Nightshift 40: F-A Block Hallway

Apr 17, 2009 20:18

[from here]

Harley clicked on her flashlight and checked back and forth as she usually did. All clear. Alright-e-o! She moved as quickly as she could down the hallway. No monsters and no other people yet. She knew that changed pretty quickly around here so best to get a move on.

[to here]

raine, senna, tsubaki, anise, mele, hanatarou, ken amada, reinforce, utena, chise, yomi, peter parker, daphne, harry osborn, harley, ophelia, celes

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shallweplay April 19 2009, 04:47:21 UTC
[From here]

Ophelia found her way by the light of other patients' flashlights, and soon found herself standing outside the door to the women's bathroom. It had been strange upon arrival, first accepting that she would have to deal with human bowel functions on a semi-regular basis, and then accepting that she had to sit on a strange, porcelain "toilet" in order to do said dealing. Now she was somewhat used to it, if not completely pleased.

Keeping to the shadows inside the doorway just in case Arlene happened by, she waited for her contact.


thecamellia April 21 2009, 00:54:03 UTC
[from here]

Tsubaki noted the two other women in her hallway, aiming to mask her presence as she skirted by while at the same time moving in such a way to show she wasn’t hostile. She wondered what the ‘box’ was supposed to be as she made her way towards the mouth of the corridor, but once she reached the intersection, the majority of her attention returned to her breathing, her movement, and the presence of the others in the hallway out of instinct.

There were a few people, one of them being her roommate. When she looked closer, Tsubaki saw she was the same silver-haired woman from the night before. This time, she didn’t wave. They seemed involved, and it was a less secure place to do so--more open and exposed.

She couldn’t be sure, could she?

The bathroom doors were already open when she approached, and to make herself more noticeable, Tsubaki shifted out of the assassin mindset--something Black☆Star had never really been able to get into--and walked on with soft footfalls to reveal her position. Was someone there? When she ( ... )


shallweplay April 21 2009, 07:42:05 UTC
A girl about 5'10" in cream clothes who knew her name. Now just who might that have been?

"Nakatsukasa," Ophelia stated in return, glad that she had at least somewhat of a handle on the girl's difficult name. She turned to face the girl, her arms crossed. For the time being, she kept her expression and tone as neutral as she could (no easy feat, but somehow she managed). She told herself to think of this interaction as simply receiving orders when she was having a bad day. Rare, but it had happened on occasion before. She had been able to deal with it with grace then, and she could do it again now. "The club leader didn't mention our objective when handing out assignments. What do you have in mind for tonight?" she asked briefly.


thecamellia April 21 2009, 17:36:34 UTC
That had been fast! And they’d managed to find each other without trouble ( ... )


shallweplay April 21 2009, 22:53:25 UTC
"Ah, so you do have a simpler name, then," Ophelia remarked. That would at least make one thing easier during the night, at least. "'Ophelia' is the only name I have, so you can stick with that. Pleasure." It was clear that the warrior wasn't entirely keen on getting too friendly with new people right away, but that she was at least willing to be polite for the sake of working together.

She listened to Tsubaki describe their objective. Though she wasn't entirely sure what finding the tree in question would achieve, it would at least serve her purposes. Chances were, the team of assassins would not be heading outdoors, and the change of scenery would likely help to clear her mind somewhat. Besides, she had to admit, she had been missing the wilderness quite a bit since being dragged away from her home world.

She nodded when the girl was finished. "That is acceptable," she responded, moving away from the wall. "Though I must ask: what exactly is the significance of this tree you wanted to search for?"


thecamellia April 22 2009, 05:33:46 UTC
"All right, I will." Tsubaki gave a smile. "It's my first name, while 'Nakatsukasa' is my family name," she clarified further. "And I'm trying to collect all the materials I'd need for an alchemist to create a weapon. I can't think of any sources of good wood inside."

Maybe things would work out well that night? If she managed to find alder or something similar, she could try to take extra to share, and perhaps Ophelia could use some herself. It was practical to go for an all-metal weapon, but Tsubaki's best choices involved more materials, if she was trying to copy one of her own forms.

Then there was the forest, itself. At this point, almost anything could be out there.

"Since we'll be working together, do you have any preferences when working with a partner?" she asked, just in case there was something that needed to be brought up before they got on their way. "I'm trained in ninja arts, so I can move rather quickly in the dark and provide what support I can."


shallweplay April 22 2009, 06:09:24 UTC
Ophelia raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh, and what might you be trying to create that requires such quality wood?" she asked. She wasn't entirely fond of wood in weapons, but then, she specialized in heavy blades. Perhaps this girl used a bow or something similar that required flexibility ( ... )


thecamellia April 23 2009, 06:03:23 UTC
Yes, she could see why so many organizations had appeared rather than one combined effort, even if she didn't understand it personally. The problems of different personalities and different ideas in leadership were amplified when everyone was under such stress--taking orders from strangers took a lot of cooperation. That didn't always come naturally at the best of times ( ... )


shallweplay April 24 2009, 06:52:43 UTC
The Claymore was surprised and slightly annoyed to hear that the girl was not much more experienced in the club than she was, nor was she really leader material. Though working with Tsubaki as a normal partner was at least preferable to working as her subordinate, Ophelia still would have much preferred to be the leader as usual. The more considerate, less decisive people were typically the filler warriors on expeditions that she had lead in the past, and she was already tempted to start treating Tsubaki as such. It took a combination of conscious effort and humble pie from the previous night to hold her feelings back on that matter ( ... )


thecamellia April 28 2009, 00:23:28 UTC
She could only give a smile that was born from the gravity of professionalism, not from the ease of a friendly conversation with no expectations. This had become a mission beyond wood-gathering, after all, and no matter what deficits Tsubaki had, she’d do everything she could to see it through and have both of them come out safely by the morning.

Rather than lingering on what went unsaid, Tsubaki nodded. “I agree.”

Entering into any kind of combat in her human form was far less reliable than if she’d been able to partner with someone like Ophelia as a demon weapon, but avoiding what threats they could was key, and taking a route inside the building at least meant some familiarity with their surroundings. ‘Patients’ walked the same halls day after day.

When, with a silent shift in tone, the introductions seemed to be at their end, she made a different, more pointed nod to Ophelia and began moving towards the exit with the other woman.


shallweplay April 29 2009, 20:31:24 UTC
Satisfied with the plan as it stood (as much as she could be, at least), Ophelia nodded in return and made for the door as well.

[To here]


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