Night 41: M61-70 Hallway

May 30, 2009 17:36

Well, that was interesting. He'd just watched Lockdown being escorted out of the room by some of the staff. That meant one of two things, and he quite hoped it was the same as what it had been for him. A night of terrorizing meatbags was always fun, although HK did hope that if this was the case for Lockdown, the former droid would be able to ( Read more... )

megatron, ayumu, von karma, zex, guy, okita, zelnick, depth charge, talana, teisel, yuffie, tyki, yousuke, nathan petrelli, hk-47

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M61 mukuchi May 31 2009, 09:36:05 UTC
The things Yousuke had told him were troubling. That there was someone so dangerous that Yousuke felt like he had to keep quiet to save people was a huge problem. The last thing Mori wanted was for his new roommate to get hurt because of that person. After helping Yousuke find the flashlight and basic supplies around the room, Mori finished his meal and then got ready for the night. He didn't have a lot to do, but Yuffie would be coming by to pick up her weapon and then he had to hoof it to see Mitsukuni ( ... )


Re: M61 thatdamnedninja June 1 2009, 08:28:48 UTC
[From here]

It really was only a few feet to go.

Yuffie skidded to a stop, unable to help the happy, eager little grin playing across her lips. Her shuriken! Her baby! … Okay, that was just a little creepy, but if there was one thing in the world aside from Wutai (and AVALANCHE and the W.R.O) that she treasured, it was her arsenal of weaponry. From the Windslash to the Superball to the Conformer, she loved them all.

… "Hey, y'could have just waited in the room," she said to Mori, actually focusing on him first. With his injuries, he'd probably had to carry it awkwardly; that'd just make it seem all the heavier. All the same, she smiled brightly, offering the stick to him like it was an heirloom katana. "Here. Present for ya."


Re: M61 remedying June 1 2009, 09:00:42 UTC
"W- what?" Yukari had stammered out the moment Yuffie began dragging her, glaring between the two of them even as they moved down the hall. She turned her head over her shoulder, shouting in Okita's direction, "Kaito-kun has nothing to do with this!"

Since Yuffie was right there, Yukari expected her to have heard the same. Uhg, how the heck did he know about that anyway?! If he was one of those on the bulletin from that one time ... Oh, great. It figured someone who seemed just as playful as Yuffie did would be them!

They better have not said anything else to Kaito, and that trend needed to continue!

With an exasperated sigh, Yukari stopped a little behind Yuffie, leaning to the side to get a better view of what she was looking at. First she spotted Mori before drawing her eyes down toward the shuriken.

"Whoa," she said in surprise, doing a doubletake. That thing was huge!


Re: M61 mukuchi June 1 2009, 10:58:43 UTC
Mori had heard her voice from down the hall and knew that Yuffie was coming. He hadn't expected anyone else to be tagging along, but that didn't bother him much. As the girls approached, he straightened and moved the shuriken from the wall and let it rest against his leg. As they approached, Mori noticed Yuffie's enthusiasm and mentally smiled. Well, at least she was doing better than last night. She wasn't so upset anymore, at least, not outwardly ( ... )


Re: M61 thatdamnedninja June 1 2009, 16:17:49 UTC
He was still so quiet. Yuffie didn't know whether or not to find it awkward, because it didn't read like Vincent's silences, or even Rude's. It was kind of friendly. "Ah, and --" She glanced between Yukari and Mori as she passed the stick over. "I guess I should at least start making introductions, huh? Mori, this is Yukari Takeba. Yukari, this is Mori, and the guy from before was O-" Using the balance ring to pick it up was a good idea, but his grip was off. "Wow, you're kinda holding that… here, hang on a second, lemme show you how to do it right. Strains the arm less ( ... )


Re: M61 remedying June 1 2009, 19:09:52 UTC
"Oh." Right, introductions would be the polite thing to do, instead of gawking at the ginormous pointy thing. This guy so far hadn't said a single word, but he had this certain kind of air to him, the kind that made Yukari think she could easily find this kind of guy working at some fancy hotel. Man, he even bowed; how many people did you find like that around? Definitely the gentlemanly type. After Yuffie's introduction, Yukari made a little smile and a small wave of her hand. "Nice to meet you."

