Night 39: M21-M30 HALLWAY

Mar 06, 2009 21:55

As soon as the doors unlocked and night fell, Kira was up out of his bed and feeling around underneath it to take hold of his sword. When he stood, he paused and looked at the pillow; he recalled the night before when he'd failed to bring the pillowcase, and as such had caused difficulty for himself. He set down the blade and removed the pillowcase ( Read more... )

hanekoma, farfarello, kenren, homura, schuldig, adelheid, peter petrelli, kaoru, eddie brock, kira, blitzwing, sam winchester, wolfram, brad

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M22 screwthegods March 20 2009, 05:16:04 UTC
[From here]

"It doesn't sound so odd. You and I have both been here for some time, haven't we?" Homura grinned at the elder god as they headed down the hallways. He kept a watch out for monsters as always, though the trip was short, and less likely to involve such an encounter. He knew the way to Adelheid's room, though he hadn't told the man to expect them. In a way, the keys would be safer, as it would hopefully be more likely that Adelheid had hidden them. If he had known Homura was coming for them, the boy would have either left them someplace where they could be more easily found, or have told Homura where they were--and anyone else who might read the bulletin.

Once they came to M22, Homura knocked, and waited long enough to confirm that there were no sounds of movement within before he opened the door. Stepping inside, the demi-god was pleased to see no one was there, and he waited until Kenren was in before closing the door behind them.

"I didn't tell Adelheid we were coming, so chances are we'll have to hunt for the keys. It works in our favor that there are limited places to hide them." The closet seemed the most likely, though the desk and the bed could also be utilized for such a purpose. They would simply have to search until they found the items in question. Homura decided to check the closet first, heading over to the space to begin searching through it.


Re: M22 opposingheaven March 21 2009, 04:16:27 UTC
"Mmm, I guess that's true," Kenren agreed with a soft laugh. Apart from it being a prison apparently keeping their people brainwashed outside the walls, it was at least more entertaining that what he was used to. Then again, Kenren tended to thrive on chaos and unpredictability anyway, so that wasn't so surprising. "I just hope he manages to figure out what he wants for himself." Nataku had never had the chance before and it might be difficult to not fall back into old habits.

No-one around huh? Kenren felt a little awkward going into Adel's room without asking, but he could always leave a note right? Just to make sure that he didn't think anything had been stolen. He headed over to the desk, letting Homura check the closet, and began methodically to open the draws.


Re: M22 screwthegods March 22 2009, 23:32:15 UTC
The circumstances that a person could find hope in were certainly strange; perhaps that was one of the few positive lessons that could be learned over the course of a stay in the prison. Though it remained true that Nataku could very well attempt to find someone to guide his choices, even in Landel's, Homura had his doubts about it happening. He paused in his search, grinning over his shoulder at Kenren. "It won't be easy, but I suspect he'll have at least two gods doing their best to keep him on the right path, in that regard. Or am I wrong?"

As valuable of a warrior as Nataku was, after all, Homura shared a bond with him that very few in the Heavens could possibly claim. That was enough to make him protective of the boy, in his own way.

Turning back to the closet, Homura continued to dig through the contents. He made a thorough search, looking under whatever piles he could, and searching through pockets. After several long minutes, he finally felt what he was looking for, and pulled out three of the keys; the fourth he left in the hiding place for Adelheid, as they had agreed to.

"I've got them." Homura moved over to Kenren, offering him one of the small items. "I wish there was a way to leave a copy of your key here; it might save time should he come back to his room tonight." Of course, someone else could find it, causing them to lose a potential advantage. Still, there were certain risks that would have to be taken to gain the rewards--in a timely manner, at least.


Re: M22 opposingheaven March 23 2009, 03:18:05 UTC
Kenren returned the grin easily, nodding in response. "I'd be pretty disappointed if the two gods in question didn't do their best to help him along with that kind of stuff." Now that Nataku was here, Kenren certainly intended for him to have the chance to do whatever he wanted. He deserved that much and more after what he'd been through. Even if he hadn't cared anything for Nataku, he would have owed it to Goku to see that his friend did well.

More searching turned up nothing, but apparently Homura had better luck. Kenren took the key from the other god and slipped it into the top of his uniform. It was a relief to have places to actually hold things. "Yeah, it would be nice to have more copies of them all," Kenren agreed. It just made sense and meant they'd all be able to cover more ground that way.


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