Nightshift 38: East Wing, Hall A

Jan 27, 2009 17:51

[From here.]Soubi was certain he knew the way now. He'd come along here with Ritsuka, alone....teasing the boy with that can. Oh yes. He'd enjoyed that, though they'd had discussions about things Soubi would rather have hidden from. But you can't win them all ( Read more... )

methos, allen, clark kent, xellos, superboy, porky, soubi, sora, brainiac 5, indiana jones, sanzo

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Comments 90

broken_exorcist January 28 2009, 18:11:36 UTC
[[from here]]

It was completely dark when they approached the hallway, but it didn't look like there was anything out here just yet. Hopefully it would remain that way. Probably depended on whether or not the Janitor's closet was locked or not or if they'd have to knock it down.

"Should be that one," Allen pointed out.


scintillatingly January 29 2009, 02:22:59 UTC
It really hadn't taken them long at all to get here: that's what was running through Sora's head as he stopped in front of the door Allen had pointed out. And when he thought about it, getting around the institute wasn't that hard if you weren't held up by anything. It was just that more often than not something came out of the shadows to attack, and that was what slowed them down.

Figuring that he shouldn't jinx them, Sora decided not to say any of that out loud. Instead, he reached forward and grabbed the doorknob, not too surprised to see that it was locked. He couldn't summon his Keyblade for something like this, so he was just going to have to tackle it like he always did.

Sora made a motion with his hand to indicate that Allen should get out of the way. "Here goes," he said as he backed up to get a running start.


broken_exorcist January 30 2009, 05:40:28 UTC
When they reached the door and Sora started backing up, it took Allen a moment to realize that he meant to take a go at it. While he wasn't sure how good an idea it might be, he didn't really have a better one to contribute, so he made a hasty retreat.


scintillatingly January 30 2009, 08:48:18 UTC
Once Allen was safely out of the way (and hadn't insisted on doing it himself, surprisingly enough), Sora nodded to himself, clenching his fists for a moment as he got ready to throw himself at the door.

Without further ado, he raced at it, and once he had almost reached it, he half-jumped and shoved his side against it. It hurt - it always did - and the lock budged, but didn't break.

Sora took a few shaky steps back and eyed his "opponent" for a moment. The locks never broke on the first try, though, so he was prepared to go at it again.


gottabetactile February 3 2009, 05:27:57 UTC
[from here]

"You're calling me crazy for trying to open a door? This from the guy who's talking about killing someone? Man, you suck!" Kon laughed cheerfully, his earlier concern about attracting giant monsters completely forgotten. This time he was certain Sanzo was exaggerating with the talk of killing the head doctor. He was a good guy and good guys didn't kill.

Sauntering down the next hall Kon looked over the names of each room. Most of them didn't seem worth the time, laundry, mail, water. Boring. He could hear voices from inside the janitor's closet but what the hell would you expect to find in there? The name on the last door on the right made him pull up short.

"Hey man, check this out!" Patient possessions had to mean their stuff would be in there! Maybe he could get his costume back. If he was really lucky his Hypertime jacket might be in there too. Even if he couldn't leave yet, he'd feel way better knowing where it was. And that it hadn't blown up and vaporised someone or anything like that.


31st_of_china February 3 2009, 08:17:39 UTC
Patient possessions was new. He'd only seen the file room, but even he was curious to whether this was from their real lives, or the fake ones the institute had crafted. Sanzo doubted Landel would be in here. But either way, it was a chance at ammo. It was a start.

"Fine, open it." Sanzo stepped back. No reason why he had to waste effort screwing with the doors if Kid could do it. "Don't play dumb," he added. "you know exactly what I meant."

Considering Kid's earlier reaction to the talk about killing Landel, this was different. Sanzo hadn't been joking. There was plenty of reason to want this man dead. He was dangerous. Leaving him alive would only lead to the risk of all this happening again, even if they managed to escape.


gottabetactile February 3 2009, 11:59:17 UTC
Cockily saluting his partner, Kon turned to press his hand against the door, taking a deep breath to steady himself. It would work this time, it had to!

Beginning to reach for his TTK, Kon frowned and hesitated. It felt... wrong somehow. A little like something was missing and he was just fishing about where it used to be.

Nah, he was just being stupid now. Shaking it off he tried to push the TTK out into the door again but this time not only did it definitely not work, his head exploded in pain as soon as he tried. Dropping his flashlight, Kon yelped again and stumbled backwards, clutching at his head. It couldn't be the end of the night already could it? He didn't know why else his head would be aching like this again, like it had at the end of last night. Screwing his eyes shut, Kon hunched over, still clutching his throbbing head and wishing they'd just knock him out already!


31st_of_china February 3 2009, 18:54:37 UTC
Of all the things he'd expected (more cockiness, more flirting despite the warning otherwise, more of him being an idiot), this wasn't it. Kid had suddenly dropped, crying out in main and clutching at his head. There wasn't any mistaking the sudden agony going through his body.

