Night 39: M21-M30 HALLWAY

Mar 06, 2009 21:55

As soon as the doors unlocked and night fell, Kira was up out of his bed and feeling around underneath it to take hold of his sword. When he stood, he paused and looked at the pillow; he recalled the night before when he'd failed to bring the pillowcase, and as such had caused difficulty for himself. He set down the blade and removed the pillowcase ( Read more... )

hanekoma, farfarello, kenren, homura, schuldig, adelheid, peter petrelli, kaoru, eddie brock, kira, blitzwing, sam winchester, wolfram, brad

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M27 k4t4str0ph4l March 8 2009, 19:11:25 UTC
[From here.]

It had been a relatively short trek to Crawford's room - only a couple hallways, really. Still, it was an least for the moment. Knowing the Oracle like he did, though, Schuldig was certain that soon enough the man would give him reason to wish there were a few more hallways between them, and possibly a moat.

It was a lot easier to miss him when he was actually gone.

He rapped hard on the door, leaning against the frame and grinning to himself. The trick, he decided, was not to let Crawford talk - at least not until later. If he could keep the man quiet until Farfarello arrived, it might just be possible to keep the precognitive from pissing him off to the point where he left him to his own devices until he learned a few things about the institute the hard way.


aversionoftruth March 9 2009, 05:58:23 UTC
Crawford had been planning since he'd gotten back from breakfast. He had a mental list of new questions for Schuldig, and he'd gone through his room looking for anything useful; but his thoughts kept leading him back to one problem: he had no gun. He was stuck on that again, sitting at his desk and tapping his fingers irritably, when the knock jolted him back to reality.

He wasn't surprised to find Schuldig standing outside, but it did add to his count: 22; the number of things he knew he should have seen before they happened. He pulled the door farther open and stepped back.


k4t4str0ph4l March 9 2009, 06:07:50 UTC
That was really all the invitation Schuldig needed. Grin widening into a full-blown smirk, he stepped into the room, hooking the door with one foot and kicking it closed behind him. Almost before the latch had clicked, he'd grabbed Crawford by that damned smiley face and hauled him in for a kiss that would probably bruise both their lips.

Usually it was the most frequently employed tactic to shut him up(well, second most frequently; punching came in first), but it worked nearly as well on other people.


aversionoftruth March 9 2009, 06:25:06 UTC

Crawford just allowed it happen for a second, observing that Schuldig must've gotten over his annoyance from earlier, before putting his hand on Schuldig's shoulder and returning the kiss.

At another time he would've let himself be distracted, but now he had more important things to deal with. After a minute he pushed Schuldig away with the same hand. "We have to talk," he said.


k4t4str0ph4l March 9 2009, 06:36:40 UTC
Oh no. That was exactly what Schuldig wanted to avoid, at least for a few minutes. "Not yet," he said, still grinning, and half-guided, half-shoved Crawford backwards toward the bed. "Farfarello will be here soon, anyway; we might as well wait for him. And in the meantime..." The telepath lazily raked fingers through Crawford's hair before tugging at it, ever so slightly. "You've got a lot to make up to me for."

This was even more demanding than he usually was; with any luck, it'd work. Actually, it was far more likely the logic of waiting for Farfarello before they had a serious discussion would convince the Oracle than Schuldig's simply being forceful about having sex, but Schuldig was willing to accept a victory on any grounds.


aversionoftruth March 9 2009, 07:00:35 UTC
"How soon?" Crawford asked, glancing at the door as he moved backwards. No lock, of course. It was probably a bad idea, all things considered, especially since he wouldn't know Farfarello was outside the door until he got there; but he didn't need real foresight to see that Schuldig was hell-bent on this.

Then again, looking at Farfarello in the doorway and thinking 24 with great annoyance was the thing he least wanted right now, out of a possible billion things.


k4t4str0ph4l March 9 2009, 18:44:52 UTC
"Not that soon," Schuldig replied with a laugh. "I told him to take his time." Really, Crawford was out of sorts today, wasn't he? The telepath had expected more resistance than this, if only for appearance's sake. Perhaps Crawford was able to tell that this was necessary...although Schuldig had his doubts, given that the Oracle had never been that quick to catch on before.

There was the faintest of possibilities that Crawford might need some reassurance, too, but Schuldig dismissed that as an impossibility almost immediately. Even if Crawford were still human enough to have that sort of reaction - to anything - the day he demonstrated any sign of it, particularly to Schuldig, would be the day the world ended.

