Night 40: West Wing, South Hall 1-B

Apr 17, 2009 15:08

[from here]There! Now all Junpei needed to do was wait for Yukari to finish her prima donna primping a la Third Circle of Hell Version 1.3 or something ( Read more... )

s.t., meche, batman, tsubaki, armand, nightcrawler, nigredo, mele, forte, tk-622, seiya, junpei, yomi, haruno sakura, hokuto, daphne, peter parker, harry osborn, ophelia, wolverine, kira, harley, alec, lugnut

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Comments 131

toxicspiderman April 18 2009, 17:05:24 UTC
[from here]

Then again, they could be on a ship. It wasn't the first time the thought had occurred to him. A rocket the size of a city, spun for gravity and with a built-in planetarium show. Big enough to have weather, and to fake the horizons. But if this was some sort of For The World Is Hollow deal, it was seriously lacking in women in gold lamé bikinis.

Besides, space didn't have waves. Radio waves, solar wind, sure, but not the gentle rocking he knew damn well was fever and not open ocean.

[to here]


mugenreppa April 18 2009, 22:10:47 UTC
[from here]

If I were a bastard dragon god or a psycho babbling about boxes, where would I be?

Someplace she could watch, of course. Mele looked up. But this was a closed building with no wide-open spaces.... Upstairs, maybe? She'd gone up stairs yesterday, hadn't she?

Or was I imagining that, too? Mele tapped her forehead and then, realizing it was an unfortunate habit picked up from Fukami Gou, tapped her lower lip instead. This doubting of her own reality sucked. Well, she'd find out if there actually were stairs.


mugenreppa April 18 2009, 22:19:06 UTC
[to here]


unmocked_lawr April 19 2009, 05:13:13 UTC
[from here]

Javert hadn't been in the female block often since his arrival here, but it wasn't too difficult to find his way around; it was, after all, laid out exactly as all the other blocks.

F6...F6. Javert located the corresponding hallway and turned right.


unmocked_lawr April 19 2009, 23:52:52 UTC
[returning from here]

Hopefully that hadn't taken too much time; it was too difficult to tell in this damned place. Javert quickened his steps.


bewarethecute April 19 2009, 23:32:58 UTC
[ From here]

Ururu peeked around the corner before she went into the hall, looking for monsters as best as she could without a flashlight. She was getting better at listening for things at the dark that way, so maybe it was kind of a good thing. Still, Ururu wished she could see better.

"I'm glad I didn't hurt you." Ururu didn't have any bandages, but she'd definitely find some if she had. "And normally I'm a lot stronger. Ever since I got here, I've been really weak. I don't like it, because I can't fight as well." And bad things happened because of it. But Ururu was trying not to think of those so much, so she didn't say anything else about it just then.


rectifies April 20 2009, 06:13:27 UTC
Ken followed closely, careful to balance both spear and flashlight without knocking anyone over. Getting used to carrying more than one item had yet to lose the overbearing factor. Thankfully, the hallways were wide enough for the feat.

"Huh." He knew the chances Ururu had a Persona were statistically slim, but the child had a feeling there was more to her strength than simple natural ability. After all, he had seen her try and take on one of the demons; nothing inherent could do that. "I'm kind of in the same boat," he answered quietly as he hurried onto the next intersection. "It's frustrating, not being as strong as you're used to."

[To here.]


ol_canucklehead April 20 2009, 05:15:26 UTC
[From here]

Rounding the corner, Logan stopped just outside the door to the female block and took up a crouching position against the wall. "Ok, bub. Now all we gotta do is wait, n' hope she recognises us."


fuzzy_diablo April 20 2009, 05:21:22 UTC
"Right," Kurt said with a nod, looking around the hall nervously. He hoped no one was looking at him. Just to be sure, he crouched down next to Logan.

"I wonder if she got your message about me being a blue demon, or if she's looking for someone in a sheet," Kurt wondered aloud. "Shouldn't have left it in the middle of the floor like that, maybe..."


ol_canucklehead April 20 2009, 05:29:55 UTC
Catching the nervousness in Nightcrawler's eyes made Logan's brow furrow slightly. He was supposed to be a hero, dammit, not just some jittery kid who happened to look like hellspawn. "Hey, relax. There're worse things fer people ta worry 'bou' than you 'roun' here."

"Dunno," he said, by way of answering Kurt's musings, "Jus' keep those eyes peeled fer somone in a spangly get-up. No' all o' tha patien's gotta wear these a' nigh'," he motioned to his smiley-faced shirt with a meaty thumb, "some o' 'em ge' ta wear wha' they woul' on tha outside. Search me as ta how they go' their gear, or why some've go' i' bu' no' others tho." It was a geniunely curious phenomenon, and he had nothing to go with on that particular train of thought for now. "Don' worry 'bou' tha shee', kid. I ge' tha feelin' it'll be back ta where it's sposedta be come mornin'."


fuzzy_diablo April 20 2009, 05:48:14 UTC
"No kidding," Kurt agreed with a laugh. "I think I'm the least likely person to attack anybody randomly. Though suddenly being with a bunch of people I don't know has limited my possibilities in the joking department. I don't think some people would like a fuzzy blue elf jumping them from behind in the dark. Even if I just wanted to make them jump ( ... )


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