Night 39: M21-M30 HALLWAY

Mar 06, 2009 21:55

As soon as the doors unlocked and night fell, Kira was up out of his bed and feeling around underneath it to take hold of his sword. When he stood, he paused and looked at the pillow; he recalled the night before when he'd failed to bring the pillowcase, and as such had caused difficulty for himself. He set down the blade and removed the pillowcase ( Read more... )

hanekoma, farfarello, kenren, homura, schuldig, adelheid, peter petrelli, kaoru, eddie brock, kira, blitzwing, sam winchester, wolfram, brad

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Comments 76

M21 lossofface March 9 2009, 00:51:00 UTC

Blitzwing quickly shoved his tray away and grabbed his flashlight, hesitating for a moment as he wondered whether he should also take along his own pillowcase. But no, he was the commander, and commanders never carried their own freight when they could force someone else to do it.

Last night had started out promising, but ended in disappointment. Tonight would be different, Blitzwing was sure of it.


lossofface March 9 2009, 18:31:59 UTC
[to here]


toadally4boobs March 9 2009, 02:56:37 UTC
Jiraiya moved quickly--he had to meet Naruto before Mr. H was done. He didn't want to make Naruto late, but he wanted some time with the kid.

After all, he wasn't sure how Naruto would react to his box. Naruto could take it fairly well, or he could freak the fuck out. It was either/or with the kid.

The Sannin was hoping to avoid something like that, but he knew that if Naruto got upset, he would have to have time to calm him down.

[To here.]


grosse_sklaven March 9 2009, 18:16:28 UTC
It still felt wonderful to be free from that curse. No marks, no exhaustion, no pain; if anything, Adelheid felt better than he had for a little while. Though that was likely because he was finally feeling anticipatory for the first time in awhile. Time to get some practice in; it felt like he'd been missing out on that for awhile.

So, taking sword and flashlight in hand, Adelheid moved out the hallway and towards his destination. Time to head to the Music Room.


grosse_sklaven March 9 2009, 18:21:37 UTC
M22 screwthegods March 20 2009, 05:16:04 UTC
[From here]"It doesn't sound so odd. You and I have both been here for some time, haven't we?" Homura grinned at the elder god as they headed down the hallways. He kept a watch out for monsters as always, though the trip was short, and less likely to involve such an encounter. He knew the way to Adelheid's room, though he hadn't told the man to expect them. In a way, the keys would be safer, as it would hopefully be more likely that Adelheid had hidden them. If he had known Homura was coming for them, the boy would have either left them someplace where they could be more easily found, or have told Homura where they were--and anyone else who might read the bulletin ( ... )


Re: M22 opposingheaven March 21 2009, 04:16:27 UTC
"Mmm, I guess that's true," Kenren agreed with a soft laugh. Apart from it being a prison apparently keeping their people brainwashed outside the walls, it was at least more entertaining that what he was used to. Then again, Kenren tended to thrive on chaos and unpredictability anyway, so that wasn't so surprising. "I just hope he manages to figure out what he wants for himself." Nataku had never had the chance before and it might be difficult to not fall back into old habits.

No-one around huh? Kenren felt a little awkward going into Adel's room without asking, but he could always leave a note right? Just to make sure that he didn't think anything had been stolen. He headed over to the desk, letting Homura check the closet, and began methodically to open the draws.


human_sponge March 10 2009, 02:36:44 UTC
Having wished Sam luck with whatever he was doing as the man rushed out, Peter was also quick to prepare for tonight's "mission." Heading for the doctor's offices probably wouldn't be all that dangerous, but Peter still made sure to grab his shovel; bringing the flashlight was a no-brainer, though he was starting to wonder when the batteries were going to run out. He still had a spare set, right?

He also took care to hide Nathan's file away in his desk. It hadn't been much help to him, but that didn't mean he wanted it to get confiscated. Then it might get back to Landel that he was looking into what had happened to his brother, and that couldn't end well.

There wasn't more much to do, and he couldn't keep Brooklyn waiting. Stepping out and closing the door behind him, Peter made his way down the hall.


human_sponge March 10 2009, 02:41:39 UTC
[To here.]


M29 toadally4boobs March 11 2009, 02:04:21 UTC
[From here.]

Jiraiya grinned as he opened the door and popped his head back into the room to check on Sanae. "Took care of Naruto. Got any idea of where you want to go?"

He walked into the room the rest of the way after that, closing the door behind himself.


Re: M29 catstreetblues March 11 2009, 02:34:31 UTC
"What? Well..." Sanae frowned as he stared at the printed map in his journal, flashlight held loosely in one hand. "I wouldn't mind going by the patient possessions room: might have something helpful there."

By "something helpful" he meant his cell phone, although it was just as likely to be in a similar state to Joshua's. That suited Sanae just fine, though: a little tinkering, and maybe he could wrangle some use from the hunk of metal. And of course there were also his sunglasses to consider.

"And...let's see...I'm going to need a coffee maker...maybe either the kitchen or the staff lounge?" He could leave the actual coffee for later; right now he needed equipment. "Let me know if this sounds too ambitious for one night."


Re: M29 toadally4boobs March 11 2009, 03:36:50 UTC
"The staff lounge would be more likely--I haven't seen them serving coffee to the patients, but I haven't been keeping track of it," Jiraiya shrugged. "The way to the kitchen is more dangerous, as its harder to slip by the turned patient defending the place."

He thought for a moment. "We can ask Renamon about it, if you want. It's possible that she's been in there. Either way, it'll take less time to go to the staff lounge and the patients possessions room than if we go to the cafeteria kitchen."


Re: M29 catstreetblues March 11 2009, 03:53:29 UTC
"Nah, no coffee at all, actually. Sanae shook his head. "Shame, too, but that's why I'm trying to get my hands on some."

He looked questioningly at his roommate at the mention of a 'turned patient' "And they've got patients blocking off the kitchen? Huh. That's weird, but I'll take your word for it."

Sanae stood up and brushed himself off out of habit. "And I meant the staff kitchen- sorry for not clarifying that bit- but actually I can probably leave that for another night." He smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Staff lounge and patient possessions room it is, I guess."


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