Night 41: M61-70 Hallway

May 30, 2009 17:36

Well, that was interesting. He'd just watched Lockdown being escorted out of the room by some of the staff. That meant one of two things, and he quite hoped it was the same as what it had been for him. A night of terrorizing meatbags was always fun, although HK did hope that if this was the case for Lockdown, the former droid would be able to ( Read more... )

megatron, ayumu, von karma, zex, guy, okita, zelnick, depth charge, talana, teisel, yuffie, tyki, yousuke, nathan petrelli, hk-47

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Comments 96

vessavana May 30 2009, 22:46:49 UTC
Night drew in quietly this evening, which did not bode well for the swordsman. Kunzite stared up into the darkness of the hallway before him, a sense of dread overcoming his senses, one much more powerful than usual. It was not a good night to venture out onto the grounds, he thought...perhaps it is time to explore outside these walls, see how the environs are affected by the magics of this place.

"First, however, a visit to finally return this weapon," Kunzite murmured, gathering his equipment and making his way toward the next hall.


vessavana May 30 2009, 22:52:13 UTC
[A quick hop over to here]


M62 perfectrecord May 31 2009, 00:07:59 UTC
When the pretentious Head Doctor made his announcement over the intercom, signifying the transition between day and night, von Karma immediately stood up from his desk and prepared to leave the room. As he filled the pockets of his overcoat with his possessions, he mulled over his goals for tonight: returning to the blasted activities shed first to re-arm himself -- hopefully for the very last time -- and then back into the building to look for his and his daughter's files in the file room. He had already memorized the exact path he would take, and so he could leave his journal in his pocket in case he needed it to briefly reference anything.

Gripping his flashlight in his left hand, he nodded cordially to his roommate. "I have much to do tonight, but I expect to return before dawn. Guten nacht." With that, he stepped outside into the dreary darkness of the hallway. Remembering that he was in a different patient block than before, he carefully observed his surroundings as he traversed the hallway, familiarizing himself with it ( ... )


Re: M62 oil_connoisseur June 3 2009, 13:36:44 UTC
Megatron had cocked his head to the side when the intercom began to buzz. A game, indeed. His fellow captive had gathered some belongings, spoken in both English and an additional, more guttural dialect, and had left the room. Megatron had watched him leave with a bland expression - apparently this ‘game’ would not extend to one on one combat within a tiny prison cell. It would be interesting to see if the man survived the night.

As he moved to get up from the table, and ignoring the heavily plastic eating utensils, Megatron picked up the desk radio he had been staring at while he had consumed his meal. Efficiently turning it over and drumming the back, Megatron knew that no matter how he could manage to alter it, there would be very little chance that any sort of signal would transmit through the floors, let alone out of the facility. The Quintessons were pathetic, but they were not complete idiots. The prevention of wave transmissions would be the first thing to go. Of course, there was a miniscule possibility that they thought the ( ... )


Re: M62 oil_connoisseur June 3 2009, 13:55:03 UTC
[to here].


guyslikegames May 31 2009, 02:43:58 UTC
Yousuke was moving quickly once the doors opened, flashlight in hand thanks to Mori. He couldn't actually remember what room number Naoto had given, as upset as he'd been by the events of the shift after. It was in the teens, he knew, and that would have to do for now. He didn't know his way around the building, either, but he remembered a little from the walk to the cafeteria earlier that day, and the woman's block had to be down to the right since there weren't any more patient rooms on the other side.

He had to find out when everyone else was from, and this was just going to be awkward. What if one of them was from the same time as him? What if they'd already told the others? Then what happened?

[to here]


M61 mukuchi May 31 2009, 09:36:05 UTC
The things Yousuke had told him were troubling. That there was someone so dangerous that Yousuke felt like he had to keep quiet to save people was a huge problem. The last thing Mori wanted was for his new roommate to get hurt because of that person. After helping Yousuke find the flashlight and basic supplies around the room, Mori finished his meal and then got ready for the night. He didn't have a lot to do, but Yuffie would be coming by to pick up her weapon and then he had to hoof it to see Mitsukuni ( ... )


Re: M61 thatdamnedninja June 1 2009, 08:28:48 UTC
[From here]

It really was only a few feet to go.

Yuffie skidded to a stop, unable to help the happy, eager little grin playing across her lips. Her shuriken! Her baby! … Okay, that was just a little creepy, but if there was one thing in the world aside from Wutai (and AVALANCHE and the W.R.O) that she treasured, it was her arsenal of weaponry. From the Windslash to the Superball to the Conformer, she loved them all.