But for now, he'd just make the best of this unexpected windfall of cooperation. Smirking, he nudged Crawford back a little further, until his legs hit the edge of the bed, and then fell with him into it.


aversionoftruth March 9 2009, 18:59:14 UTC
Some time later Crawford stood in front of the open closet and stared at the contents. He glanced at Schuldig's clothes, so obviously his, and then back to the institutional grays and smiley face graphics in his closet. No jackets, no ties, nothing. It was the kind of joke Schuldig would come up with.

He pulled out a shirt with barely-noticeable annoyance and started to get dressed. "Where did you get that?" he demanded, nodding at Schuldig's jacket.


k4t4str0ph4l March 9 2009, 19:12:04 UTC
Schuldig's clothes were certainly his, but he wasn't in them yet. He was still lying in the bed, chin propped up in one hand as he watched Crawford and the man's perusal of his closet with a mixture of absolute amusement and total satisfaction.

It was the little things in life you treasured.

"I found it," he replied, taking delight in the fact that he was, more or less, telling the truth.


aversionoftruth March 9 2009, 19:23:47 UTC
Crawford glanced at him, assuming automatically that it was equal parts true, inaccurate, and mockery. "You found it?" he repeated, raising his eyebrows. "Where?"

If there was some secret closet where stolen belongings--i.e., his suit and gun--were being kept, that was the first place he wanted to go, even though it would change his plans. He finished getting dressed and shoved on the sturdier-looking pair of slippers. The other pair was useless for all intents and purposes.


k4t4str0ph4l March 9 2009, 19:35:12 UTC
"In my closet." Schuldig grinned at him. "Some people get their outfits from home left in their closets for them - minus anything useful they were carrying on them, mind. No one knows how, or why some people get them and not others. Mine appeared a few nights ago." Crawford in slippers and was almost enough to make Schuldig believe in karma, save for the fact that he hadn't yet been smote by lightning.

"There is a patient possessions room," he observed languidly, thoroughly enjoying himself. "But your gun wouldn't be there. Or your suit. Clothes only appear in the closets, and then arbitrarily...and as for the gun, well. You're supposed to have been a normal person before you came here, after all. Normal people don't carry guns. I'm not sure what you'd find in there, but it probably wouldn't be anything you'd find useful."


aversionoftruth March 9 2009, 19:51:01 UTC
It was a lot of nonsense to process, and Crawford hated when things didn't make sense. He leaned against his desk and said nothing for a minute, stewing in bitterness (if only for one missing thing it would be so easily manageable), and then pulled himself out of it just as quickly. If the clothes were arbitrary, and the patient possessions room had nothing useful, then the plan hadn't changed--that was that.

"You should get dressed," he said, looking at Schuldig again. "We're going out after Farfarello gets here."


k4t4str0ph4l March 9 2009, 20:02:43 UTC
"It's nothing he hasn't seen before," Schuldig replied, although he did get up and begin dressing. Crawford was clearly irritated, and while Schuldig loved pushing the man's buttons, he was - occasionally - capable of telling when it would be detrimental. And while he might well abandon Crawford to a rough initiation on his first night if he was too much of a pain in the ass(he still hadn't entirely forgiven the Oracle for refusing to believe him earlier), they'd probably all be better off if it didn't come to that.

Besides, Farfarello always groused about their frequent arguments, and it was about time for the Berserker to start getting violent again. It wouldn't be a good idea to test his patience right now, either.

"So where are we going, then?" Schuldig inquired once he at least had his pants on. "And did you want to talk before we leave, or not?"


aversionoftruth March 9 2009, 20:24:34 UTC
Crawford looked away at the implication. Schuldig's taste was completely beyond him.

"We're going to find resources," said Crawford, reaching for his journal where it lay open on his desk. He didn't need it for its intended purpose, of course, but the paper was good for things like this. He slid it close to him and pulled a pen out of the drawer. "Useful people: have you met any, or heard of any?"


jei March 9 2009, 20:37:59 UTC
[from here]

Farfarello was generally more of a barging-in type than a carefully-opening-the-door-a-crack type, but he didn't need to see Crawford naked, he really really didn't. So he listened for any sounds that would indicate that Schuldig and Crawford were still mid-coitus, and when he heard only talking he finally threw the door open the rest of the way. If they hadn't even started by now, that was just too fucking bad ( ... )


k4t4str0ph4l March 9 2009, 21:21:41 UTC
Schuldig had to bite back a laugh. It had never exactly been a secret that Crawford and Farfarello both failed to see the appeal he found in the other, but it always entertained him to see their distaste. Really, if he hadn't been attracted to either of them at all, their reactions alone would probably have been worth it ( ... )


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