"What's wrong?" Sanzo demanded. This was a sudden change, one that made him instantly wary. Had the door been trapped? Or was it something new? This reaction was far too close to a youkai about to go apeshit from the Minus Wave.

The monk didn't draw close to check on him just yet, hand tightening on the gun.


broken_exorcist February 5 2009, 05:36:55 UTC
[[from here]]

He followed Sora out into the hall, giving the gentlemen a little more space in the cramped closet. Allen pulled out the map again, glancing over it as they walked.

"It looks like it might save us some time if leave the institute this way," he pointed out, tracing a line from their position to the area around the greenhouse. The other way might be just as likely to have those giant birds, but at least there was the small chance they might escape without a fight.


scintillatingly February 5 2009, 06:38:54 UTC
While Sora felt bad for leaving so suddenly, he and Allen needed to get a move on, and he was sure that Indiana and Adam had things to do too. With the extension cords safely retrieved, he was even more determined to get to the quarry before the night was over.

When Allen started saying something about the map, Sora quickly shuffled over and watched. The way Allen was showing wasn't a route that Sora had ever tired before, but he was open to ideas, especially if it would be faster.

"All right!" he chirped. "Lead the way, then?" He had only gotten a quick glance at the map, so he didn't mind leaving it up to Allen until they got over the wall.


broken_exorcist February 5 2009, 21:29:55 UTC
Sora didn't object, so Allen tried to memorize the path before folding the map up and walking down the dark hallway. It really wasn't far, so hopefully they'd be able to do some exploring in the outside areas. He hadn't been there before and he was curious how a person could make it so far and still be collected by this place come morning. It was a curious phenomenon, however it was they managed it.

"Alright," he said, finally gaining a little enthusiasm. "Follow me."

[[to here]]


emotionl4arobot February 6 2009, 08:38:06 UTC
[from here before the monster attack]

This hallway was relatively empty, with only two others currently here. Brainiac 5 spared them a quick glance before looking back up at Clark. "I'm not quite sure where to go from here, perhaps one of these rooms is a store room?"


son_ofkrypton February 6 2009, 09:25:16 UTC
Clark took a look around, shining his flashlight on the first couple of doors in turn. The first sign said "Laundry Room" - somehow he doubted they'd find any flashlights there. Mail Room? Nah. Clark roamed a bit further down the hall, noticing that the signs suddenly seemed to vanish. "Hey," he said quietly, motioning Brainy over as he tried the handle of an unmarked door on the right. Locked. Of course.

At least he could still handle the doors (sorta). Clark took a breath. This wasn't the first time he'd opened doors, but it was the first time he'd done it with an audience who knew he had powers. It felt weird to know Brainy was watching him and might not even find the fact he could break locks by poking them or bench press tractors freaky or weird at all. Feeling somehow self-conscious, Clark knelt a little and lined up his finger with the lock where you'd put the key and then poked it. It fell out the other side with a quiet chunkClark recoiled, wincing as pain suddenly shot up his finger. He cradled it, but as far as he could ( ... )


son_ofkrypton February 6 2009, 09:37:31 UTC
[To here]


emotionl4arobot February 8 2009, 11:14:55 UTC
[from here]

Back out in the hallway, Brainiac 5 glanced around, noting that one of the doors further up had apparently already been broken into and was hanging open. "Over there?" he suggested. At least Clark wouldn't have to waste any of his abilities on opening the door for them, which considering how he'd hurt himself so easily last time, had to be a good thing.


enigmaticmedium February 6 2009, 12:06:27 UTC
[from here]

Xelloss's immediate instinct was to look towards the janitor's closet, which a quick shine of the flashlight revealed had already been opened. "Oh, dear. Well, we were a little late, and there may be some interesting things left there! If not, we can try the other rooms."

Further down the hallway, another monster, one he hadn't seen before, and another set of patients he didn't know. He glanced in that direction too, but didn't comment this time on the monster, presumably because the 'monster orientation' part of the tour was over.


piggy_king February 7 2009, 01:31:26 UTC
Drats. There was no doubt that all of the useful things had been taken by the other patients if the room had already been looted. So inconsiderate. No matter, though. Porky prided himself on his resourcefulness, so finding something to fight with shouldn't be too hard for him. That is, unless the other patients had been greedy and taken what they didn't need...which they probably had. Humans couldn't be trusted to act how they should act, after all ( ... )


enigmaticmedium February 7 2009, 19:17:43 UTC
"Yes, the janitor's closet! It's very popular with patients." Xelloss had noticed Porky's look over at the monster, but he didn't seem to be frightened again. As long as they didn't have to worry about the fight, Xelloss didn't care too much either, as amusing as the mental image of Porky trying to flee such a creature was.

"Since it's been picked, don't be too disappointed if you can't find anything at first! It also tends to be a very messy room."

[moving them in here]


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