Nightshift 38: M1- M10 Hallway

Jan 24, 2009 12:03

Dean had taken a nap after dinner, figuring that he might as well grab whatever rest he could before he took off trying to find supplies for a full-blown exorcism. His sleep was fitful, the hunter tossing and turning in the bed, eventually settling for sprawling face down in it with his arms flung around his pillow. When he woke up, Angel was gone ( Read more... )

ren, ronixis, kvothe, peter petrelli, anise, hanatarou, levi, teisel, sora, sam winchester, asch, junpei, zex, leon magnus, angel, kristoph, superboy, alec, dean winchester, mello

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Re: M3 cnflctofintrst January 26 2009, 14:53:47 UTC
Mello didn't seem interested in leaving his room. After finishing his notes he snapped the book shut and then stood up before pulling a box from under his bed. He inspected the contents carefully--nothing of strategic value, really, but definitely of interest in learning more about the world beyond the institute. He'd have to return the box to Kagura soon, he knew, so he wanted to make sure he didn't miss any detail. The vintage of the wine was memorized, though it was impossible to tell how old the bottle was without knowing if time out there moved the same as time in here. Most likely it did, and the outside world was now set somewhere between late 2008 and early 2009 ( ... )


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Outside M3 wantsyourzex January 27 2009, 01:01:33 UTC
[From here]

If his counting was correct, this should be the proper hallway, and this should be the proper door. "Here we are." ZEX gave Teisel a glance, keeping his thoughts focused on his human friend's body rather than other more depressing topics, so he could be in a more friendly mood. After all, new humans meant new companions and new chances for sexual encounters, and he was loath to let any of those pass him by. He had a passion for collecting things, and humans were no exception.

ZEX tapped on the door with his light, and he smiled somewhat to himself. "This is going to be interesting..." Especially if this Mello was particularly attractive, although there were practically no humans that didn't fit that description for ZEX.


Re: Outside M3 no_barbarian January 27 2009, 02:36:23 UTC
Here they were. Teisel took a second to compose himself. He didn't know anything about this other guy, so he'd have to be ready for anything. It looked like Zex was being pretty openly friendly; it might be best if Teisel looked a little less so. Not menacing, really, but he didn't want this guy to think he was running the show here.

As Zex knocked on the door, Teisel's grip on the fork tightened. What he was supposed to do with it should something go wrong was beyond him.


Re: Outside M3 cnflctofintrst January 28 2009, 06:12:13 UTC
"I know you can't," Mello told Asch blandly. There was no criticism in his voice; he seemed to be doing nothing more than stating a fact. "You don't have a weapon, and I've seen skilled and armed swordsmen lose to these things." It wasn't true that he'd witnessed it, but he figured that the phrasing would be more convincing than saying he'd heard it secondhand. "And no, I'm waiting for people. The hospital keeps files that could help us figure out why they choose us, so we're going to grab some of them ( ... )


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Re: Outside M3 wantsyourzex January 28 2009, 06:38:41 UTC
ZEX gave Teisel an awkward attempt at a satisfied smile. There were few, if any, situations where ZEX would ever feel self-conscious, and this certainly did not qualify. Completely confident despite the awkwardness of his human body, ZEX opened the door and walked right in, glancing back at Teisel to see if he was following.

There were two humans here... well, Mello's invitation hadn't been exclusive. Which one was Mello? Well, he'd find out soon enough. ZEX rested a hand on the medals on his chest.

"Greetings." Attempting to mimic a human smile, and it didn't quite look natural. As always, he tried to keep his voice as friendly as possible to defuse possible hostility. It was difficult to remember that most of the humans here hadn't experienced the War, and would have no reason to resent him for it. "We spoke on the messageboard earlier about Max Vyer's file. I'm Admiral ZEX." He waved an arm in Teisel's direction. "I hope you don't mind that I brought a friend."

ZEX assumed that Teisel would prefer to introduce himself.


