Night 39: M21-M30 HALLWAY

Mar 06, 2009 21:55

As soon as the doors unlocked and night fell, Kira was up out of his bed and feeling around underneath it to take hold of his sword. When he stood, he paused and looked at the pillow; he recalled the night before when he'd failed to bring the pillowcase, and as such had caused difficulty for himself. He set down the blade and removed the pillowcase ( Read more... )

hanekoma, farfarello, kenren, homura, schuldig, adelheid, peter petrelli, kaoru, eddie brock, kira, blitzwing, sam winchester, wolfram, brad

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Comments 76

blacksustenance March 7 2009, 08:54:51 UTC
They didn't know what to make of this different, younger Peter Parker.

On one hand, he still felt like Spider to him: Brock could still taste that specific presence that the symbiote was keyed into, that sang Spider, ours, mine, love in their bones. That hate, too, they felt was also there, even if all their genetic memories probably didn't match. For the first time in months, he realized he really didn't know anything about Parker. It wasn't as simple as opening up that flip book of stolen memories. Brock wasn't sure if he liked that or not. What he did know was there was a good chance this new Parker had the same abilities as theirs did - otherwise his Other wouldn't be wasting its time with a mere human.

...But he also looked like he was highly illegal, too.

Brock already had "cannibal", "murderer", and "general fuck-up" on his rap sheet. He wasn't sure if he wanted to add "gay pedophile" to it.

By that logic, all of the human species are children, the symbiote would shrug if it had shoulders. Couldn't exactly argue with that ( ... )


blacksustenance March 8 2009, 10:28:40 UTC
[To here]


onefellbeast March 7 2009, 13:33:03 UTC
Takasugi had awoken abruptly at the sound of foot steps rushing outside of his own door. For a moment, he wondered if the events of the previous day had all been a dream and if he would find himself once again on his boat in the same uncomfortable position he had fallen asleep. The stifling uniform hugging his body followed by the sensation of a western bed just below his person confirmed otherwise.

It was nothing for him to fret about or to deter him from his goal. It seemed his roommate had already evacuated the premises, most likely taking whatever weapon he had with him. It would be futile to scavenge through his things, especially when Takasugi was losing time that could be better spent covering ground and acquiring whatever accouterments could be of use to him.

Pushing aside the bed sheets, he let his bare feet touch the cold ground and took the one flash light he'd been granted, tucking it inside his pocket before slipping out of the door.


onefellbeast March 7 2009, 13:38:40 UTC
[to here]


hangenki March 7 2009, 20:03:09 UTC
After eating what he could (not much but certainly more then usual), Kaoru had curled up on his own bed to try and get rid of the sicky feelings. But it was lonely and he wanted Hikaru. He didn't even have the stupid comm back yet, dammit. Maybe he'd find another radio and get Winry to make them a two way system.

He got up and moved to Wolf's bed. Wolf was nice. Clingy. Kaoru kinda hoped Wolf didn't become too dependant on him 'cause, while it felt nice, Kaoru didn't know how long he'd keep it up. What if he got bored or something? Seemed a little cruel. But Wolf would make a great older brother, so it was ok.

He climbed over Wolf and curled up between him and the wall. Haikru never let him get the wall side and Kaoru always ended up on the floor by morning.


arrogantflame March 7 2009, 20:13:33 UTC
Wolfram always was a sound sleeper, despite the fact that he occasionally tossed and turned a lot while sleeping. But he stirred vaguely enough to register something warm next to him. Mumbling a few soft nonsensical words, he turned over to curl up against the new heat source, unconsciously settling closer.

It was probably the most peaceful and content he'd felt all day.


hangenki March 7 2009, 20:17:34 UTC
Kaoru dozed with Wolf, his substitute for Hikaru, until the door clicked. The movement and voices outside gradually pulled him awake and sighed, trying to roll over. There wasn't much room and he found himself a little stuck. Continue sleeping in this uncomfortable position or just get up.

Once he remembered where he was, he got up right away.

He patted Wolf on the cheek and pulled a long, catlike, yawning stretch.

"C'mon. Club," he said. He wanted to see Hikaru and the others.


arrogantflame March 7 2009, 20:37:20 UTC
Blinking in a dazed confusion, Wolfram vaguely remembered what he was supposed to be doing tonight. And the sleep helped, because he did feel slightly better. But despite that, he sat up part of the way, sleepily tugging Kaoru closer.

"Can't you skip for one night? We could just stay here..."

Although even as he protested, he was trying to wake himself up the rest of the way. He had to start being a good soldier for Yuuri's sake, even if he didn't want to.


allroadslead March 8 2009, 00:13:23 UTC
Sam was kind of glad Peter had mentioned having plans since he wasn't sure what he'd do if it'd turned out Peter was going to end up alone in the halls, as it seemed he'd been about to do last night had Sam not been dropped here from out of nowhere. Taking Peter with him was pretty much a non-option and...

Maybe he was just glad he had to avoid the dilemma because he knew that if it came down to it, he'd have left Peter on his own. There was simply no way Sam would've let Dean hang out alone with a demon any longer than he had to.

He left the room almost immediately, not really wanting to linger when so much crap was going down tonight. With any luck, he wouldn't run into anything.

[to here]


M27 k4t4str0ph4l March 8 2009, 19:11:25 UTC
[From here.]

It had been a relatively short trek to Crawford's room - only a couple hallways, really. Still, it was an least for the moment. Knowing the Oracle like he did, though, Schuldig was certain that soon enough the man would give him reason to wish there were a few more hallways between them, and possibly a moat.

It was a lot easier to miss him when he was actually gone.

He rapped hard on the door, leaning against the frame and grinning to himself. The trick, he decided, was not to let Crawford talk - at least not until later. If he could keep the man quiet until Farfarello arrived, it might just be possible to keep the precognitive from pissing him off to the point where he left him to his own devices until he learned a few things about the institute the hard way.


aversionoftruth March 9 2009, 05:58:23 UTC
Crawford had been planning since he'd gotten back from breakfast. He had a mental list of new questions for Schuldig, and he'd gone through his room looking for anything useful; but his thoughts kept leading him back to one problem: he had no gun. He was stuck on that again, sitting at his desk and tapping his fingers irritably, when the knock jolted him back to reality.

He wasn't surprised to find Schuldig standing outside, but it did add to his count: 22; the number of things he knew he should have seen before they happened. He pulled the door farther open and stepped back.


k4t4str0ph4l March 9 2009, 06:07:50 UTC
That was really all the invitation Schuldig needed. Grin widening into a full-blown smirk, he stepped into the room, hooking the door with one foot and kicking it closed behind him. Almost before the latch had clicked, he'd grabbed Crawford by that damned smiley face and hauled him in for a kiss that would probably bruise both their lips.

Usually it was the most frequently employed tactic to shut him up(well, second most frequently; punching came in first), but it worked nearly as well on other people.


aversionoftruth March 9 2009, 06:25:06 UTC

Crawford just allowed it happen for a second, observing that Schuldig must've gotten over his annoyance from earlier, before putting his hand on Schuldig's shoulder and returning the kiss.

At another time he would've let himself be distracted, but now he had more important things to deal with. After a minute he pushed Schuldig away with the same hand. "We have to talk," he said.


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