Nightshift 40: F-A Block Hallway

Apr 17, 2009 20:18

[from here]

Harley clicked on her flashlight and checked back and forth as she usually did. All clear. Alright-e-o! She moved as quickly as she could down the hallway. No monsters and no other people yet. She knew that changed pretty quickly around here so best to get a move on.

[to here]

raine, senna, tsubaki, anise, mele, hanatarou, ken amada, reinforce, utena, chise, yomi, peter parker, daphne, harry osborn, harley, ophelia, celes

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shallweplay April 24 2009, 06:52:43 UTC
The Claymore was surprised and slightly annoyed to hear that the girl was not much more experienced in the club than she was, nor was she really leader material. Though working with Tsubaki as a normal partner was at least preferable to working as her subordinate, Ophelia still would have much preferred to be the leader as usual. The more considerate, less decisive people were typically the filler warriors on expeditions that she had lead in the past, and she was already tempted to start treating Tsubaki as such. It took a combination of conscious effort and humble pie from the previous night to hold her feelings back on that matter.

"I'm sure we'll complement each other well enough," said Ophelia, keeping her tone as level as she could (though a slight frustrated waver could still be heard faintly). "And I haven't been out that way before, so we might as well go for the established route first. If that proves impassable or dangerous, then we'll worry about an alternate exit point." She paused, then remembered to add, "Sound all right?" to keep her statement from sounding too much like an order.

Needless to say, Ophelia didn't feel the need to elaborate much on her opinion of certain types of traps and guards.


thecamellia April 28 2009, 00:23:28 UTC
She could only give a smile that was born from the gravity of professionalism, not from the ease of a friendly conversation with no expectations. This had become a mission beyond wood-gathering, after all, and no matter what deficits Tsubaki had, she’d do everything she could to see it through and have both of them come out safely by the morning.

Rather than lingering on what went unsaid, Tsubaki nodded. “I agree.”

Entering into any kind of combat in her human form was far less reliable than if she’d been able to partner with someone like Ophelia as a demon weapon, but avoiding what threats they could was key, and taking a route inside the building at least meant some familiarity with their surroundings. ‘Patients’ walked the same halls day after day.

When, with a silent shift in tone, the introductions seemed to be at their end, she made a different, more pointed nod to Ophelia and began moving towards the exit with the other woman.


shallweplay April 29 2009, 20:31:24 UTC
Satisfied with the plan as it stood (as much as she could be, at least), Ophelia nodded in return and made for the door as well.

[To here]


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