Alec immediately felt guilty. He should have gone to the morgue, and instead he'd slept like the dead - no, bad comparison. The dead didn't wake up, except for a couple of nights ago.

"Good. You have his sword. That's...good. Did he have any written plans for the courier service aside from what he told us?" he asked, almost brusquely. Concentrate on the mission.


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