She then stepped back some, as though she were in the way of this little demonstration, but if anything Yukari was still somewhat wary of the shuriken. Yuffie's apparent weapon of choice was quite unexpected (an ironic thought, considering Yuffie had said the same about her bow), but most of all, Yukari was surprised she could even carry the thing around, much less use it in an efficient manner.

There certainly were a lot of surprises around here.


Re: M61 mukuchi June 2 2009, 00:24:21 UTC
Yukari Takeba - someone from Japan then, or at least a Japanese living outside Japan. Her uniform wasn't one that Mori recognized, however, meaning she was probably a commoner, or from a world he didn't know. Short skirts though. That seemed like it was the norm for school uniforms no matter what. Maybe whoever designed the skirts had one of those weird costume fetish things? Who knew. Mori didn't like to think about it ( ... )


Re: M61 thatdamnedninja June 2 2009, 01:01:41 UTC
If only he knew just how much of a hard-ass Yuffie could be to her students. She nodded in satisfaction; the guy caught on quick. "Not bad! You're a fast learner." Grinning, she reached out to accept the shuriken -- "Holy--" Was it really that heavy? It… She… It was almost like she was a young teenager again, back when she'd first been getting to grips with the original version of the Four Point; it had felt heavy then, back before she'd really come into her own. And the new version weighed in at two kilograms more. Aww, man. Something that'd normally be nothing to her... It was really coming back to bite!

... Still.

It was her shuriken! Her baby, back in her arms again! Yuffie had almost flinched at the weight, her eyes wide with familiarity --just last night, with this shuriken, she'd-- no. This weapon, it'd served her well in the past, and even if she had her work cut out in readjusting herself to make it work for her, it'd be her strongest 'partner' here. She laughed; fully genuine for once, gleeful, and then she hugged the ( ... )


Re: M61 remedying June 2 2009, 05:27:32 UTC
If Yukari hadn't understood the feeling, she might have claimed Yuffie had finally lost it with a spectacle like that. Then again, she did backflip down the hall and then some completely unannounced, so maybe this wasn't the weirdest she could pull off after all.

In the meantime, after adjusting the bow slung over her shoulder again, Yukari just leaned back against the wall, giving Mori a sidelong glance. She didn't really have the heart to interrupt Yuffie's moment of bliss, and had no idea if he did or not either; but given how unspoken he was being, she guessed he wouldn't.


Re: M61 mukuchi June 2 2009, 11:43:52 UTC
He'd spent his entire life training, so he'd learned to be a fast learner. He also had the hopes of his family resting on him, and Mitsukuni's safety. Under those conditions, anyone would learn quickly. It seemed that the shuriken really was as heavy as he thought it was because even Yuffie seemed surprised by it. Mori was thankful to have it out of his hands and rolled his good shoulder in time to see Yuffie spin around and--

Wait, did she really just spin around and hug her shuriken? Mori shot a questioning look over to Yukari, then looked back to Yuffie. Well, so long as she was happy, then he could leave well enough alone. She had her weapon back, Mori had a replacement and now he had met yet another girl at the Institute. Mitsukuni would have liked her - she was cute and still carried a weapon. Nice combination.


Re: M61 thatdamnedninja June 2 2009, 12:15:48 UTC
The moment went uninterrupted, but it couldn't last. Yuffie came to a stop after a few seconds, holding the shuriken via the balance ring. She didn't have anything to act as a harness here, so she'd have to make do until she could come up with some kind of substitute. "Okay, now that's out of the way." She inclined her head towards Mori. "You've probably got things to do, so we won't keep you. If you ever need anything, look me up, 'kay? Or, y'know, just to chat." Haha, irony.

It was gonna take some getting used to, this extra weight. There was no way that she'd be able to use it to it's full capabilities, and throwing it around like she would back home was so far out of the question that it might as well have tea parties in the Lifestream. With one last parting smile and a casual wave-salute, she started skipping off down the hallway, whistling cheerily as she went.

[Hallskipping to here]


Re: M61 mukuchi June 2 2009, 22:51:43 UTC
[going here]


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