Re: Outside M3 no_barbarian January 28 2009, 08:52:17 UTC
Teisel had been ready for one guy--he wasn't so sure about two. Whichever one of them was the guide (Teisel's money was on the shrimpy one, though neither of them were exactly big) might have had the same idea as the admiral. Well, if Admiral Zex wasn't bothered by it, then Teisel would just go with it. That didn't mean he wouldn't keep an eye on things.

At Zex's cue, he started to offer his hand, but thought better of it. "Teisel Bonne." He settled for a slight nod. No point in being overly friendly; Zex looked to be taking care of that part.


Re: Outside M3 human_sponge January 29 2009, 03:51:22 UTC
[From here.]

As Peter made his way down toward the end of the hall, keeping track of the sound of Sam's footsteps to make sure the man was following, he was somewhat surprised to see that the door of M3 was partly open. He moved in front of it and directed the beam of his flashlight inside, only to see that the room was already pretty crowded. It looked like this Mello guy was popular.

Not to mention one of the men who was standing was wearing something that was definitely not the regular uniform. Peter had seen a few patients in strange outfits wandering around, but it was a little different getting a glimpse up close.

He drew up to the doorway and then paused, moving to the side so that Sam could stand next to him if he wanted.

"Umm," he started, glancing into the room and trying to determine who Mello was. Probably the blond or the redhead, right? The other two looked like they had just arrived. "I was looking for Mello?"


Re: Outside M3 allroadslead January 29 2009, 08:18:55 UTC
Peter had said a patient, but it seemed the number had multiplied a bit into four somewhere down the line. One of whom was dressed a bit, uh. Different ( ... )


Re: Outside M3 cnflctofintrst January 29 2009, 09:36:24 UTC
"The more the merrier," Mello said to the man who introduced himself as Admiral Zex. It wasn't completely true; more bodies were better in the instance of an attack, but so many people could limit the progress they made, especially if they encountered conflict. "Asch'll be coming with us too," he said, indicating his roommate's presence with a jerk of his chin ( ... )


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Re: Outside M3 wantsyourzex January 29 2009, 18:56:00 UTC
There, it was much better to be able to attach a name to a face. So the yellow-haired human was Mello... what interesting marks along his face. Perhaps he'd been attacked here once before, and still bore some scars from the experience? If those were scars, after all, and not some odd form of human coloration.

And then, more humans! Although it didn't seem like they'd be joining them tonight, if a file was all they wanted. ZEX quietly enjoyed the attention that was being paid to him for his outfit. It did make him wonder briefly why he was the only one who had so far been so lucky as to have it returned, but that wasn't important. What was important was looking over the two new humans who had arrived, and giving them... appropriate consideration. The one in the back seemed to smile at him when he gave him a look, so ZEX gave him an open leer in return. How better to communicate his interest for human relations ( ... )


Re: Outside M3 no_barbarian January 30 2009, 20:45:07 UTC
Too many people! Teisel shifted a little closer to Zex to make room, fidgeting nervously. There was supposed to be one extra person, not four; how was a guy supposed to keep track of all this? The last two guys seemed to be heading on their own way again, but cripes...!

He nodded in agreement with Zex, figuring that keeping quiet was the best way to avoid any screw-ups for the moment, though it was easier said than done. The fork wasn't going to be very useful. Of course, the scalpels would probably break as soon as they had to use them, but at least they'd do some damage for the three seconds before they snapped in half.


Re: Outside M3 human_sponge January 30 2009, 21:56:13 UTC
So that was Mello. Peter waited as patiently as he could while the blond man went for the file, and it was only when he came over to hand it to him that Peter was able to see the scarring on his face. He did his best not to flinch at the sight of it - it had been unexpected, that was all - and instead took the file from him. He was curious about what had happened to the younger man (he looked barely past his teenage years, now that Peter could really see him), but now definitely wasn't the time to ask.

Especially with the sorts of comments that the man in the uniform was making, and the looks he was giving. His one look (with intentions that couldn't be mistaken) went right over Peter's shoulder, which meant that the stranger was directing it at Sam in particular. That probably wasn't the best way for the new arrival to be introduced to the patient population ( ... )


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