Nightshift 41: East Wing, Hall A (2nd Floor)

Jun 03, 2009 00:07

[From here]Starting off down the hall, he took it at an even stroll, checking doors one by one ( Read more... )

sho, ren, alfred, blue beetle, leonard, two-face, matt, utena, lelouch, ayumu, renamon, okita, fai, suzaku, sasuke, aidou, brooklyn, alec, subaru

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Comments 65

number_crunch June 3 2009, 09:38:41 UTC
"Die, you door-opening dot-product!" he screamed at the handle, giving it another bash of his drawer. Pausing for a moment, panting with exertion, he reached out with his other hand to jiggle the knob.


Trial 3: Still locked.

He moved on and, thorough man that he was, applied the same methods on the next two doors, switching sides as he went and progressively worked his way down the hall.When he switched back to the left-hand side though, his efforts were suddenly met with a different result.

Trial 4: Locked
Trial 5: Locked
Trial 6: Haha, take that, you parenthetical partition ( ... )


number_crunch June 4 2009, 06:36:54 UTC
[To here]


number_crunch June 5 2009, 06:21:32 UTC
[From here]

Now fully decked out like some kind of super robot-prototype (or perhaps the composite of several maintenance projects gone awry), Sho walked back into the hallways, sporting twin beams of light from his forearms. Taking a hold of his two wheeled contraptions piles with valuable factors, he only absently noted the room across from him was now occupied. This was an irrelevant bit of data though, as his next target was back down the hall.

Those washing machines would make a good base for his artwork.

[To here]


number_crunch June 7 2009, 08:28:15 UTC
[From here]

Now the head of a column of numerous items, Sho dragged the duct-taped train of bags and sheets of metal on wheels towards the next open room, ignoring the young man down the hall or the people in the other closets.

Kicking open to door to the Mail Room, he headed in, articles in tow.

[To here]


superdynamic June 4 2009, 02:25:46 UTC
[from here]

Suzaku padded softly down the hallway, slowing when they drew closer to the other patient, who seemed to be going into -- was that the Janitor's Closet? Damn it, they'd planned to go in there. He wanted to try to avoid a confrontation if possible, however, because you never knew for sure if someone was hostile or not, and dealing with potential monsters was bad enough already. On the other hand, Lelouch wanted to do inventory, and if that guy took things from the closet, they wouldn't get an accurate account. Of course, they could just ask what they guy took on the board tomorrow.

Suzaku waited until he was through the doorway and hopefully distracted before turning and whispering to Lelouch, "There's someone in there. Do you want to go in the other one for now?"


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superdynamic June 5 2009, 05:00:58 UTC
Suzaku didn't say anything to Lelouch's pique, just smiled into the darkness. Would Lelouch have preferred the accusations he would once have thrown? It didn't matter, though, and Suzaku considered the topic effectively dropped. Lelouch was stuck with Suzaku whether he liked it or not, and all the baggage his overzealous brand of loyalty carried with it.

He also gave a wary glance back at the Janitor's Closet at that laughter. Maybe some of the patients here really did belong in a mental institution, but then again he and Lelouch hardly had room to talk. Whatever, what that guy did wasn't any of their business as long as he didn't involve himself in theirs, in which case he could probably be taken care of. Suzaku instead turned his attention to the door leading in to General Storage, which was -- locked. Great. He could swing the bat at it, but it might break or at least get dented, and he wanted to save it for monster skulls. (Assuming they had skulls, oh God.) He could do it easily enough without a weapon, anyway ( ... )


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unheroed June 6 2009, 01:42:09 UTC
[From here.]

The amount of patients seemed to be thinning out the closer he got to his destination, which Harvey took as a good sign. Maybe not that many people were heading this way after all. He wasted no time in counting the doors until he reached the third on the left, which should be the closet if the map was right.

As he got closer, he noticed that the door had actually been forced open - the lock was broken, so someone had probably kicked it down. He frowned. It meant he'd been beaten here, but he could hope that whoever it was who had gotten here first had been looking for something different.

There was no point in wondering about it when he could just see for himself, though, and so with his flashlight held out in front of him, Harvey entered the room.


unheroed September 5 2009, 06:09:55 UTC
[To here.]


whohitreset June 7 2009, 00:18:42 UTC
[from here]

...And it looked like that was indeed what they were doing, damn it all. Matt knew he wouldn't be able to follow them into the room, and there was very little chance he'd be able to hear them while waiting outside of it. There were other patients coming and going in this hall as well, so he might be found out if he just hung around the door into general storage.

Instead he picked another door at random, checking to make sure it was locked, before shining his light around the knob as though trying to find a way in. Matt wasn't the most well-built of people, so it might make sense that he wouldn't try to break it in on his own.

He just had to look busy, and not like he was trying to tail a couple of young men for what might end up being rather unimportant information.

[eventually to here]


not_rly_fai June 8 2009, 04:59:16 UTC
[[from here]]

This hall seemed to have at least a couple people in it. He recognized Harvey, but that was it. No one else appeared to be all that menacing though, so he kept going. Last door on the right. He wondered idly what else might be there.

He hummed softly, out of things to say for the moment, as they finished up their journey. Wasn't far at all now. And things had gone surprisingly well.


broken_babylon June 8 2009, 05:20:49 UTC
A few doors had already been broken in, but otherwise the hallway was quiet. Subaru wondered if they just didn't bother putting guardians here very often? It seemed strange, since it was clearly a fairly popular destination.

Unfortunately, the door to the Patient Possessions room seemed to still be locked. "Oh, dear."


not_rly_fai June 8 2009, 05:31:11 UTC
Subaru had mentioned visiting the room before, so it was kind of strange for it to be locked. Maybe it was just one that needed a few hard hits before it would go.

Offering his flashlight to Subaru, Yuuhi readied himself to give the door a few hard kicks. The boots were sturdy, so it shouldn't be a problem, the only real concern was the noise.

"Hold this and just whistle if you see anything. I think I can knock it open without much trouble," he assured the boy.


broken_babylon June 8 2009, 05:41:09 UTC
Subaru was definitely not going to be able to knock a door down in his current state, so it was just as well that Fai was apparently stronger than he looked. Popping stitches open trying to get into the room would be a really, really bad idea. Holding the flashlight, though, that he could do! ... It was really sad how little it took to make Subaru feel useful, at this point.


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