… "Hey, y'could have just waited in the room," she said to Mori, actually focusing on him first. With his injuries, he'd probably had to carry it awkwardly; that'd just make it seem all the heavier. All the same, she smiled brightly, offering the stick to him like it was an heirloom katana. "Here. Present for ya."


Re: M61 remedying June 1 2009, 09:00:42 UTC
"W- what?" Yukari had stammered out the moment Yuffie began dragging her, glaring between the two of them even as they moved down the hall. She turned her head over her shoulder, shouting in Okita's direction, "Kaito-kun has nothing to do with this!"

Since Yuffie was right there, Yukari expected her to have heard the same. Uhg, how the heck did he know about that anyway?! If he was one of those on the bulletin from that one time ... Oh, great. It figured someone who seemed just as playful as Yuffie did would be them!

They better have not said anything else to Kaito, and that trend needed to continue!

With an exasperated sigh, Yukari stopped a little behind Yuffie, leaning to the side to get a better view of what she was looking at. First she spotted Mori before drawing her eyes down toward the shuriken.

"Whoa," she said in surprise, doing a doubletake. That thing was huge!


Re: M61 mukuchi June 1 2009, 10:58:43 UTC
Mori had heard her voice from down the hall and knew that Yuffie was coming. He hadn't expected anyone else to be tagging along, but that didn't bother him much. As the girls approached, he straightened and moved the shuriken from the wall and let it rest against his leg. As they approached, Mori noticed Yuffie's enthusiasm and mentally smiled. Well, at least she was doing better than last night. She wasn't so upset anymore, at least, not outwardly ( ... )


M63 notachick May 31 2009, 10:57:39 UTC
The night fell like it always did, but the announcement was yet again stranger than usual. Staring up at the intercom as the lights went out and the doors unlocked, Okita wondered just what sort of things the Head Doctor had in mind for today. Yesterday, he'd made the mistake of predicting the night's events based on a similarly ominous message. Tonight, however, he was going to think positively and decided that he was going to have a lovely night, even if things were going to try and eat his face off. After bidding Guy farewell and wishing him luck that night, the swordsman took a moment to compose his thoughts. Once Ayumu arrived, he wanted to talk with her and then head out across the Institute ( ... )


Re: M63 thatdamnedninja May 31 2009, 11:35:34 UTC
[ Go go threadshift]

"All the time," was Yuffie's smug reply. She grinned as she set off again (walking backwards this time), quick and proud and appearing thoroughly cheerful. Just because some things about the last few days had sucked, didn't mean that she could get herself down all the time. Or at all, really. That's what she had to tell herself. "It's my preferred method of transportation. Cars suck, boats suck, airships suck, walking is cool but it gets old real quick. Gymnastics are the way to go. There's no need to hide your appreciation for my skills, either; you can applaud if you want--"

Was there somebody behind her? Yuffie's head tilted, almost imperceptibly. The back of her neck was prickling in an entirely too stereotypical way. Who was it? Should she turn around? Maybe it was a crazy guy with a chainsaw like you got in the movies. Or an axe. Maybe it was a ghost! Or a figment of her imagination. Regardless, if it really was there, she could always kick it in the nose if it tried to cause trouble.


Re: M63 remedying May 31 2009, 11:46:05 UTC
"I..." Yukari trailed off, catching sight of the guy; so, he wanted her to keep quiet? She was skeptical, but he did just step out of a room, so perhaps he wasn't something dangerous after all. Given that he didn't want his presence tipped off either, they probably knew each other, or something like that.

With an internal grin, Yukari shifted her eyes back to Yuffie. Hey, even she can be cooperative with these things sometimes.

"I guess it was pretty cool," she responded, not much thought put behind it. Yuffie sure had an ego, and Yukari wasn't one to like feeding those, but ... oh, whatever. As long as it kept her from acting like a brat.


Re: M63 notachick May 31 2009, 11:51:51 UTC
The little one seemed willing to play, even if Yuffie probably knew something was behind her. The way the ninja tilted her head said as much.

Although, that wasn't what caught his attention. Both girls were out of uniform and wearing...not much at all. Was that what the future was like? It was pretty indecent all things considered. However, he was certain that this was just the way fashion went. He'd never really cared for such things very much, but Hijikata certainly knew about the sway of things. He also knew about women, so maybe the short skirts and pants were actually attractive? He had no idea.

Ducking back into his room, Okita tore a piece of paper out of his journal and crumpled it up into a ball. He hurried back to the entrance and then waited until they were just a little... Perfect!

Taking aim with his left hand, he tossed the paper ball at Yuffie's back and hoped that his aim wasn't as bad as he thought it might be considering he wasn't using his dominant arm.


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