Nightshift 38: M1- M10 Hallway

Jan 24, 2009 12:03

Dean had taken a nap after dinner, figuring that he might as well grab whatever rest he could before he took off trying to find supplies for a full-blown exorcism. His sleep was fitful, the hunter tossing and turning in the bed, eventually settling for sprawling face down in it with his arms flung around his pillow. When he woke up, Angel was gone ( Read more... )

ren, ronixis, kvothe, peter petrelli, anise, hanatarou, levi, teisel, sora, sam winchester, asch, junpei, zex, leon magnus, angel, kristoph, superboy, alec, dean winchester, mello

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Comments 113

[outside M6] for_marian January 25 2009, 19:15:30 UTC
[from here]

Leon wasn't staggering by the time he made it to the correct hallway, but that was largely because it took a great deal to make Leon lose control that much. He was definitely feeling the effects of dragging around a heavy bundle of metal the night after being fairly seriously injured, and not just in that the cuts on his back had re-opened somewhat. At least this place's rapid healing meant that he wasn't gushing blood like he would have been without that extra help in recovery.

Catching his breath once more, Leon let go of the sack of metal and raised his good hand to rap sharply on the door to M6.


Re: [outside M6] felled_hero January 25 2009, 20:41:11 UTC
Hughes was already up and about after his roommate had slipped out, getting himself ready for the night. Maybe they were suffering, but he was going to keep on getting weapons to people and making sure they could use them.

"Come in!" he called at the knock, this time staying away from the door and keeping a knife in his hand. He wasn't about to take any chances.


Re: [outside M6] for_marian January 26 2009, 03:18:34 UTC
Leon exercised caution as he opened the door, as well, not wanting to get caught in some sort of trap. He kept himself out of the path of fire as the door swung open, and only after a heartbeat passed and nothing happened did Leon come around into view and enter the room.

"Would you mind grabbing the metal?" Leon knew it was possibly rude to ask the smith to do more work, but he gestured to the fresh blood staining the back and shoulder of his shirt and hoped that the older man would understand the problem--carrying that metal was aggravating his wounds.


Re: [outside M6] felled_hero January 26 2009, 19:18:38 UTC
"Shit," Hughes exclaimed, seeing the blood and the way the man was angled in pain. He rushed over to take the metal, and offer his shoulder. This was probably Leon, here for his weapon.

"Take a seat on the bed," he instructed. He wasn't going to let the man go out there with open wounds. "Have you had these looked at?"


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Re: M3 cnflctofintrst January 26 2009, 14:53:47 UTC
Mello didn't seem interested in leaving his room. After finishing his notes he snapped the book shut and then stood up before pulling a box from under his bed. He inspected the contents carefully--nothing of strategic value, really, but definitely of interest in learning more about the world beyond the institute. He'd have to return the box to Kagura soon, he knew, so he wanted to make sure he didn't miss any detail. The vintage of the wine was memorized, though it was impossible to tell how old the bottle was without knowing if time out there moved the same as time in here. Most likely it did, and the outside world was now set somewhere between late 2008 and early 2009 ( ... )


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Outside M3 wantsyourzex January 27 2009, 01:01:33 UTC
[From here]

If his counting was correct, this should be the proper hallway, and this should be the proper door. "Here we are." ZEX gave Teisel a glance, keeping his thoughts focused on his human friend's body rather than other more depressing topics, so he could be in a more friendly mood. After all, new humans meant new companions and new chances for sexual encounters, and he was loath to let any of those pass him by. He had a passion for collecting things, and humans were no exception.

ZEX tapped on the door with his light, and he smiled somewhat to himself. "This is going to be interesting..." Especially if this Mello was particularly attractive, although there were practically no humans that didn't fit that description for ZEX.


blurred_divide January 26 2009, 04:25:37 UTC
His roommate had, to Angel's surprise, promptly rolled over and taken a nap shortly after dinner. It was the first patient he'd seen who had done this, although it didn't seem like an illogical thing to do. Brian did look pretty banged up and frankly, if more people stayed inside when they needed to, it would probably be easier to keep safe.

Not that he didn't understand the inability to just sit there and do nothing. Either way, Brian sleeping was good because Angel was starting to wonder how he was going to explain away his small stash of medieval weaponry. Weapons weren't uncommon in and of themselves, but he knew few people would've specifically sought out to obtain a double-headed axe.

He grabbed his things, including Anya's sword -- a part of him already knew she wouldn't be showing up tonight, but there was still a maybe -- before slipping quietly out the door.


blurred_divide January 26 2009, 04:38:22 UTC
[going here]


M5 jesuslandicious January 26 2009, 16:34:51 UTC
Lev double- and triple-checked that he had everything he needed. Flashlight, pens, and the maps that were pinned up for him on the bulletin earlier that day. Not much to carry, especially in the way of weaponry, but it certainly was better than nothing.

He opened the door slowly and tip-toed out, trying to see the map in the dark. Squinting, he could barely make out the F-A hallway he was headed towards. He was saving his batteries for when he really needed them.

And with that, Lev headed out to the F-A hallway.

[to here.]


M10 janus_006 January 28 2009, 00:09:46 UTC
The day had been absolutely worthless. As usual. Really, Alec was beginning to wonder why he even bothered.

What Armand had been through last night was brutal. Yeah, so maybe he'd been a little insensitive, but like hell he was going to admit that. Snorting, he changed into his own clothes rather than the Institute's uniform, took his pillowcase of painkillers (just in case), knife, flashlight, and radio, then left.

[to here.]


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