Nightshift 40: F-A Block Hallway

Apr 17, 2009 20:18

[from here]

Harley clicked on her flashlight and checked back and forth as she usually did. All clear. Alright-e-o! She moved as quickly as she could down the hallway. No monsters and no other people yet. She knew that changed pretty quickly around here so best to get a move on.

[to here]

raine, senna, tsubaki, anise, mele, hanatarou, ken amada, reinforce, utena, chise, yomi, peter parker, daphne, harry osborn, harley, ophelia, celes

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Comments 72

lady_general April 18 2009, 23:34:56 UTC
[From here]

Celes had little doubt that she would be early to the meeting. Though the night had started, there were few people in the main hallway. Resigned to waiting, Celes leaned against the wall and examined her knife. It was beginning to dull, and likely wouldn't last much longer unless she found herself a whetstone. Her smile was cynical, knowing there was little chance of it magically appearing before her.

It was times like these that Celes wished she could just get inside a MagiTek armor and go crunching through the halls. A pity no one seemed to have one spare and handy.


roseoverture April 19 2009, 04:24:41 UTC
[From here]

Her flashlight beam trained in front of her as she turned the corner into the next hallway, it didn't take Utena long to spot the woman in yellow. Her contact found, that was one less thing to worry about. "You're Miss Chere?" she asked as she approached. "I'm Utena Tenjou. Pleased to meet you, and glad to be working with you," she introduced herself, putting one hand casually on her hip and giving a respectful nod of her head.


lady_general April 19 2009, 05:25:27 UTC
Celes returned Utena's nod with one of her own. "I am, Miss Tenjou." She eyed the girl skeptically - she was as new as a reed, and thin as one to boot (though Celes couldn't particularly throw stones herself). "While we await Edward, what are your specific skills?" Celes said, getting right down to business. Waste not, want not, after all, and time was a fickle thing in the institute.


roseoverture April 19 2009, 06:12:56 UTC
Ah, so she was a serious one like Juri. That made sense. Leader types (other than certain Student Council Presidents) tended to be like that, and probably made better decisions for it. At least Miss Chere didn't seem as immediately imposing as someone like Juri. "Well, I'm pretty athletic, like I said on the board," she started. "I play all kinds of sports at school. I also run, pole vault, things like that. I don't tire easily, and I'm pretty agile."

She paused, preparing herself to explain the next part, which might or might not be difficult depending on what she was asked about it. "And it's not official, at least not as the school clubs and such see it, but I've also been doing a lot of swordplay lately. Not just play duels, but ones with actual swords. I've got a lot of talent with them, it seems. I've beaten people who have trained with swords for most of their lives, though I'm not quite sure how exactly sometimes."


per_ardua April 19 2009, 02:54:21 UTC
[[From here.]]

Raine got to the main hallway and just waited; she really hoped Reinforce wouldn't take long to join her, and not just for the usual reasons. Why hadn't she seen Tamaki all day? Why hadn't he answered Kratos' note?

She would also feel a lot better if she knew why Sheena wouldn't be joining them tonight. She could accept that the reason was personal, but to not even have a hint as to what was going on... she trusted the ninja, but that wasn't the point.


1imited_edition April 19 2009, 19:29:01 UTC
[[From F31-F40 Hallway.]]

Rein again found Raine already waiting for her in the hall, this time without her friend. Raine looked worried... had they planned to meet? She hadn't read the bulletin since lunch and couldn't know if they'd talked.

"Hello," Rein said as reached Raine. "Is something bothering you?"

It was a presumption she saw no harm in making, so she wasted no time.


per_ardua April 20 2009, 01:07:00 UTC
Raine nodded; she was as glad to see Reinforce as she always was, but it wasn't surprising that her worry was that obvious. "I don't know what's going on, but this can't be good. I haven't heard from Tamaki, and Sheena seems to be missing."

She could technically go back and look in Sheena's room to see if she'd left yet, but if she wasn't there that that didn't tell her much at all.


1imited_edition April 21 2009, 05:21:11 UTC
"I don't know about Tamaki," Rein said with a shake of her head, "But there was a release of magical power similar to your friend's a short while ago." It was... hard for her to tell, since she could sense such things only faintly now, and what she'd sensed tonight had been active, and much stronger, than before, but there were certainly commonalities.

"Do you still want to go to the clinic?" She asked, unsure whether this was uncommon enough to warrant a shift in their plans. Perhaps she was deferring to the half-elf a little too much, but she had already decided that helping the clinic was a good path for her to take...


shallweplay April 19 2009, 04:47:21 UTC
[From here]

Ophelia found her way by the light of other patients' flashlights, and soon found herself standing outside the door to the women's bathroom. It had been strange upon arrival, first accepting that she would have to deal with human bowel functions on a semi-regular basis, and then accepting that she had to sit on a strange, porcelain "toilet" in order to do said dealing. Now she was somewhat used to it, if not completely pleased.

Keeping to the shadows inside the doorway just in case Arlene happened by, she waited for her contact.


thecamellia April 21 2009, 00:54:03 UTC
[from here]

Tsubaki noted the two other women in her hallway, aiming to mask her presence as she skirted by while at the same time moving in such a way to show she wasn’t hostile. She wondered what the ‘box’ was supposed to be as she made her way towards the mouth of the corridor, but once she reached the intersection, the majority of her attention returned to her breathing, her movement, and the presence of the others in the hallway out of instinct.

There were a few people, one of them being her roommate. When she looked closer, Tsubaki saw she was the same silver-haired woman from the night before. This time, she didn’t wave. They seemed involved, and it was a less secure place to do so--more open and exposed.

She couldn’t be sure, could she?

The bathroom doors were already open when she approached, and to make herself more noticeable, Tsubaki shifted out of the assassin mindset--something Black☆Star had never really been able to get into--and walked on with soft footfalls to reveal her position. Was someone there? When she ( ... )


shallweplay April 21 2009, 07:42:05 UTC
A girl about 5'10" in cream clothes who knew her name. Now just who might that have been?

"Nakatsukasa," Ophelia stated in return, glad that she had at least somewhat of a handle on the girl's difficult name. She turned to face the girl, her arms crossed. For the time being, she kept her expression and tone as neutral as she could (no easy feat, but somehow she managed). She told herself to think of this interaction as simply receiving orders when she was having a bad day. Rare, but it had happened on occasion before. She had been able to deal with it with grace then, and she could do it again now. "The club leader didn't mention our objective when handing out assignments. What do you have in mind for tonight?" she asked briefly.


thecamellia April 21 2009, 17:36:34 UTC
That had been fast! And they’d managed to find each other without trouble ( ... )


windstwilight April 19 2009, 20:42:46 UTC
[from here]

Up a hallway, down a hallway, and Senna knew this part. For some reason, tonight it reminded her of visiting Hitsugaya. Sobered by this, she continued. Working with the chief wasn't like working with Leader, but she should put her all into it all the same.

[to here]


bullygeneraleva April 20 2009, 06:03:42 UTC
[[From F21-F30 Hall.]]As expected, the dark hall was busier than it had been last night. She hadn't been cheated out of her night this time ( ... )


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