Nightshift 38: M1- M10 Hallway

Jan 24, 2009 12:03

Dean had taken a nap after dinner, figuring that he might as well grab whatever rest he could before he took off trying to find supplies for a full-blown exorcism. His sleep was fitful, the hunter tossing and turning in the bed, eventually settling for sprawling face down in it with his arms flung around his pillow. When he woke up, Angel was gone ( Read more... )

ren, ronixis, kvothe, peter petrelli, anise, hanatarou, levi, teisel, sora, sam winchester, asch, junpei, zex, leon magnus, angel, kristoph, superboy, alec, dean winchester, mello

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Comments 113

M3 mitase January 24 2009, 22:21:06 UTC
Hanatarou had already been halfway changed when Sora had looked around, so it wasn't as though anything had been really visible, but between his roommate's reaction and his own tendency toward embarrassment about everything he was still blushing bright pink by the time the night announcement came and the lights turned off.

The healer fastened his bag in place and adjusted the strap with trembling fingers, then bowed and stammered a polite, if mostly incoherent, farewell to Sora. With that he quickly picked up his flashlight and headed out. He had a lot to get done this evening, and had to move as fast as he (safely) could.


Re: M3 mitase January 24 2009, 22:30:32 UTC
[going here]


gottabetactile January 24 2009, 23:27:29 UTC
[from here]

Kon scowled at the door as the head loser started bitching them out over the intercom. "What is with these losers? He acts like its our fault he's a psycho."

Shrugging he turned back to Kurt to check how he was doing. He rubbed a hand against Kurt's arm wanting to feel his fur again. He hadn't gotten to touch him much after he changed last night and that was something he needed to fix.


fuzzy_diablo January 24 2009, 23:48:00 UTC
The hologram around Kurt's body slowly fizzled out and away, starting at the top of his head and moving all the way down, ending at the wrist with his med bracelet. He was furry again, and smiled a little awkwardly when he realized Kon was petting him of all things.

He wasn't freaking out this time--probably because he knew it was going to happen--but he was still nervous on the inside. Ururu would be coming now, and who knew when she'd arrive.

"Yeah, it's weird. If he's so upset about having to replace us all when... well, you don't think he'd just let us out."


gottabetactile January 25 2009, 00:12:44 UTC
Kon hadn't noticed the bracelet before but after seeing the way Kurt changed he stared at it, trying to figure out how it worked. He knew telepaths could project images and stuff to hide themselves but how could a bracelet do that?

"Exactly! I hate guys like that!" Kon continued to stroke Kurt's fur, letting his hands wander aimlessly over his exposed skin as he craned his head, trying to see where Kurt's tail was.

"You must be able to do some really cool stuff with that," He mused aloud. Yeah, he needed to get going if he wanted to put a stop to this place tonight but he could spare a few minutes.


fuzzy_diablo January 25 2009, 00:27:34 UTC
Kurt tilted his head, trying to see what Kon was looking at. He smiled, a little deviously, when he figured out what he was trying to see.

"What, you mean this?" He poked Kon in the forehead with the devil-like tip of his tail, grinning. "I can hang from stuff with it, but it's not very strong yet. I try not to do too much with it besides use it for balance."


dasgift January 25 2009, 01:39:11 UTC
Not many men could claim the privilege of knowing ahead of their time. Kristoph was fortunate to fall under such luck this particular evening. Thanks to his foresight, he checked the bulletin shortly before dinner announcement and thus, stumbled upon information. Or an exchange, rather, between good Mr. Teru and the man he would love nothing more than to bury under a hundred feet of dirt.

Of course, he could not let this opportunity slip by another night. He had no choice; Crane had forced his hand. Between stealing his file and blackmailing, the doctor deserved any retaliation from Kristoph's side. There was the slight chance of involving an additional person, but with careful planning, he could possibly pull it off without alerting the prosecutor.

No, it had to work. No amount of second guessing or ill-favored consequence would prevent the man from ridding himself of his most immediate threat. He could kill two if needs be ( ... )


whos_da_man January 25 2009, 04:32:04 UTC
Junpei had eventually discovered his meal and ate it, enthused that he had such good taste of food in his dreams. He'd been a little hesitant, wondering if somehow in his dream one of the girls would have made his meal, but decided his subconscious wouldn't torture him like that. Messing with a man's room was one thing, but messing with a man's meal was something completely different ( ... )


scintillatingly January 25 2009, 10:00:59 UTC
Hanatarou had left in a hurry, but Sora didn't blame him for doing so. It sounded like he had a lot of places to be tonight, and Sora just hoped that Arts and Crafts didn't spread his roommate too thin. There was only so much one person could handle. (Not that he ever applied that logic to himself.)

He was curious how he and Allen would do tonight. Groups of two sometimes made more progress than three, but it was always a little risky, and the time he had spent with Goofy and Donald had made him most comfortable with three. But he got the feeling he and Allen could be a good team! Or he hoped so, at least.

The head doctor's mention of something new had Sora frowning - didn't they have enough to worry about already? But he wouldn't let the man's words get to him. Instead, he grabbed his flashlight and the map Momo had given him and headed out the door and down the hall.


scintillatingly January 25 2009, 10:16:38 UTC
[To here.]


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