Day 44: Men's Showers, Second Shift

Sep 24, 2009 20:24

Okita had woken with a start, his breath coming back to him in a rush. Toward the end of the night, he had sworn he'd seen someone in the shadows - someone no taller than a boy of nine, a mask covering his face, blood running down his front. He'd seen him. There was no way of mistaking that outfit or that mask; and Okita didn't need to see the ( Read more... )

sechs, s.t., klavier, endrance, kenshin, haine, tenzen, gumshoe, snake, teisel, beelzemon, sam winchester, jade, asch, zex, claude, chihaya, edgeworth, kurogane, roland, lunge, dean winchester, pied piper, the flash, takasugi, hk-47, sho, von karma, grell, hanekoma, guy, alfred, venom, big boss, abe sapien, lord recluse, yohji, peter petrelli, depth charge, kibitoshin, apollo, two-face, lelouch, zoro, okita, fai, schuldig, aidou, touya, howl, wolverine, tyki, spock, l, scar (tlk)

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Comments 293

numberonemonkey September 24 2009, 12:59:44 UTC
Chihaya had barely touched his breakfast. He couldn't. His mind was all over the place, although talking to people on the bulletin had helped a little. His mood, anyway. He was still confused ( ... )


deadlyjuliet September 24 2009, 13:12:56 UTC
Oh..his head. Grell wasn't in the habit of sleeping in, but after last night? He'd all but bitten his nurse's head off when she suggested he rise as early as she did. Wisely, she'd left him alone for the morning, but once it came to be the later morning? Well, the ugly hag was impossible to ignore as she nagged and nagged at him to get up. Rising with a groan, he put his rounded spectacles on and glared at her from beneath his messy fringe. If only he'd gotten to the bloody shed last night, he'd just cut this woman in half and be done with it. Sadly? Giovanni proved to be a good stepping ladder, but otherwise Grell hadn't gleaned much. Perhaps another run was in order - one where some missle launching Lolita wannabe wouldn't interfere and blow off the ( ... )


numberonemonkey September 24 2009, 13:27:00 UTC
Chihaya heard a voice but ignored it, thinking it must be for somebody else. But nobody answered so Chihaya looked up, just in case. And he was quite glad he did, there was somebody looking at him. Chihaya wasn't used to reading vibes, it always took him longer to realise somebody wasn't human or even ill. And, with his mind distracted as it was, he didn't notice anything about this person. Other than that he looked quite pretty.

"Oh!" he blushed, smiling as best as he could. "Sorry...sure. Um... I'm Chihaya. Hi."

Were you supposed to introduce yourself like this in a shower? Were you really supposed to find company? The orphanage was just kids, so they got in, maybe played, and that was that.


deadlyjuliet September 24 2009, 13:48:30 UTC
Ah, the perils of asking permission - it usually led to conversation. Awkward, naked conversations. Grell felt his face flush and he bowed his head slightly, careful to avert his eyes. "Grell Sutcliffe, it's a pleasure."

If only they weren't naked. And the boy - now that he was close enough, Grell would tell this was a boy - wasn't younger than him. Why were they all so young here? Grell would kill to see a good looking older gentlemen with slicked back hair and that harsh uncaring glare to their green eyes. But he doubted Will would ever let himself get caught like this, much less subject himself to public baths. He had to know that Grell would jump him at the first chance he had.

"...ah, I apologize for suddenly appearing like that," he continued, looking back to the wall. The nice, tiled wall. So...boring. "I'm afraid without my spectacles, I can't see a thing."


bprd_fishman September 24 2009, 14:00:29 UTC
Calm, staying calm, there's a good fish. Abe rushed out of breakfast as fast as he could, eager to be away from people trying to nose into his business. Some water running over his body would relax him even in this body, although a bath would be far better to properly get him hydrated ( ... )


brooklynisangry September 24 2009, 14:20:31 UTC
"What? What 'n th'-- No! I ain't gonna-- Okay, okay sheesh I get it, I get it!" Only threat of sedation was enough to convince Beelzemon this might be an idea worth considering. Okay. So they were making him take off his clothes, big deal. When he was Impmon he didn't really wear anything... But that was different! He wasn't like... okay, this was real awkward.

He was shooed into the showers, glaring irritably after the nurse with an "Rrrrrgh!" of frustration before heading towards one of the showers, next to another guy. "Hey," he said, flashing a grin full of sharp teeth before staring confusedly at the shower knob. "...D'yknow how this thing works?"


bprd_fishman September 24 2009, 19:36:40 UTC
Abe gave him a weary look, then reached over and twirled the knob until it hit the other end of the temperature spectrum. He wasn't in the mood for more happy people with no problems, especially not ones who wanted to make sure he was in the same situation.


brooklynisangry September 24 2009, 19:52:47 UTC
"Oh, uh, thanks." Well, this was weird. The nurse had said he was supposed to get clean, right? ...He'd never really bothered with that, it wasn't like there had ever been much reason to before.

And the skinny guy didn't look so hot right now. "...Guess ya don' wanna talk, huh. 's okay with me." He could run his mouth off a lot, but he did actually understand the idea of 'having a bad day, the world better shut up right now.'

He looked down, trying to figure out what the heck he was supposed to do. Then he saw something. Something worth momentarily forgetting that he was supposed to shut up. "Aw sunnova--" They'd tattooed his tail onto his leg. "This is just gettin' ridiculous," he muttered, putting a hand to his forehead in exasperation. Couldn't he have just kept the tail instead of having it drawn on him?!


oldestremnant September 24 2009, 15:14:25 UTC
"Shower time"? Did his nurse just say it was "shower time"? This place even decided when he had to shower?

Loz tried to tell his nurse that he didn't really feel like taking a shower, but she gave him no choice. When they got there, the Remnant asked where the private showers were. He reacted in shock when she told him that everyone showered together. Loz started making a fuss, but eventually relented when his nurse told him that unless he behaved, she'd have him sedated. Loz really didn't want to go through that again.

Once he was undressed, the Remnant found an empty spot that was far away from the few others here. He turned on the water, jumping back when it came out cold. Once it had warmed up, Loz stood under it, letting his hair fall limp under the water.



tyki_pon September 24 2009, 15:33:22 UTC
Maybe it wasn't very hobo-like, but after the zombie apocalypse Tyki was glad he could go and shower this morning. Though people in his white life could be somewhat smelly, at least they didn't rot and cling to you like their life depended on it.

The Noah undressed and left his clothing in a messy pile, placing his glasses on top of them. Glasses and showers didn't get along very well, after all. After grabbing a towel he entered one of the shower stalls and turned on the water. He winced when a shower of hot water washed over him and his burns. As he reached for some soap, he had to wonder why everyone here always saw fit to go and burn him.



superdynamic September 24 2009, 15:36:50 UTC
Suzaku made it to the showers quickly, intending to be done before Lelouch even got there. He did have to promise his nurse he would eat lunch, however, because she highly disapproved of his behavior at breakfast and claimed that the only reason he hadn't been physically forced to eat was his former good track record. He supposed she wasn't that bad as far as nurses went, if she was willing to give him that much leeway ( ... )


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